Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I really dont think self entitlement is a today society thing. It's been around since biblical times. Granted wealth, ergo SM has shrunk the World. Put on that, humanness seeing what others have, and coveting those things. Athletes get put on a peddlestool. But, lets not act like entitlement is a new construct.
No, self entitlement is very bad right now. Walk into any school and every student (even the honors/AP kids) have a "I do what I want" attitude. It's like pulling teeth to get them to even write their name on an assignment. It's been building up to this slowly (started with in the 60s imo) and is almost at complete fruition with gen z. They do not care about anything outside of themselves. They say they care for their friends but watching them. They really don't.
It was actually over two months ago, but only a few posts above the most recent one. I am glad that you hope he excels here. I do, too.
It wouldn’t be the first time I’m an idiot. 😂

Still have my reservations but admittedly the timing was poor on my part right after he committed
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No, self entitlement is very bad right now. Walk into any school and every student (even the honors/AP kids) have a "I do what I want" attitude. It's like pulling teeth to get them to even write their name on an assignment. It's been building up to this slowly (started with in the 60s imo) and is almost at complete fruition with gen z. They do not care about anything outside of themselves. They say they care for their friends but watching them. They really don't.

My WW2 Grandad, looked at my Dad as selfish. My dad looked at my bro as selfish, he looked to me as selfish. I look at my kids as selfish. They look at shrimp, oysters, and clams as shellfish.

Point is all this is generational.

I know how how we'd have dealt with that ******** back in the day btw.
No, self entitlement is very bad right now. Walk into any school and every student (even the honors/AP kids) have a "I do what I want" attitude. It's like pulling teeth to get them to even write their name on an assignment. It's been building up to this slowly (started with in the 60s imo) and is almost at complete fruition with gen z. They do not care about anything outside of themselves. They say they care for their friends but watching them. They really don't.
My wife retired from teaching partially because of this. The politics are pretty bad in the county that I am in. What is mind-boggling to me is that parents almost never support the teachers. They take their kids' side even when they are clearly 100% wrong.

My WW2 Grandad, looked at my Dad as selfish. My dad looked at my bro as selfish, he looked to me as selfish. I look at my kids as selfish. They look at shrimp, oysters, and clams as shellfish.

Point is all this is generational.

I know how how we'd have dealt with that ******** back in the day btw.
How many of them do you deal with a day. I deal with more "I do what I want" each day than most do in their lifetime. And yes each generation does seem to be getting more and more selfish that what I put in my OP.

You can claim it's generational but at some point a generation needs to say enough is enough. It's obvious it's not your nor my generation because I have to see those kids daily. Why not instead of excuse help fix the problem
Or you could just ignore it and move on. But God knows someone has to leave a snarky comment or their heads would explode.
Literally the only interaction I've had with you is you telling me my joke wasn't funny on three separate occasions. Obviously, I ignored it, but it added nothing to the conversation.

If anything it bumped the thread up for even more people to see. You could probably take some of your own advice.
How many of them do you deal with a day. I deal with more "I do what I want" each day than most do in their lifetime. And yes each generation does seem to be getting more and more selfish that what I put in my OP.

You can claim it's generational but at some point a generation needs to say enough is enough. It's obvious it's not your nor my generation because I have to see those kids daily. Why not instead of excuse help fix the problem
What do you suggest I do? Lock all young people up for public floggings?

I control what I control, which is really uncontrollable since their kids.
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How many of them do you deal with a day. I deal with more "I do what I want" each day than most do in their lifetime. And yes each generation does seem to be getting more and more selfish that what I put in my OP.

You can claim it's generational but at some point a generation needs to say enough is enough. It's obvious it's not your nor my generation because I have to see those kids daily. Why not instead of excuse help fix the problem

The suggestion that 'every generation sees the next as soft, but there is really no difference' does have elements of truth, but it also ignores the effect environment has on the development of a generation. The Greatest Generation were clearly different due to the impact of the Great Depression and two world wars. The old saying that "hard times make strong people, strong people make good times, good times make weak people, and weak people make hard times" is true, but that only touches on part of the influences. We've had multiple generations of prosperity and that is clearly affecting generational development. Technology is clearly affecting generational development. The drift into secularism is clearly affecting generational development. The changes are slow, the causative factors are hard to identify, but the differences are clear.

