Rep Massie posts gun photo

It's really pretty simple, there is a relatively small segment who feel everyone being heavily armed is an appropriate goal, and then there is the rest of same world.

I don’t care what the world thinks….or you. I have a right and the ability to exercise it so I do. The fact you use hyperbole to attempt to support an argument on a subject that you’re completely ignorant on says it all. “Heavily armed”. 😂🤣
Yet all data seems to point to the idea that weapons are very well controlled and that a gun is far more likely to be used in self defense than in an act murder, homicide, or accidental death.

The CDC estimates the low end of fire arm related self defense incidents at 60k and the high end around 2.5 million. Compared to 39k total gun deaths. But idk, I just trust science.
Very well controlled? I thought most of the guns in the hands of criminals were stolen.
Is that not the case?
If it is the case, it kind of blows your well controlled stance.
It's really pretty simple, there is a relatively small segment who feel everyone being heavily armed is an appropriate goal, and then there is the rest of same world.

If everyone would just mind their own business the problem would be solved.
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Very well controlled? I thought most of the guns in the hands of criminals were stolen.
Is that not the case?
If it is the case, it kind of blows your well controlled stance.

How else do you account for guns being used roughly twice (at the low end) as often in defense compared to all gun related deaths? Honestly, I doubt many criminals are handing their guns to a toddler.
Very well controlled? I thought most of the guns in the hands of criminals were stolen.
Is that not the case?
If it is the case, it kind of blows your well controlled stance.

If a gun is in your home or locked vehicle it is well controlled. Are you saying people are leaving their guns on their porch or forgetting them in public sh***ers or something?
How to be a bad poster. An illustration and guide.

That cowboy mentality is what's wrong with this country. I bet you thought the defendants in the Arbery case didn't do anything wrong either.

I bet you loved Dubya too didn't you? Damn buffoon.

Exactly. Which is I don't need Redneck Rambos taking the law into their own hands. I bet you thought the defendants in the Arbery case did nothing wrong either.
370 million firearms in the US. Less than .0001% used in crimes illegally. That’s pretty well controlled

This is a safer percentage than Covid. But just as masking has become the symbol of morality, might we expect those overly fearful of gun to simply wear bullet proof vests in public?
How to be a bad poster. An illustration and guide.

Agreed, although assuming weak positions for others and then attacking them has been the go to move in these forums for a long time.

It may score points with the cheap seats, but it's lazy,
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Agreed, although assuming weak positions for others and then attacking them has been the go to move in these forums for a long time.

It may score points with the cheap seats, but it's lazy and very low effort.

Oh yeah?

I bet you kick puppies and and leave your shopping cart in parking spaces.
How else do you account for guns being used roughly twice (at the low end) as often in defense compared to all gun related deaths? Honestly, I doubt many criminals are handing their guns to a toddler.
You say that like it's a good stat.
To use the automobile analogy you guys so frequently misuse.
That's like saying the auto gets people to their destination twice as often as it ends up in a deadly crash.
So you don't view the number of illegal guns in the hands of criminals as a problem?
I view the criminals themselves as the actual problem. If you have a felon commit 15 violent crimes with guns and keeps getting out of jail. The gun isn’t the issue
If a gun is in your home or locked vehicle it is well controlled. Are you saying people are leaving their guns on their porch or forgetting them in public sh***ers or something?
I don't necessarily agree that if it is in your home it is well controlled.
Oh yeah?

I bet you kick puppies and and leave your shopping cart in parking spaces.

I'll fist fight a puppy or even karate chop an occasional kitten, but it's super FU that you'd tell people that I don't return my buggy to the cart corral. You have no evidence of that.
You say that like it's a good stat.
To use the automobile analogy you guys so frequently misuse.
That's like saying the auto gets people to their destination twice as often as it ends up in a deadly crash.

These are total gun deaths. So it includes both positive and negative events (when Hitler killed himself, gun death). Yet self defense at a minimum is double that
How is minding ones own business contrary to capitalism and individualism?
If you understood, you wouldn't be hog.
Inevitable with such an obscene inequality in wealth distribution - (one which is viewed as unacceptably unfair)

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