Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

sorry @Glitch @Ulysees E. McGill she's a lovely lady.

and as a dad of girls, good role model for young ladies. trust me the bar isnt that high any more. but she is classy.

And yes, the haunted spooky Rocky Top has run its course. On par with 'Sick Em Smokey.' 😂🤦🏼‍♂️
She is the epitome of woke celebrity. She champions every bit of the insanity that corrupts this country.

Go ahead and worship her if you want....I will not.
sorry @Glitch @Ulysees E. McGill she's a lovely lady.

and as a dad of girls, good role model for young ladies. trust me the bar isnt that high any more. but she is classy.

And yes, the haunted spooky Rocky Top has run its course. On par with 'Sick Em Smokey.' 😂🤦🏼‍♂️
Thank you! I really don't like the spooky rocky top. Always makes me cringe a little.
My rule is, be good to my wife so I never have to worry about that rule. Lol
Coming from a divorced man..when she looks at you and says ..honey I love you and would never cheat...Big Code Blue.😎 start putting everything in your kids name and smile...

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