Republicans on Volnation.

:rolleyes: Anybody got any heroin . . . or perhaps a tack hammer I can smack myself with?
(bravevol @ Jul 22 said:
:lolabove: For real you cannot legalize all this crap, then this wouldnt be the United States.

Actually it would be if that's your pursuit of happiness. When did the US become a nation of "do it for me?" Make your choices and if they're bad then live with the consequences. I don't expect you to understand that at your age but life will teach.
(bravevol @ Jul 22 said:
Think about it would a real prostitute take classes on "safe sex." What do they need a little paper saying its ok for a person to spread STD's.

Geez... I have to stop talking to you and your little buddy. When I say "get tested" I'm not talking about taking classes. :banghead: I'm talking about STD tests. DUH...
:lol: That was about the time I started requesting foreign objects to bludgeon myself with. His GPA has already dropped from 4.0 to 3.5 . . . this may indicate another drop.
(bravevol @ Jul 22 said:
Think about it would a real prostitute take classes on "safe sex." What do they need a little paper saying its ok for a person to spread STD's.

I primarily only skimmed this thread, but this was the first post by bravevol today that had some sort of punctuation in the middle of it preceeding the final period, I think.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 22 said:
I happen to be a born again believer in Christ and yes that means living my life for him. OWB, you must not be to familiar on what this Country was founded upon.

Actually yeah, I do. I'm really glad you brought that up.

It wasn't founded on Christianity and our founding fathers weren't aiming for a Christian Nation, if that's what you're getting at. Sure, many back then practiced Christianity, but our founding fathers believed in deism and freemasonry tenets along with Christianity. I'm not saying they didn't believe in it or respect it, but it wasn't their goal for America to be a Christian nation.

Just because they mentioned "God" in the Declaration of Independence doesn't mean they were referring to the personal God of Christianity. Thomas Jefferson wrote most of the Declaration and Jefferson held deist beliefs.

Our founding fathers set up a Government separated from any religion. You should research Jefferson's "Wall of church and state" a little.

I'll refer you to the Treaty of Tripoli Article 11:

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

And unlike the Declaration of Independence, this treaty represented U.S. law as most treaties do.

The Treaty of Tripoly only lasted a few years, but it clearly represented the feelings of our Founding Fathers at the beginning of American Government.

And I'll just add that when our founding fathers mentioned "God", being deists, they were talking about Nature's God or The God of Nature, not the God of the bible. Deists believed that there was in fact a creator of the Earth, but that he didn't concern himself with the daily lives of humans and didn't communicate with humans either through revelations or sacred books. They also believed in Jesus and praised him for his teachings, but denied his divinity.

They were men of the "Enlightenment", not men of "Christianity".

(bravevol @ Jul 22 said:
Think about it would a real prostitute take classes on "safe sex." What do they need a little paper saying its ok for a person to spread STD's.

Nevada has legalized prostitution. As long as the prostitute is registered and works out of a registered brostel (which requires regular testing) then the act is legal.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 23 said:

Read this Smoke Em:
The Quebec Act of 1774 electrified Puritan New England against the crown, because the act granted French Canadian Catholics freedom to practice their religion. The Continental Congress demanded that the act be repealed, as it was a religious threat to the colonies. Firebrand Samual Adams proclaimed that King George III would soon fall prey to that dread temptation of all English sovereigns and take up the popish religion as his own.

American Daniel Barber recorded in his History of My Own Time, published in 1827, that colonial anti-Catholocism was "so strong throughout the early part of the Revolution that the President of Princeton University believed that the common hatred of Popery, caused by the Quebec Act, the only thing that cemented the divergent religious groups in the colonies together sufficiently enough to allow them to make war, and opinion that was shared by British observers."

H.W. Crocker III, Triumph

So, the following quote, out of your link is some kind of twist on history, is it not...
“oth in Virginia and in New England to the north, the colonists were determined, God-fearing men, often in search of a religious toleration denied them at home, who brought their families and were anxious to farm and establish permanent settlements. They put political and religious freedom before riches
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 23 said:
I find quotes pretty factual

It's not the quotes, it the distortions and misconceptions that follow them.....

Nevada has legalized prostitution. As long as the prostitute is registered and works out of a registered brostel (which requires regular testing) then the act is legal.
Well I am going to Vegas this fall, too bad I'm only 16.
(bravevol @ Jul 22 said:
You don't, well I do and so does like everybody else, or at least I hope they do.

Please go read a book or even watch the History channel. Anything to get smarter.
(smoke_em06 @ Jul 22 said:
I'm still trying to figure out why "the real ut" wants me banned so badly. I happen to be a born again believer in Christ and yes that means living my life for him. OWB, you must not be to familiar on what this Country was founded upon. You seem to be a clone of Ted Kennedy or even worse. You want to legalize prostitution, marijuana, and gay marriage. You shoud move to Amsterdam.

Pesky "Freedom"
It amazes me to see kids at the point of their lives where people generally question authority the most spouting the party line BS that they hear from their Neocon parents.
(vader @ Jul 24 said:
It amazes me to see kids at the point of their lives where people generally question authority the most spouting the party line BS that they hear from their Neocon parents.

They grow up so fast these days.. :cry:
You know something about you saying they grow up faster look down the line we got 5 year olds listend to Chamillionare, just wait its gonna get worst. By the way I'm 16 I only got 2 more years I say what I say on my own not what I hear from my parents. My mom is a Democrat and so is my grandparents. I will be a Republican on my own choice.

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