Rep Massie posts gun photo

Have a firearm.
If she were going to flip her car off of a bridge, I would rather her have a NASCAR quality roll bar.
If she were on a plane going down, I would rather her be carrying a parachute.
If she were bitten by a snake while hiking, I would rather her have the anecdote.
I think your question completely misses the point.

If your niece and nephew were visiting your house, would you rather your nephew accidently shoot your niece with your gun or accidently give her a Fung fu chop?

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.

I believe the number the left claims is 1 in 4 women are raped. Given that stat, it’s not a stupid question at all.
I believe the number the left claims is 1 in 4 women are raped. Given that stat, it’s not a stupid question at all.
I've never seen that number and I certainly do not claim it.
Now to your nephew. Accidently shoot your niece or kung fu chop her?
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I've never seen that number and I certainly do not claim it.
Now to your nephew. Accidently shoot your niece or kung fu chop her?

1 in 4 Women: How the Latest Sexual Assault Statistics Were Turned into Click Bait by the 'New York Times'

It’s a common left wing lie. This is huff po but pick any trash left wing outlet and you’ll see it.

Unlike being the victim of a crime, I can control my weapons. Your daughter can’t control the actions of others around her.
I believe the number the left claims is 1 in 4 women are raped. Given that stat, it’s not a stupid question at all.

The statistic is actually 1 in 6 women are victims of either an attempted or completed rape.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

And who the **** is "the left," specifically? Don't be sloppy and/or lazy. Be specific or admit you just want to broad brush.
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1 in 4 Women: How the Latest Sexual Assault Statistics Were Turned into Click Bait by the 'New York Times'

It’s a common left wing lie. This is huff po but pick any trash left wing outlet and you’ll see it.

Unlike being the victim of a crime, I can control my weapons. Your daughter can’t control the actions of others around her.
That was sexual assault on campus.
Luckily my girls are no longer on campus, and luckily they nor any of their hundreds of friends faced attempted rape.
I guess they beat the odds.
Everyone says they can control their weapons until it turns out they can't.
That cowboy mentality is what's wrong with this country. I bet you thought the defendants in the Arbery case didn't do anything wrong either.

No people like you and luther are what’s wrong with this country. If someone is attacked the only rational assumption is that person means to do harm and if you’re armed the very first line of defense is to end them.
The statistic is actually 1 in 6 women are victims of either an attempted or completed rape.

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

And who the **** is "the left," specifically? Don't be sloppy and/or lazy. Be specific or admit you just want to broad brush.

I was specific. I even provided an example. The huff po is one of the many left wing agencies promoting this lie.

1 in 4 Women: How the Latest Sexual Assault Statistics Were Turned into Click Bait by the 'New York Times'

Edit: I got the two agencies backwards here. The Huff Po was actually doing real journalism and exposing the lies here propagated by the NYT
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Have a firearm.
If she were going to flip her car off of a bridge, I would rather her have a NASCAR quality roll bar.
If she were on a plane going down, I would rather her be carrying a parachute.
If she were bitten by a snake while hiking, I would rather her have the anecdote.
I think your question completely misses the point.

If your niece and nephew were visiting your house, would you rather your nephew accidently shoot your niece with your gun or accidently give her a Fung fu chop?

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.
No people like you and luther are what’s wrong with this country. If someone is attacked the only rational assumption is that person means to do harm and if you’re armed the very first line of defense is to end them.
Noticed you avoided the Arbery question. Do you have the guts to say what they did was wrong?
Whatever credibility you might've had you just lost it. Obama politicized the military, intel agencies and Leo. He had the worst ****ing economy post Carter. Lmfao!
GWB left our economy in the worst position it's been in the last 50 years when he left office in case you forgot what Obama had to do in order to get us out of it.
Noticed you avoided the Arbery question. Do you have the guts to say what they did was wrong?

Of course it was wrong and they paid for it. Arbery was probably up to no good but they didn’t have a right to run him down.
Of course it was wrong and they paid for it. Arbery was probably up to no good but they didn’t have a right to run him down.
What makes you say he was up to no good? If he was white would you say the same thing?
That was sexual assault on campus.
Luckily my girls are no longer on campus, and luckily they nor any of their hundreds of friends faced attempted rape.
I guess they beat the odds.
Everyone says they can control their weapons until it turns out they can't.

Yet all data seems to point to the idea that weapons are very well controlled and that a gun is far more likely to be used in self defense than in an act murder, homicide, or accidental death.

The CDC estimates the low end of fire arm related self defense incidents at 60k and the high end around 2.5 million. Compared to 39k total gun deaths. But idk, I just trust science.
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GWB left our economy in the worst position it's been in the last 50 years when he left office in case you forgot what Obama had to do in order to get us out of it.

You mean the housing crisis that was caused by left wing policies forcing banks to lend to under qualified applicants in the name of equity who then defaulted on loans at record levels?
You mean the housing crisis that was caused by left wing policies forcing banks to lend to under qualified applicants in the name of equity who then defaulted on loans at record levels?
Thats systemic racism built into the system. Financial acumen is White supremacy.
GWB left our economy in the worst position it's been in the last 50 years when he left office in case you forgot what Obama had to do in order to get us out of it.

Yeah, it took you guys one year to bring down the economy after you took back Congress, Bush warned about the upcoming housing market crash and you guys did nothing. I remember Barney Frank reassuring everyone the market was stable while the sub prime mortgage fiasco continued. Obumma then provided us with 8 years of stagnant, abysmal growth, high gas prices and daily reminders about what a racist country we are despite being elected twice. Epic Fail
Karate is not a joke at all. It teaches mental and physical discipline and is great for kids (and adults).
I have daughter too and I am as protective as any parent, but I don't think carrying a gun is the only way to protect yourself.

Never bring karate to a gun fight.
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No people like you and luther are what’s wrong with this country. If someone is attacked the only rational assumption is that person means to do harm and if you’re armed the very first line of defense is to end them.
It's really pretty simple, there is a relatively small segment who feel everyone being heavily armed is an appropriate goal, and then there is the rest of sane world.
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Have a firearm.
If she were going to flip her car off of a bridge, I would rather her have a NASCAR quality roll bar.
If she were on a plane going down, I would rather her be carrying a parachute.
If she were bitten by a snake while hiking, I would rather her have the anecdote.
I think your question completely misses the point.

If your niece and nephew were visiting your house, would you rather your nephew accidently shoot your niece with your gun or accidently give her a Fung fu chop?

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.
Everything you said is stupid
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