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RICH coming from you
Nice way to deflect from your hurtful action. Just apologize to the man. I know I can be a jerk and immature. I have self awareness but you do not. You think you are right in something that was very hurtful to a guy who loves his child and has a painful place in his heart. Arguing about sports is one thing but this is a real human condition and you just show you are not a very nice person period. No one has liked your post about using a word in a very thoughtless manner. You did it and can just say I am sorry to someone but being a jerk is what you would rather do. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Then maybe you realize what is really going on here.
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Nice way to deflect from your hurtful action. Just apologize to the man. I know I can be a jerk and immature. I have self awareness but you do not. You think you are right in something that was very hurtful to a guy who loves his child and has a painful place in his heart. Arguing about sports is one thing but this is a real human condition and you just show you are not a very nice person period. No one has liked your post about using a word in a very thoughtless manner. You did it and can just say I am sorry to someone but being a jerk is what you would rather do. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Then maybe you realize what is really going on here.
Ok jacket thanks
I do. Learning delays and autism.

The point stands. The word only offends those who allow it.
I used to tell my kids something I heard a long time ago and I don't know where..."They can't hurt you without your permission"

But still...I get it with this particular word, I just wonder where this all stops? It seems open season on purposefully insulting some individuals or groups, and not others even in when you aren't insulting them on purpose.

Slippery slopes everywhere.
I used to tell my kids something I heard a long time ago and I don't know where..."They can't hurt you without your permission"

But still...I get it with this particular word, I just wonder where this all stops? It seems open season on purposefully insulting some individuals or groups, and not others even in when you aren't insulting them on purpose.

Slippery slopes everywhere.
Used to the R word was the clinical word used for mental deficiencies. Things evolve over time. What's acceptable today may be offensive tomorrow. It's a moving target.
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his avoidance of the slang use of that term, and insistence on falling back on verb use is pitiful. Whether it was intentional (which I believe it was), or not. It is as socially unacceptable to use, ergo as offensive as racial slurs.

Anyway next topic.
Oh please. Gtfo with this nonsense.

People attempting to turn retard into “the R word”, and then going ballistic on anyone who dare use it, is such a soft as charmin stance.

It is not a racial or ethnic slur. Stop it.

And autism is not retardation. Not by a long shot.
If something bothers someone in this regard, then you should be able to avoid it.
So we’re all going to modify our speech to ensure that no one, anywhere, at anytime, is going to be offended?

Or are we going to pick and choose which words, phrases, and idioms are verboten?

Is there some sort of nominating process?
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So if say of a player "That moron is dumb as a brick"....why does that not arouse the same level of righteous indingnation? Isn't that insulting to everyone that has stupid kids or relatives?

Slippery slopes everywhere...where does this end? Not being able to say anything, no matter how true in it's very descriptive way?

Like I said...I get it, I don't want to hurt anyone with special needs family, or especially to actually hurt poor special needs people themselves..

But...slippery slope, and it keeps getting gets worse all the time. I hate censorship with a burning passion, and I feel that before long we are going to freely give up our right to speak freely in the name of sensitivity.

And then freedom...what is left of it...will die....probably to the thunderous applause of the utopian self-righteous masses.

Ughh..I hate feeling ambiguous like this.
Should we go search your post history to find things that others may not agree with/offend? I’m sure there’s a novel’s worth

You see the irony yet?

No I do not. I do not use the words you did. I use moron. Search all you want. I’ve called several people a dumb azz. That’s what I’m calling you. Call me one. Fine. But you are dealing something that involves his child. He told you to go F yourself then you got offended. See the irony. I’ve got to get some sleep. Y’all can have it and keep on making the world a worse place.

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