I had a long serious conversation about it this morning with a guy that I respect a load and who believes it to be a viable idea.
Not sure I want the pain involved, but I do find it intriguing.
Mind you, I'm not the partisan for real that I am on this board. I just don't care a lick about the freaking conservative social value driven issues. That would hurt.
the media, almost across the board, believes he's coming to the center.Anybody who thinks Obama will move to the center is either dumb or willfully ignorant.
I had a long serious conversation about it this morning with a guy that I respect a load and who believes it to be a viable idea.
Not sure I want the pain involved, but I do find it intriguing.
Mind you, I'm not the partisan for real that I am on this board. I just don't care a lick about the freaking conservative social value driven issues. That would hurt.
the media, almost across the board, believes he's coming to the center.
It's the craziest thing I've ever heard.
Bill Kristol, who is a bright fellow, said he thought Obama would be centrist to some degree because he doesn't want to repeat the Carter disaster or lose his majority as Clinton did very quickly.
I'd like to think he's right, but I believe there is no prayer that he is.
If you stick to what you would do best, drive home the idea of keeping yourself and government in general accountable to the people.........keeping government out of the way in everyones daily life, you might find you could gain some traction.
While my social views would be a little more conservative than yours, they are not a deal breaker, I think there are many who would find themselves in the same boat as i am.
Which is exactly what will happen. Look at his relationships, they got them to where he wanted to go and apparently he left them to the wayside.
the fiscal conservative, strong military, limited government movement is not at a crossroads or remotely dead. Whether the Republican party gets that is a different animal, but someone is going to get that right.
Hell, I'm considering moving back to TN to run for the House on exactly that platform. Then I'm taking it to the Senate.
BPV for House 2010.
I am more optimistic than most people on this board, since I know he has already told Reid to go F himself. I have a feeling he doesn't give a damn about these three.
I could be wrong though?
you're not accounting for the inevitable pendulum swing back to conservatism, which will open hordes of those currently dem seats to conservatives.Didn't say it would not work in Tennessee that is why I live here. On a national Level, it would be a little harder to push that agenda.
You got 4 and 6 years to make up your mind on the Senate Seat.
Bob will seek a 2nd term and Lamar will probably Retire from the Senate. They are doing great jobs.
Governor is a possibility but Frist will be hard to beat.
Considering that most of our house seat are Republican your choices are getting slimmer unless you want to run in Memphis for the House or wait until the Democrats in retire.
State Rep is a possibility but we had great gains this year in the State Legislature. Again Limited.
There may be some community Organization leader positions open now that BHO has been elected. Not the best but a start. This state is pretty locked up Republican. No Democratic Whipping boys here until they retire. You might try Alabama.
He used Rev Wright to get into the Chicago political machine.
Obama has questions, along with every other hack who has been president.
Guess what, we have survived every last one of them!
you're not accounting for the inevitable pendulum swing back to conservatism, which will open hordes of those currently dem seats to conservatives.
My thoughts exactly, if we aren't strong enough to survive what most on this board perceive to be Armageddon for 4 years than we shouldn't exist.
If we are even thinking about Armageddon then we are whacks. The Sky is not falling. This is the type of crap and panic on the part of the Rep Party that I hate. All it does is stir Sh>>. That is Chicken Little Syndrome, scare the public to death with biblical prophecy.