Rep Massie posts gun photo

Bulk Gun Purchases | Giffords
Regulating bulk firearm purchases is a straightforward, effective way to reduce gun trafficking and save lives.

Laws limiting the number of firearms a person can purchase within a certain timeframe help reduce the number of guns that enter the secondary market—weapons that are more likely to wind up at the scene of a crime. Only a handful of states limit bulk gun purchases, a policy that has been proven to reduce gun trafficking and consequently gun violence.

You are about to answer your own question.

ps Wise of you to drop the Australian suicide nonsense
Less then 2% of gun crimes are purchased legally.... so how will they help those acquired illegally ie stolen
This line of reasoning is valid but the conclusion that it excludes what he said is completely illogical. He doesn't like that guns are treated like cute toys because they are killing machines. The fact that "guns are used in several ways" doesn't do anything to counter his opinion that they are not cute because they are, in part, killing machines.
So are knives, hammers, pretty much anything used other then the intended purposes. For guns is hunting and home defense
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Completely insensitive and disrespectful based on the school shooting that had just occurred.
A school shooting in not his state. And what's your definition of "just"? IIRC there was at least a week between the two events.

I could get it being bad taste if it was his constituents or even his state. But it's not.
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I'm finding our suicide rate is higher. But I'm not understanding the point. Of course suicide is a cultural issue. The point isn't that Australia is doing better than others with suicide. The point is that it's doing much better than it used to be doing with gun suicide.

Imagine a way to support that with data.

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You got a link to that table? I'm wondering where Colombia and Panama are on that list.
What’s the specific time frame required so I don’t make this mistake in future?

I can't speak for bnhunt, but I'd say the pic in general is just goofy and there is no statute of limitations on idiocy. I like golf, but my family Christmas photo doesn't have my entire family pretending to line up to the tee with a driver.
Edit: I also like to hunt, but my family Christmas photo doesn't have my family lined up holding a bunch of dead ducks.
I can't speak for bnhunt, but I'd say the pic in general is just goofy and there is no statute of limitations on idiocy. I like golf, but my family Christmas photo doesn't have my entire family pretending to line up to the tee with a driver.
Edit: I also like to hunt, but my family Christmas photo doesn't have my family lined up holding a bunch of dead ducks.

What if you find the 2nd amendment to be an important value that you want to share with your family? Where does that become idiotic?
I can't imagine going through life so sensitive that just seeing a picture of a family with legally-owned firearms upsets you.

I don't really throw the word "triggered" around much, and I think it's vastly overused, but SHEESH!
Just the same as a black president "triggered" all of you.
What if you find the 2nd amendment to be an important value that you want to share with your family? Where does that become idiotic?
Letting your minor children hold semiautomatic weapons is an "important value"? That's just sad.
Letting your minor children hold semiautomatic weapons is an "important value"? That's just sad.
Propper trigger discipline. None of them looked loaded. What's the issue?

I would trust them before I would Alec Baldwin. That's the great thing about training properly early. It sticks. Hopefully they are only picking up more good habits like what they are displaying in the photo.
I'd say use common sense, but that's clearly an impossible ask for most of the people on this thread.
Common sense says a tweet from someone in a different state, 5 days after the fact, with no reference to the event in question, with no personal connection to the event, and with no item related to the event, is wrong?

Your common sense goes thru at least three leaps to get where you are. I wouldnt call that common sense.
I would say if he had posted some "teach your kids to stay strapped so they dont get clapped" type of bs, then yeah, rain hellfire down on him. But that's not anywhere close to what happened.

It's a family photo the outside world tried to insert themselves into when nothing wrong was done.
I would say if he had posted some "teach your kids to stay strapped so they dont get clapped" type of bs, then yeah, rain hellfire down on him. But that's not anywhere close to what happened.

It's a family photo the outside world tried to insert themselves into when nothing wrong was done.

I dont really care about his photo other than my previous statement that its goofy, but that's nonsense. He didn't send a Christmas card to family, he's a congressman who put it on his Twitter page. He inserted the family photo into the outside world. When you post something publicly on social media, you invite a response.
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Letting your minor children hold semiautomatic weapons is an "important value"? That's just sad.
What would you estimate the percentage to be of posters who learned to shoot and have used semiautomatic firearms as minors?

Would you be less moronic about it if the kids were holding muzzle loaders?

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