I find it absolutely horrifying that one would believe that we have any thing do with salvation. Our actions will never ever be able to supply the sacrifice needed to cover our sins.
This is the beautiful story of grace.
Legalism = I have control of my salvation....... frightening!
Come on, you are really going old law salvation.........
We have a good discussion going......
I'm not going away from it. They are in Heaven because they followed the laws as they were commanded. Christ's death formed a new covenant with man, and the laws are laid out for us. Believing in Jesus is awesome, believing in what he taught, and doing as he commanded us to do, gets me to Heaven.
"For even the demons believe and shudder"
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Read Max Lucado (a church of Christ preacher), in his very first book, on the first page, he says that many in his own Church will be totally shocked when they get to heaven and "they", the c of C, are not the ONLY ones there.
Salvation is not earned!
What say you about the demons believing and shuddering in the presence of the Lord?
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I'm drawing a fine line in the sand right here. Nobody on this Earth knows who is going to Heaven. Jesus will decide our fate
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I find it absolutely horrifying that one would believe that we have any thing do with salvation. Our actions will never ever be able to supply the sacrifice needed to cover our sins.
This is the beautiful story of grace.
Legalism = I have control of my salvation....... frightening!
What is the one element that is mentioned EVERY time the Bible speaks of salvation?...........FAITH
Baptist is an OUTWARD sign that we are a follower of Christ and is an essential part of being a follower. NOT the moment of salvation. That is why it is referred to as "believers baptist".
I'm not going away from it. They are in Heaven because they followed the laws as they were commanded. Christ's death formed a new covenant with man, and the laws are laid out for us. Believing in Jesus is awesome, believing in what he taught, and doing as he commanded us to do, gets me to Heaven.
"For even the demons believe and shudder"
Posted via VolNation Mobile
So you are saying there is nothing we must do to obtain salvation? Including praying, hearing, reading, studying?
You left out the word "only". There are ZERO examples of anyone being saved based on faith only after the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. In fact, the only time the combination of those two words, "faith only", appear in the Bible is here:
James 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
Technically there was no mention of faith in Acts 2:38. Peter said repent and be baptized. That doesn't mean faith isn't required, but there are moments where faith isn't specifically mentioned.
You left out the word "only". There are ZERO examples of anyone being saved based on faith only after the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. In fact, the only time the combination of those two words, "faith only", appear in the Bible is here:
James 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
Technically there was no mention of faith in Acts 2:38. Peter said repent and be baptized. That doesn't mean faith isn't required, but there are moments where faith isn't specifically mentioned.
and our requirements for salvation STOP right there.
not the way that you are interpreting them
Not in the slightest...... I believe Jesus saves and you believe works saves.
The steps for salvation are quite simple...
Realization you are sinner.......
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved
This is always a fun one for your crowd....
In whatever way we understand do, we cannot be consistent with the Bible if we take it to mean more than the passive reception of something that is true. That is the nature of faith or believing.
In John 6, the Jews asked Jesus, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" (v 28). In other words, they wanted to know what works God required them to do for eternal life.
But Jesus' answer startled them: "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent" (v 29). They could not be saved by doing works. God's only requirement was belief in His Son.
Furthermore, if we define believe as surrender, commit, or obey, we revert back to a salvation by works. It is impossible that faith could in any way be a work of merit or something done to earn God's favor: "Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt. But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness" (Rom 4:4-5).
Paul was simply telling the jailer to accept something as true, to trust in the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ.