Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Horrible marketing with the X, it’s almost like he’s trying to tank Twitter. 🤔 Interesting.

He never wanted to buy it (he was always just running his mouth) but then his own behavior kinda forced him to. Then he tried to tank it to make it cheaper and he's done other weird stuff with it. Not much would surprise me with him. He's one of the richest people in the world so obviously his mid-life crisis has to be bigger than just buying a sports car. But as a social network, Twitter is big enough that the rest of us are kinda along for the ride to crazy town whether we want to be or not.
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I don't believe that anyone posting to this forum has legitimate inside information into what this kid is going to do. We're all just reading tea leaves and speculating. You probably don't mean it to sound this way, but your tone comes across as a lecture. There is nothing wrong with a little optimism. If he goes to Texas ... he goes to Texas. Tennessee will be just fine at WR either way.
Wouldn’t you have to have inside info to believe no one else’s does ? Like saying “There is no absolute truth.” That in itself is an absolute truth.
Wouldn’t you have to have inside info to believe no one else’s does ? Like saying “There is no absolute truth.” That in itself is an absolute truth.
No. You really just have to be a 10 year member of VolNation, and a frequent visitor of the recruiting forum to see how the people who profess to have inside information are almost always just full of $hit. The track record of "insiders" on here sucks.
There’s also more to life WITH money! I won’t defend anything he’s done to get where he is, but he ain’t a clown! Not by my definition anyway.
bozos is also. but hey good on them for making that money. if thats their idea of success then good on them.
by his own admission tesla nearly filed bankruptcy. he despises bailouts yet hs taken billions in subsidies. clown. he equivocates on any political issue so it's to his benefit
"Nearly" and now look at it. Doing it his way. Respect the guy. He's traditionally voted for lliberals but is a proponent of free speech. Instead of the woke "misinformation" mob that ran Twitter like it's own personal cartel.
Interesting, because from what I’m seeing in this thread, you’re the head mouthbreather. Didn’t realize posting a post visit interview with a big time recruit would cause so much angst in a forum designed to discuss recruiting. But carry on explaining to us the pitfalls of taking in positive information.

Just ignore me, please. No one wants to read your rebuttals that miss the point by a country mile.
"Nearly" and now look at it. Doing it his way. Respect the guy. He's traditionally voted for lliberals but is a proponent of free speech. Instead of the woke "misinformation" mob that ran Twitter like it's own personal cartel.
disagree. but that's where my knowledge level drops. i dont keep up with that crap
Just ignore me, please. No one wants to read your rebuttals that miss the point by a country mile.
You speak for the masses now? You’re really full of yourself. You’re not the self appointed Grand Poobah around here. You’re not a tribal elder on an anonymous message board. You’re just a clown that gets his jollies off thinking people give a sh!$ what you think. Get a clue, no one cares. You bring nothing to the table. You are a sideshow act on a message board where people come to talk about recruiting. Do everyone a favor and just ignore this board. You’re a clown
Horrible marketing with the X, it’s almost like he’s trying to tank Twitter. 🤔 Interesting.
Heard someone say the other day that he has plans for some kind of banking thing with digital money in the future so he’s not really worried about the social media part. I don’t know if they know what they’re talking about, but it’s fun to watch.
You speak for the masses now? You’re really full of yourself. You’re not the self appointed Grand Poobah around here. You’re not a tribal elder on an anonymous message board. You’re just a clown that gets his jollies off thinking people give a sh!$ what you think. Get a clue, no one cares. You bring nothing to the table. You are a sideshow act on a message board where people come to talk about recruiting. Do everyone a favor and just ignore this board. You’re a clown

Good call
I used to hear that from some old Vols fans when the Titans first came to Tennessee. Something along the lines of it’s going to take away from the Vols in some way. That hasn’t been true up to this point. Why can’t people root for both teams? Sorry your comment just reminded me of that memory and I’m genuinely curious of the reasoning. Nothing personal to you.
The coverage in middle tn of our Vols is next to nothing. I am an old Vol fan. First it was section C in the Tennessean then local tv news and radio. Now……non-stop coverage here for a team that isn’t from here. It makes me sick.

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