I cannot see a circumstance where people from the Greatest Generation would ever be involved in a flash mob ransacking a department store, but I could see a case where they would take the law into their own hands if law enforcement wasn't willing or able to handle the problem. Current generation is clearly responsible for flash mobs and current generation would be less likely to defend against them. They are obviously different in ways that go beyond being "soft". When have stores ever been forced to close due to things like this? Only now. That teaches us something if we're willing to learn.
No, self entitlement is very bad right now. Walk into any school and every student (even the honors/AP kids) have a "I do what I want" attitude. It's like pulling teeth to get them to even write their name on an assignment. It's been building up to this slowly (started with in the 60s imo) and is almost at complete fruition with gen z. They do not care about anything outside of themselves. They say they care for their friends but watching them. They really don't.
Did you teach 50 years ago, 100 years ago, or 1000 years ago in order to have some context?

Maybe they're

From stories, humans always seem to think they believe in unique and special times and yet rarely do. But we believe we do...because of our...shocker...egos, as you alluded to.

I'm more worried how they end up as adults. And, yes, there is selfishness and "me" attitudes and this will always be exasperated in individualistic countries, as we saw so much in the pandemic. Lots of talk about "me" from many and yes it was sad. But I have no context to say if it's better or worse than years ago. And while vax rates differed by age groups, I think health concerns can explain that. There were other demographic differences, sure, and but imo it was more ideological than age or changes over time. Some demographic groups are more about themselves than the group, sure, but I'd say that group has always existed.
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What do you suggest I do? Lock all young people up for public floggings?

I control what I control, which is really uncontrollable since their kids.
Yea I noticed in life so far with kids and grandkids, they have what I like to call selective hearing....... Just hear what they want to hear that benefits them...... Shoot my mother says I still have it😏😏😏😏😏
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The suggestion that 'every generation sees the next as soft, but there is really no difference' does have elements of truth, but it also ignores the effect environment has on the development of a generation. The Greatest Generation were clearly different due to the impact of the Great Depression and two world wars. The old saying that "hard times make strong people, strong people make good times, good times make weak people, and weak people make hard times" is true, but that only touches on part of the influences. We've had multiple generations of prosperity and that is clearly affecting generational development. Technology is clearly affecting generational development. The drift into secularism is clearly affecting generational development. The changes are slow, the causative factors are hard to identify, but the differences are clear.

I cannot see a circumstance where people from the Greatest Generation would ever be involved in a flash mob ransacking a department store, but I could see a case where they would take the law into their own hands if law enforcement wasn't willing or able to handle the problem. Current generation is clearly responsible for flash mobs and current generation would be less likely to defend against them. They are obviously different in ways that go beyond being "soft". When have stores ever been forced to close due to things like this? Only now. That teaches us something if we're willing to learn.

Flash robs are merely able to exist due to the technology.

If kid gangs of the 50s had text and SM to mobilize, they'd have done the same rather than rob apples from carts and pickpocket all day. But one is worse than the other?

The greatest generation probably would also have not been as worried the folks may have guns on them. The proliferation of guns to anyone's hand that wants one off the black market makes everyone wary of standing up. The choice is a multinational corporation's bag, sewed together with sweatshop labor, vs your life...
What do you suggest I do? Lock all young people up for public floggings?

I control what I control, which is really uncontrollable since their kids.
Was it you or another poster that just couldn’t figure out how to get their almost 4 year old to quiet down and stop keeping them awake after 11 at night?
Was it you or another poster that just couldn’t figure out how to get their almost 4 year old to quiet down and stop keeping them awake after 11 at night?
yes, in a completely one off scenario I jokingly posted about my 4 yo playing my head like a monkey. my child had a late nap. his father has posted in the RF for years, so most know my sarcasm or dramatic theater is fire for effect.
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Flash robs are merely able to exist due to the technology.

If kid gangs of the 50s had text and SM to mobilize, they'd have done the same rather than rob apples from carts and pickpocket all day. But one is worse than the other?

The greatest generation probably would also have not been as worried the folks may have guns on them. The proliferation of guns to anyone's hand that wants one off the black market makes everyone wary of standing up. The choice is a multinational corporation's bag, sewed together with sweatshop labor, vs your life...

