Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

Young man has God-given physical ability to play in the NFL and make millions of dollars. Something only a tiny fraction of humans are born with. And he refuses to get out of his own way and allow that to happen. I am not a brain expert. But that is so intriguing to me. How can our brains do that to ourselves? What a shame.
He is one of the sad side products of today's society. He wanted that stuff, he is entitled to anything he wants even if it someone else's he took that stuff.
My 6 year old granddaughter informed me she was staying at my house this holiday weekend..I said poppy is watching football she said"what about my cartoons" I said you got to be quiet for me to watch game , then I said what do I have to to get you to watch game with me ..... She replied" give me 30 dollars" l said done.... Tough negotiator that girl is....😎😎😎
He is one of the sad side products of today's society. He wanted that stuff, he is entitled to anything he wants even if it someone else's he took that stuff.
I really dont think self entitlement is a today society thing. It's been around since biblical times. Granted wealth, ergo SM has shrunk the World. Put on that, humanness seeing what others have, and coveting those things. Athletes get put on a peddlestool. But, lets not act like entitlement is a new construct.
He is one of the sad side products of today's society. He wanted that stuff, he is entitled to anything he wants even if it someone else's he took that stuff.
I think that mindset has always been in human society. Simple evidence being laws against thievery in the earliest written code of laws OR the actions of the British Empire. Quick examples.
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Or you could just ignore it and move on. But God knows someone has to leave a snarky comment or their heads would explode.
You would know best. Why, on a board full of opinions, would you expect people not to challenge yours, unless you are so fragile you can't handle it. I scroll by a lot of posts. I am sure you do as well. But, this board is meant as a discussion forum, not a repository for random opinions.
Eh whatever. Maybe it’s a slow night and he felt the need to bump a post from a month ago. I do hope the kid proves me wrong.
It was actually over two months ago, but only a few posts above the most recent one. I am glad that you hope he excels here. I do, too.

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