Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

I hope you are right, but look at spillman’s ranking. Dude consistently rose to 95 rating last November. And has dropped to 90 during the offseason when nothing is happening. I think a lot of the time, they change rankings to keep their paying subscribers engaged during the year.
Overall, the rankings don't mean much to me. I tend to do my own evaluations on his we're recruiting because there is too much bias in the recruiting service industry. But service rankings mean a lot to fanbases all over the country. People tend to mention someone was a 5* (even in the NFL) throughout their career whether they are good or not. It's quite the stigma to put on a kid and doesn't mean much in a locker room once you hit a college campus.
Overall, the rankings don't mean much to me. I tend to do my own evaluations on his we're recruiting because there is too much bias in the recruiting service industry. But service rankings mean a lot to fanbases all over the country. People tend to mention someone was a 5* (even in the NFL) throughout their career whether they are good or not. It's quite the stigma to put on a kid and doesn't mean much in a locker room once you hit a college campus.
The last 25 National Champions all being recruiting heavyweights is all just a grand conspiracy. Lies, all of it.
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The last 25 National Champions all being recruiting heavyweights is all just a grand conspiracy. Lies, all of it.
No one (and I literally mean no one) has said that you don't have to recruit at a very high level to win consistently. The recruiting sites don't necessity determine just how well you've recruited is the point. No, you're not likely to win a championship consistently recruiting in the 15-20 range. But you also don't have to be consistently in the top 3 to compete for championships either.
Overall, the rankings don't mean much to me. I tend to do my own evaluations on his we're recruiting because there is too much bias in the recruiting service industry. But service rankings mean a lot to fanbases all over the country. People tend to mention someone was a 5* (even in the NFL) throughout their career whether they are good or not. It's quite the stigma to put on a kid and doesn't mean much in a locker room once you hit a college campus.
Before the season I didn’t share the following view, but since GAMES started? Not a better linebacker in the land! Yes, that includes Sammy Brown. He’s last season’s year end Arian Carter product right out the chute!
No one (and I literally mean no one) has said that you don't have to recruit at a very high level to win consistently. The recruiting sites don't necessity determine just how well you've recruited is the point. No, you're not likely to win a championship consistently recruiting in the 15-20 range. But you also don't have to be consistently in the top 3 to compete for championships either.
It’s literally (and I mean literally) based on the recruiting rankings from the recruiting sites.

You actually even reference the rankings with “15-20” range and “top 3”
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Calling some “******” is not a racist taunt… that’s part of what is causing racial division, classifying everything as racism, even if it’s not
It's def a homosexual slur, but I think it's the "go back to the projects" part that is being called racist. And although there are races of all kinds in public housing, and on welfare, across the country, it's probably reasonable to assume the intent of the Alabama fans--i.e. black==welfare and projects.

So, it's a double-bigot look.
Stereotyping is what comes to mind when I heard the chant....
not racist, imo…. when i use to go to all the away games…. i don’t know how many times that i was called redneck, Hillbilly, and received comments about having sex with my sister. it made me laugh bc a lot of the fans making those comments were from the south as well.
not racist, imo…. when i use to go to all the away games…. i don’t know how many times that i was called redneck, Hillbilly, and received comments about having sex with my sister. it made me laugh bc a lot of the fans making those comments were from the south as well.
2nd cousins don't count as family rite?😉😉😉😉😉
Just because we hate woke culture that tries to create racism under every rock, doesn't mean we have to deny it when it's actually there.

Bad look UEM.
I took more as a putdown associated with being low class...would it have been OK if they had been saying "trailer park" instead? The putdown is the same in my opinion.

I don't assume racism everytime somebody makes a low class put down.

There are projects all over the freaking state where I live and they are almost 100% white.

If they are really racists then they must hate their own players too...that does not compute.
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not racist, imo…. when i use to go to all the away games…. i don’t know how many times that i was called redneck, Hillbilly, and received comments about having sex with my sister. it made me laugh bc a lot of the fans making those comments were from the south as well.
That is exactly what I'm saying.
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