Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

The greatest generation was too busy instigating race riots designed to keep black people down for them to get involved with flash robbing a department store. Pick your poison I guess, but I'd say we're better off today.
Holy massive generalization. You just painted an entire generation with a really negative brush stroke.
Flash robs are merely able to exist due to the technology.

If kid gangs of the 50s had text and SM to mobilize, they'd have done the same rather than rob apples from carts and pickpocket all day. But one is worse than the other?

The greatest generation probably would also have not been as worried the folks may have guns on them. The proliferation of guns to anyone's hand that wants one off the black market makes everyone wary of standing up. The choice is a multinational corporation's bag, sewed together with sweatshop labor, vs your life...
Ya it's a big logical misstep to say that the fact human nature is manifesting differently means that human nature has changed.

The other piece missing in that argument, logically speaking, is that technology has enabled us to have greater visibility to negative manifestations of human nature; so while they seem more prevalent (tech allows us to see dozens of examples a day around the world), they're no more frequent than a hundred years ago when they just didn't have the ability to see every example of someone misbehaving.
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Ya it's a big logical misstep to say that the fact human nature is manifesting differently means that human nature has changed.

The other piece missing in that argument, logically speaking, is that technology has enabled us to have greater visibility to negative manifestations of human nature; so while they seem more prevalent (tech allows us to see dozens of examples a day around the world), they're no more frequent than a hundred years ago when they just didn't have the ability to see every example of someone misbehaving.

I'm not suggesting that human nature has changed. I am saying that the environment and values we're raised in has changed and some of the generational differences are a manifestation of those differences.
Holy massive generalization. You just painted an entire generation with a really negative brush stroke.
Not everyone of the greatest generation participated in race riots, but it was a problematic aspect of that generation for sure. Racism was generally accepted then and some took that to violent extremes.

Today's flash mob criminality likewise doesn't show that Gen Z is morally bankrupt, but rather just shows an antisocial minority of the whole.
Holy massive generalization. You just painted an entire generation with a really negative brush stroke.
Just remember, the prohibition movement was largely a grassroots movement started by women who were tired of their husbands coming home and beating them.

Great grand pappy was a bit too slappy.
Not everyone of the greatest generation participated in race riots, but it was a problematic aspect of that generation for sure. Racism was generally accepted then and some took that to violent extremes.

Today's flash mob criminality likewise doesn't show that Gen Z is morally bankrupt, but rather just shows an antisocial minority of the whole.
There is also an aspect to social media that fuels 'typified' thought. It shows the extremes as though they are the norm, and many people begin to think everyone's crazy. When in fact, most people are probably pretty moderate, even if they are moderately one side of center or the other.

Your average democrat wouldn't support a riot, and your average republican isn't a neo-nazi, but both sides try to convince their own little echo chamber that there is a dangerous enemy on the other side of the voting booth.
I really dont think self entitlement is a today society thing. It's been around since biblical times. Granted wealth, ergo SM has shrunk the World. Put on that, humanness seeing what others have, and coveting those things. Athletes get put on a peddlestool. But, lets not act like entitlement is a new construct.
I like you...but you are freaking blind. Look at San Fran, LA, Portland, Seattle, Chicago...etc etc etc etc...this world is going in the 💩ter quick, and if you tell me that law and order are not breaking down in a big way in places ran by your crushes...then you are a damned liar.
Did you teach 50 years ago, 100 years ago, or 1000 years ago in order to have some context?

Maybe they're

From stories, humans always seem to think they believe in unique and special times and yet rarely do. But we believe we do...because of our...shocker...egos, as you alluded to.

I'm more worried how they end up as adults. And, yes, there is selfishness and "me" attitudes and this will always be exasperated in individualistic countries, as we saw so much in the pandemic. Lots of talk about "me" from many and yes it was sad. But I have no context to say if it's better or worse than years ago. And while vax rates differed by age groups, I think health concerns can explain that. There were other demographic differences, sure, and but imo it was more ideological than age or changes over time. Some demographic groups are more about themselves than the group, sure, but I'd say that group has always existed.
You're blind...on absolutely refuse to see it...on purpose. It is your fault...and everyone like you.
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Literally the only interaction I've had with you is you telling me my joke wasn't funny on three separate occasions. Obviously, I ignored it, but it added nothing to the conversation.

If anything it bumped the thread up for even more people to see. You could probably take some of your own advice.
Blah blah blah
Hey RF, any houseboat owners? Brother-in-law is failure to launch bachelor, but he's finally looking to move out. Thinks houseboating would be a better option than renting. Currently lives in Bradley Co.

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