(MyBloodRunnethOrange @ Aug 4 said:
Are you a Bible literalist GVF? I am guessing from your posts that you are. If so, how would you interpret Romans 8, 9, and 10? I don't see how a literalist could interpret it any other way than predestination.
I wouldn't say a literalist. But, I do try my best to follow the scripture and interpret it as it is written. Romans 8, 9, and 10? You're a toughy right off the bat. I'll try to do this simply, as I understand what is written:
First, the overall theme here life through Christ. Making that choice to be a christian, or not. C.8:1 - There is no condmenation for those in Christ... C.8:5- Those who live according to sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires... [If we are predestined, how are we free to make either of these two choices?] C.8:13- If you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeads of the body, you will live. [Again, if we are predestined, we would not have the power within ourselves to make the change that verse 13 grants can be made.]
Now, what you are referring to more specifically is in C.8:29,30. [Now, the Bible cannot be mutually exclusive, so if God teaches elsewhere that you have the choice to be saved or condemned, then you cannot also be predestined.] 'For those God forknew He also predestined to be conformed in the likeness of his Son...and those he predestined, he also called, justified, and glorified. [O.K. He is not necessarily speaking of specific persons here. It is more of a reference to a "group" of people if you will, that have the character it will take to be christians. God knows as well that not all will choose to follow him. He says that his teachings are hard and just and not all will be able to accept. The reference to predestiny is for those who are called to his purpose. Those who accept the Word. Those will be conformed to the likeness of his son. There may be some literal reference here if you want to go deeper, however. To follow the lineage of Christ, one must accept that some things were set in place because Jesus was to be born through the line of David. V.29 also says 'so that he may be the first born of many brothers.' This can have 2 meanings. Literally, if you want to follow the predestination of his lineage, Jesus did have earthly brothers and sisters, of which he was the first born. Couldn't have been a virgin birth if he was 2nd. The second interpretation being where I was above. That we are predistined as Christians to have salvation and predestined if we die in our sins to have damnation. It is our choice, not destiny that places us in either group.]
C.10:4-Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for
everyone who believes. [No predestination there.]
C.10:12- For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile- the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him.
C.10:13 - Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Not to be confused with the only thing you have to do to be saved. God also instructs to hear the Word, believe the Word, Repent, Confess him before men, and be baptized and you will be saved.)
[Here in these verses, you also find the continuing theme of free choice. Christians are predestined. Non-Christians are predestined. Those who think they are christians are predestined, etc... Our redemption is we have a choice of the predestined group to which we identify. You personally are not predestined and neither am I. And to those who will still argue this, answer me this question from my perspective: If we are in fact predestined, how would one know whether or not they were predestined to heaven or hell unless God had already revealed that to you. Idealogically, it is imposible to be predestined, for who is to say what your destiny is, and how would you know psycologically to even question your predestination unless you had freedom of thought. If you have freedom of thought would you not also have freedom of choice. If you are predestined, you are a robot and thus your thoughts are already decided for you. Which means you were predestined to eat at McDonald's today and you did not consciously choose not to eat anywhere else.]