Rep Massie posts gun photo

If you understood, you wouldn't be hog.
Inevitable with such an obscene inequality in wealth distribution - (one which is viewed as unacceptably unfair)
If only Jimmy Carter was here to save us evil rich people from ourselves.😂 I mean you are hitting all the emotional feelz today. Guns. Poor people
Of course. We will end up here every time.
It's the natural extension of the lunatic mentality that people being heavily armed is the ticket to societal peace.
You are the outlier lunatic here and you don’t even realize. Law abiding citizens being armed “heavily” or not, doesn’t have anything to do with criminals breaking the law
Of course. We will end up here every time.
It's the natural extension of the lunatic mentality that people being heavily armed is the ticket to societal peace.

Unarmed people are not the ticket to societal peace either.
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No doubt, but I prefer my criminals to be poorly armed. I would hate them walking around with mini nukes.

If we didn’t have guns and the prevalent weapon for criminals were baseball bats you’d want to regulate baseball bats for law abiding citizens as well. You need that faux government security.
My son is working toward a black belt in karate. Despite what most people on here seem to think, there are other methods of self-defense than a gun.
What was the saying? God didnt make men equal Remington did.
Just another example of people refusing to answer a simple question.
It was stated that a same person could fire two different guns and get dramatically different results.
I asked if that was true and if so why.
Still haven't gotten a real answer.
Slice answered you. Experience, skill, ergonomics.

Experience with the gun. Someone with muscle memory is going to be faster than someone who has never handled that gun before.

Skill level in general not just that specific gun. You are going to be better with a new gun if you have shot 500 different guns than if you have only shot 5. You figure things out faster.

Most gun owners are big believers in how a gun feels in your hand. Personally I dont like conceal carry sized pistols because I tend to do what I call double pull, since my on hand pinky doesnt have something to grip. Also could be recoil issues or how the grip fits in your hand with size and profile
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Unarmed people are not the ticket to societal peace either.
Obviously not the complete answer, but one is a step in the right direction while the other is a step in the wrong direction.
You happen to be stepping in the wrong direction.
An example:
If it is in your home sitting on the kitchen table and your teenage kids have friends over - the gun is not safely controlled.
Why would my gun be sitting on the kitchen table? Or is this some weird assumption you have of gun owners
If we didn’t have guns and the prevalent weapon for criminals were baseball bats you’d want to regulate baseball bats for law abiding citizens as well. You need that faux government security.
No I wouldn't.
Now if they produced and marketed "baseball" bats that were covered in razor wire and spikes, I would probably be against it because it is now a weapon intended to harm.
No I wouldn't.
Now if they produced and marketed "baseball" bats that were covered in razor wire and spikes, I would probably be against it because it is now a weapon intended to harm.

Where do you separate “harm” vs “protect”
Is that how you feelz?
No I honesty don’t care what you or any anti gun nut you really feel about it because you are wrong and the Constitution will remain as is. It’s not about feelz it’s common sense and logic and actual law
It's pretty simple:
People will not mind their own business when they perceive that by minding their own business the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Not every life has equal outcomes. Never have. Never will. Some are winners. Some are losers
Slice answered you. Experience, skill, ergonomics.

Experience with the gun. Someone with muscle memory is going to be faster than someone who has never handled that gun before.

Skill level in general not just that specific gun. You are going to be better with a new gun if you have shot 500 different guns than if you have only shot 5. You figure things out faster.

Most gun owners are big believers in how a gun feels in your hand. Personally I dont like conceal carry sized pistols because I tend to do what I call double pull, since my on hand pinky doesnt have something to grip. Also could be recoil issues or how the grip fits in your hand with size and profile
That still doesn't answer my question.
Let's take me for this example.
I have zero experience with hand guns.
If you gave me 3 different types of handguns and told me to get off as many shots as possible in 3 seconds, would I get different results on the 3 guns?
Would an expert get different results on the 3 guns?
I fully acknowledge that my results and the expert's results would be vastly different on all 3. That's not the question.

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