Reparations, income handouts, guaranteed jobs: Dems tilt hard left

The only benefit that I am for that I would gladly pay taxes for each senior is provided long-term care when needed for the balance of their life. The cost for care for long-term care 24 hours a day Is simply unaffordable. We have a crisis in this country of aging citizens plus all Alzheimer’s
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Yes, we all believe in that. We all believe in exactly the same thing.


Maybe you should think about what you just typed when mindlessly berating all Trump supporters.
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Yes, we all believe in that. We all believe in exactly the same thing.

A year later, you gotta admit there is a serious lean to the left happening. It's surprised me a little that the whole primary field is drooling over Green New Deal, reparations and UBI type stuff.
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They have to push further and further left. There is no room for being center. Society has changed and the only hope for democrats is to be able to be as crazy as their most ardent supporters.

Democrats 2020 Platform will consist of this:

Free money for everyone (unless you're a White heterosexual male)
Tranny Bathrooms e'rwhere
Felons are people too
Police are terrible until I need them
You shouldn't have that much
You should't have that
You shouldn't be able to do that
Freedom of speech is great unless it makes me mad then it must be censored
Will fix mythical wage gap
Diversity is our strength (emotions)
Emotions over logic
Wall Street evil
Corporations evil
Working evil
Christians evil
Muslims good
Capitulation GREAT
Capitalism bad and evil
Knee pads for everyone
White people bad
Old people bad
Old White people bad
Men bad
White men bad
Old White men bad (except Hillary and Bernie)

Their slogan? Feel First, Think Never.


Not working will set you free..
fixed it a little
A year later, you gotta admit there is a serious lean to the left happening. It's surprised me a little that the whole primary field is drooling over Green New Deal, reparations and UBI type stuff.

Every primary features that, to the left or the right.

Funny thing is, the GOP abandoned its principles and nominated then elected a guy who is the opposite of what the GOP has claimed over the last 25 years to stand for: family values, fiscal restraint, open government.
Every primary features that, to the left or the right.

Funny thing is, the GOP abandoned its principles and nominated then elected a guy who is the opposite of what the GOP has claimed over the last 25 years to stand for: family values, fiscal restraint, open government.

Exactly, Republicans can never again claim they are the party of fiscal restraint and they can no longer claim the moral high ground on any topic. They sold their souls supporting Trump.
Exactly, Republicans can never again claim they are the party of fiscal restraint and they can no longer claim the moral high ground on any topic. They sold their souls supporting Trump.
Fiscally, kind of. At least the money isn’t all going to worthless people.

Morally? That’s adorable. Dems haven’t been able to talk about morals in decades if not centuries. Lmao
College kids gonna college kid.
eh, this doesn't bother me as much. they are choosing to do it themselves. The University itself participated in slavery, which I hadn't really thought of before but it makes sense. and they know exactly who were the slaves, and who the children are.

They also already had a program where descendants of those slaves could go to GU for free.
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Not that many. A few. Their views vary.

I would agree that younger Dems tend to be absolutist and idealistic. They adhere too much to unrealistic policies about wealth redistribution.

But that is mostly a consequence of being young. Young GOPers are idealistic and absolutist in the other direction.

It takes life experience to understand that wise political choices are made a la carte, not prix fixe. You find who you are aligned to, but you don't sign up for the whole thing.
When are you going to get that experience?
Your party is moving towards socialism and you’ve sold your soul to it, congrats.

Thanks for proving once again how mis-informed you are, the Trumpkins always buy into the fear-mongering and right wing talking points.

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