Interesting that you see a big difference in gun ownership then and now. I see very little difference in the present of guns, only in the likelihood that people misuse them.
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The suggestion that 'every generation sees the next as soft, but there is really no difference' does have elements of truth, but it also ignores the effect environment has on the development of a generation. The Greatest Generation were clearly different due to the impact of the Great Depression and two world wars. The old saying that "hard times make strong people, strong people make good times, good times make weak people, and weak people make hard times" is true, but that only touches on part of the influences. We've had multiple generations of prosperity and that is clearly affecting generational development. Technology is clearly affecting generational development. The drift into secularism is clearly affecting generational development. The changes are slow, the causative factors are hard to identify, but the differences are clear.

I cannot see a circumstance where people from the Greatest Generation would ever be involved in a flash mob ransacking a department store, but I could see a case where they would take the law into their own hands if law enforcement wasn't willing or able to handle the problem. Current generation is clearly responsible for flash mobs and current generation would be less likely to defend against them. They are obviously different in ways that go beyond being "soft". When have stores ever been forced to close due to things like this? Only now. That teaches us something if we're willing to learn.
The greatest generation was too busy instigating race riots designed to keep black people down for them to get involved with flash robbing a department store. Pick your poison I guess, but I'd say we're better off today.
The greatest generation was too busy instigating race riots to keep black people down to get involved with flash robbing a department store. Pick your poison I guess, but I'd say we're better off today.

I've lived in 7 decades. In some ways are are better off now. In others we aren't. I spent a lot of time with folks from that generation. Never met a single one that was involved with a race riot.
Flash robs are merely able to exist due to the technology.

If kid gangs of the 50s had text and SM to mobilize, they'd have done the same rather than rob apples from carts and pickpocket all day. But one is worse than the other?

The greatest generation probably would also have not been as worried the folks may have guns on them. The proliferation of guns to anyone's hand that wants one off the black market makes everyone wary of standing up. The choice is a multinational corporation's bag, sewed together with sweatshop labor, vs your life...
Do we think gun ownership is higher today than in decades past?
I've lived in 7 decades. In some ways are are better off now. In others we aren't. I spent a lot of time with folks from that generation. Never met a single one that was involved with a race riot.
How would you know if someone participated in a race riot? Is that a question you ask regularly during every-day conversations? But assuming you've never met a person who participated in a race riot, I've also never (knowingly) met anyone who's participated in a flash mob burglary. Doesn't really change anything since they both still happened....
The suggestion that 'every generation sees the next as soft, but there is really no difference' does have elements of truth, but it also ignores the effect environment has on the development of a generation. The Greatest Generation were clearly different due to the impact of the Great Depression and two world wars. The old saying that "hard times make strong people, strong people make good times, good times make weak people, and weak people make hard times" is true, but that only touches on part of the influences. We've had multiple generations of prosperity and that is clearly affecting generational development. Technology is clearly affecting generational development. The drift into secularism is clearly affecting generational development. The changes are slow, the causative factors are hard to identify, but the differences are clear.

I cannot see a circumstance where people from the Greatest Generation would ever be involved in a flash mob ransacking a department store, but I could see a case where they would take the law into their own hands if law enforcement wasn't willing or able to handle the problem. Current generation is clearly responsible for flash mobs and current generation would be less likely to defend against them. They are obviously different in ways that go beyond being "soft". When have stores ever been forced to close due to things like this? Only now. That teaches us something if we're willing to learn.
Postmodernism has been a large factor, coupled with the over-compensations in parenting styles among many Gen-Xers. The latch-key generation in large part doted on their kids, were afraid to see them disappointed, and tried to be their buddies when they needed parents.
Do we think gun ownership is higher today than in decades past?
The number of guns owned has certainly increased due to the increase in the U.S. population. However, that's not the correct way to really view it. The percentage of people that own guns is more appropriate. My guess is that has likely decreased.
How would you know if someone participated in a race riot? Is that a question you ask regularly during every-day conversations? But assuming you've never met a person who participated in a race riot, I've also never (knowingly) met anyone who's participated in a flash mob burglary. Doesn't really change anything since they both still happened....

Just curious, how old are you?
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