Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

The coverage in middle tn of our Vols is next to nothing. I am an old Vol fan. First it was section C in the Tennessean then local tv news and radio. Now……non-stop coverage here for a team that isn’t from here. It makes me sick.
The majority of coverage in the midstate is for a team that is in the midstate?? Unbelievable!
man of us grew up in braves markets.

titans have done nothing to move the needle in state.
So you grew up in the “pro team” Braves market. But the Titans bringing a “pro team” to said market is…bad? I still don’t get it. You know the braves didn’t start in Atlanta right? What would moving the needle entail? Somehow the Titans have co-exsisted with the Vols. Love for the Vols has absolutely not waned. And support for the Titans has been good when they are good. Would bringing other pro sports to Nashville also be bad if many vol fans grew up in different teams markets?
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The coverage in middle tn of our Vols is next to nothing. I am an old Vol fan. First it was section C in the Tennessean then local tv news and radio. Now……non-stop coverage here for a team that isn’t from here. It makes me sick.
Well I’m from the Nashville area as well. 104.5 is still pretty much a homer Vols station. And tv stations also include titans news now but they still talk about Tennessee as much as they always have. But yeah news papers have lost interest. It has nothing to do with the Titans though imo, and everything to do with how people choose to consume news. And “the team that isn’t from here”. Hmm so since it want a start up team like the preds it’s not our team now…I mean half (exaggeration but i don’t know the actual #) of the nfl teams could say that.
Well I’m from the Nashville area as well. 104.5 is still pretty much a homer Vols station. And tv stations also include titans news now but they still talk about Tennessee as much as they always have. But yeah news papers have lost interest. It has nothing to do with the Titans though imo, and everything to do with how people choose to consume news. And “the team that isn’t from here”. Hmm so since it want a start up team like the preds it’s not our team now…I mean half (exaggeration but i don’t know the actual #) of the nfl teams could say that.
It's all nonsense, bro. It's all fake outrage and misplaced anger.
So you grew up in the “pro team” Braves market. But the Titans bringing a “pro team” to said market is…bad? I still don’t get it. You know the braves didn’t start in Atlanta right? What would moving the needle entail? Somehow the Titans have co-exsisted with the Vols. Love for the Vols has absolutely not waned. And support for the Titans has been good when they are good. Would bringing other pro sports to Nashville also be bad if many vol fans grew up in different teams markets?

Exactly. Funny how the Go Back to Houston crowd doesn’t consider the Braves Milwaukee’s or Boston’s team, the Lakers Minnesota’s team, the Chiefs Dallas’ team, etc.

And the Braves were pretty terrible from 1966-1990, so it’s not like they had to win to capture the southeastern fanbase. They got it largely because they were on TBS every game…you know, media exposure…exactly what this guy is complaining about with the Titans.

I’m a Vols, Titans, Braves, Preds fan. If I cared about the NBA, I’d be a Grizzlies fan because they’re the Tennessee team. The notion that one of these comes at the expense of another is absurd.
Exactly. Funny how the Go Back to Houston crowd doesn’t consider the Braves Milwaukee’s or Boston’s team, the Lakers Minnesota’s team, the Chiefs Dallas’ team, etc.

And the Braves were pretty terrible from 1966-1990, so it’s not like they had to win to capture the southeastern fanbase. They got it largely because they were on TBS every game…you know, media exposure…exactly what this guy is complaining about with the Titans.

I’m a Vols, Titans, Braves, Preds fan. If I cared about the NBA, I’d be a Grizzlies fan because they’re the Tennessee team. The notion that one of these comes at the expense of another is absurd.
You speak for the masses now? You’re really full of yourself. You’re not the self appointed Grand Poobah around here. You’re not a tribal elder on an anonymous message board. You’re just a clown that gets his jollies off thinking people give a sh!$ what you think. Get a clue, no one cares. You bring nothing to the table. You are a sideshow act on a message board where people come to talk about recruiting. Do everyone a favor and just ignore this board. You’re a clown
Ah, the great clown identifier. Eat my ratio. I mean after you get off of butchna's nuts.
YOUR opinion...or deflection. Whichever Smokey mountain you're perched on at the moment.

I do enjoy hiking in the Smokies. You get to do that much in the frying pan concrete jungle?


You always mad I escaped that hellhole and you're stuck.

Then you and your little sewing circle get together and sip bitter tea and whine about ole bignewt.

It's cute actually.
Well I’m from the Nashville area as well. 104.5 is still pretty much a homer Vols station. And tv stations also include titans news now but they still talk about Tennessee as much as they always have. But yeah news papers have lost interest. It has nothing to do with the Titans though imo, and everything to do with how people choose to consume news. And “the team that isn’t from here”. Hmm so since it want a start up team like the preds it’s not our team now…I mean half (exaggeration but i don’t know the actual #) of the nfl teams could say that.
104.5 is the Vols station allegedly in this area. 90% of what they talk about is the Oilers. Local news is the same. I’ve lived in the Mid-state for 45 years. It wasn’t always this way and that is a fact.
Ah, the great clown identifier. Eat my ratio. I mean after you get off of butchna's nuts.
Not on anyone's nuts. Just find it interesting that you assume that and not use the big ole brain you think you have and realize people see you as a joke on here. I mean 'eat my ratio'? You're really proud of your chatroom stats? Talk about pathetic.
Not on anyone's nuts. Just find it interesting that you assume that and not use the big ole brain you think you have and realize people see you as a joke on here. I mean 'eat my ratio'? You're really proud of your chatroom stats? Talk about pathetic.

Im so up in your kitchen dude. Such a Karen. Did they mess up your Starbucks order again this morning?
Im so up in your kitchen dude. Such a Karen. Did they mess up your Starbucks order again this morning?
You got some big problems lilnewt. Painfully obvious you are overcompensating on a anonymous message board. Probably should seek out a comic book, video game message board and tell your fellow losers how big of a deal you are. The rest of us that actually played sports and competed will continue talking about a topic you are in over your head on. Leave the football talk to the real men, little boy.
I do enjoy hiking in the Smokies. You get to do that much in the frying pan concrete jungle?


You always mad I escaped that hellhole and you're stuck.

Then you and your little sewing circle get together and sip bitter tea and whine about ole bignewt.

It's cute actually.
The suburbs have plenty of vegetation. Might’ve known that if you’d have ventured out of the mortal coils of spoken word poetry down in Deep Ellum.

Your self-appointed Trail of Tears every time you flap your gums and get real SCHOOLIN is “cute”?

Yeah I believe you. 😅
I said take a post visit interview with a grain of salt and now I got the insane clown posse after me.
lil vol fans thinks he knows me. thinks i didn't play sports. you know what they say about assumptions...

call off your vicious pack butchna! I cant take it!
104.5 is the Vols station allegedly in this area. 90% of what they talk about is the Oilers. Local news is the same. I’ve lived in the Mid-state for 45 years. It wasn’t always this way and that is a fact.
Wow, it's almost like something happened on the midstate years ago to give them a second, actual team to talk about. I wonder what it could have been?
You’re backtracking on the ridicule you heap on the most innocuous of opinions that venture too positive without your pre-approval. Now we glimpse the martyrdom in which that Nazarene you don’t believe in gets credit. Tragic, misunderstood silent film enthusiast. This tear falls for thee. 😢

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