Reparations, income handouts, guaranteed jobs: Dems tilt hard left

Exactly, Republicans can never again claim they are the party of fiscal restraint and they can no longer claim the moral high ground on any topic. They sold their souls supporting Trump.

You act like most of us even care. Politicians are trash. The letter by their name means nothing. Spend excessively, steal from the American worker and screw the average citizen. That’s our government in a nutshell. It’s just a different boss every 4 or 8 years.
Thanks for proving once again how mis-informed you are, the Trumpkins always buy into the fear-mongering and right wing talking points.

Compared to the lefts approach, i.e. all white males are the problem, free everything for anyone that votes Democrat and the left leaning MSM to be the first to report anything that portrays conservatives in a negative manner, whether it's accurate or not...just as long as it's out there.
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Yeah, that's not what was said. Not by a longshot. Her actual quote has been mangled by the Ailes Squad to fit their narrative, enhance anger, and provide another focus for ire.

It’s exactly what was said, I’ve seen the clip
The actual quote was:

“If you are in this country now, you must have the right to pay into Social Security, to pay your taxes, to pay into your local school system, and to have a pathway to citizenship. That must happen,” Gillibrand said.

I disagree with Gillibrand on increase the access to services by the undocumented. I disagree with the pieces of **** who make these intentional misquote graphics to exacerbate distrust even more.
The actual quote was:

“If you are in this country now, you must have the right to pay into Social Security, to pay your taxes, to pay into your local school system, and to have a pathway to citizenship. That must happen,” Gillibrand said.

I disagree with Gillibrand on increase the access to services by the undocumented. I disagree with the pieces of **** who make these intentional misquote graphics to exacerbate distrust even more.

You can spin it anyway you like, her intent is to pander to the illegals, you guys are so generous with other people’s money
Lmao, sure you are. Is your name Bill Kristol?

I'm an old-fashioned, mountain raised, born again Christian conservative. My history is more in depth elsewhere on this site. I have no use for subterfuge or games; they're not conservative.
I'm an old-fashioned, mountain raised, born again Christian conservative. My history is more in depth elsewhere on this site. I have no use for subterfuge or games; they're not conservative.

And yet you can’t see the Forrest for the trees, your irrational hatred of Trump is right in line with the rest of the liberal whack jobs on here, you may as well cross the line there mr mountain man. You haven’t time for any humor as well..👍
And yet you can’t see the Forrest for the trees, your irrational hatred of Trump is right in line with the rest of the liberal whack jobs on here, you may as well cross the line there mr mountain man. You haven’t time for any humor as well..👍

Actually, my displeasure with Trump is right in line with Holy Scripture. Same with deceptive practices.

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