Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.

We need to challenge these universities over their rising tuition costs. A source of the problem.
It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.
Your correct college isn't meant for everyone,my daughter went and loved it got a degree in teaching, My son hated school I never tried to push him for college waste of money but what is ironic he makes more than her. He works at Bush Beans and she teaches 3rd grade.
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It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.

And that is a personal choice. Don’t take it if you can’t pay it back. Go learn a trade or better yet educate yourself at a public library.
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It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.
It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.
Where you get your degree from means far less than it used to. All that matters now is that you have one and made good use of your time and connections with profs while at school. That can be done anywhere. Kids are not choosing where they go to school, how much they’re willing to pay, and what they choose to study for good reasons. It’s the USA being debt happy and disconnected from personal finance basics 101. Make personal finance, college prep more, and career exploration/pursuit more of an emphasis in high schools instead of general education and this will not be as much of an issue as it is today. Make classes for PARENTS virtually accessible so they can counsel their kids on how to build a life beyond primary education. A senior in high school who is bad at math does not need to be doing calculus to fulfill a requirement. NOBODY should be going to an out of state school paying a 14% variable rate on student loans for a degree they can also attain instate. NOBODY should be going to a private school to study art or religious studies for $60k annually. EVERYBODY should know what they will need to make and how to attain the job in order to pay off $xyz of student loans within a timeframe that will not make you sacrifice saving for retirement or depend on forgiveness to avoid financial ruin. It starts with the basics at the primary level and recognizing that the majority of children will not receive this education at home because we didn’t not well enough make it accessible to prior generations. If we don’t put the emphasis on these crucial and applicable life knowledge topics, then WE are failing our children and creating the issue of having academically “well rounded” children with no sense of direction or ability to function in the real world, who will be crippled by the weight of having made idealistic decisions without any knowledge of the weight and repercussions that those decisions come with. Make these lessons more of an emphasis early on and provide truley helpful guidance and then we will have responsible and accountable young people who don’t need forgiveness to go make a better life for themselves and the world around them.
Guessing you went through when college was a few thousand bucks a year. Super boomer vibes.
No I’m 37
Took out a loan to start a business
Paid it back
I was and am still fortunate that business took off

I don’t agree with people having college loans and knowing the terms and then wanting it paid back by other people when they dont feel like paying for it
It’s YOUR responsibility to pay back what you borrowed

Nobody is gonna pay off my mortgage or my loan for a new excavator, why should we as tax payers pay off loans for students?
It’s saying he overreached by wiping out billions of debt…not within his powers. Don’t disagree.
I don't either, but the ruling did leave it open to loan forgiveness. Though it'll never pass no matter who holds majority
And that is a personal choice. Don’t take it if you can’t pay it back. Go learn a trade or better yet educate yourself at a public library.
I agree but someone shouldn’t have to have a job at 14 and manage a bud schedule to figure out how to get to the library to sift through an encyclopedias worth of information to learn these basic skills about hard life lessons they don’t know are awaiting them. Publically funded education exists for a reason and it should start there. Teach the right things there and they will know what’s truly important and be better equipped to direct their focus towards things that matter most. At the risk of shortening their innocence and childhood (which in other countries happens far earlier anyways), this is the way towards ensuring better quality of life for the masses.
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It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.
Pressured by whom? Parents and school counselors?
It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.

Yeah, and we will bail out the banks who make the loans in a heartbeat. I’ve always paid off my debts, but there’s a lot more to this than just: “pay your bills.”
Your correct college isn't meant for everyone,my daughter went and loved it got a degree in teaching, My son hated school I never tried to push him for college waste of money but what is ironic he makes more than her. He works at Bush Beans and she teaches 3rd grade.
But has he met Duke?
Some of the smartest people that I've worked with in IT did not have a college degree. They were crazy problem solvers and had great jobs. They did classes (mostly online) later in life because a degree was a requirement for them to get a promotion or raise, or move into management/operations.

Some of the worst people I've ever come in contact with were in VP or higher roles because they knew someone, or their family knew someone, or they just rode a cash wave through the first 22 years of their life and got to reap the benefits of the connections/opportunities it bought them. College was an afterthought for their whole life and they just went because they "had to" and then they landed in a great job. I should add that a great majority of them were not qualified at all to have their job or lead people. Some of them weren't qualified to have a job at all.

I've really know executives that started on the shop floor, or door to door, or doing the job that nobody wanted to do, and made it to the top after decades. I don't think that's been a real possibility for Gen-X, Millennial, and now Gen Z.

Those first two examples that I brought up are admittedly outliers. A majority of Gen-X, Millennials, and now Gen Z just went/go to college because it was the next thing to do, and a requirement to have basically any job.

Trades should be embraced again, and taught earlier. Nothing wrong with identifying that a child or teen is more apt to excel in a trade.
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If that’s what you think, that’s fine. But I did call burn commitment to the date, no one saw that coming, I also told next 5 commits in order. And I’m 3 for 3 on that list. About to be 4 of 4. I told you all that Staley was on board weeks ago. I don’t listen to AP, and certainly not Callahan. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Staley was one I haven’t heard of but I trust you. I’m sure you know some of the same things I do and there are several who are in the fold but just waiting for “their” day.
Staley was one I haven’t heard of but I trust you. I’m sure you know some of the same things I do and there are several who are in the fold but just waiting for “their” day.
It’s all good. 😁. I share what I hear. The reader can decide if they want to believe or not. I only started posting because people posting are always so vague. 🤣
No I’m 37
Took out a loan to start a business
Paid it back
I was and am still fortunate that business took off

I don’t agree with people having college loans and knowing the terms and then wanting it paid back by other people when they dont feel like paying for it
It’s YOUR responsibility to pay back what you borrowed

Nobody is gonna pay off my mortgage or my loan for a new excavator, why should we as tax payers pay off loans for students?
The irony of needing a degree to get a well paid job yet still not enough income to pay off a loan.
Maybe these universities need to lower their costs

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