RIP Phil Valentine

Oh now you want to direct attention back to China? Thus far you’ve completely ignored any actual causation of the situation and merely pushed the stupid statist “just comply its for own good” diatribe on the jab.

But hey at least you finally acknowledge root cause here! Progress!

I'm not one to defend EL's nonsense, but it in this case he was responding to the argument blaming China. He didn't build a strawman. And, while this isn't common, he actually has a good point.
I'm not one to defend EL's nonsense, but it in this case he was responding to the argument blaming China. He didn't build a strawman. And, while this isn't common, he actually has a good point.
Each and every case has ended with a demand. Do as you are told and get the jab. Nobody is listening to her, absolutely nobody. She lost any audience long ago due to her own demanding demeanor on this topic

And the one time the boy was telling the truth it didn’t matter as the wolf gulped down the last bite.
The proximate cause of the whole f’ing pandemic is the Chinese and their lab in Wuhan…. You must be a really sorry attorney.

An act of negligence creates a risk. You are informed of the risk. You are offered protection
from that risk. You knowingly decline the protection and proceed as if the known risk is not there. Sorry, that's on you.
Actually the pig in this case is the anti-vax alternatives that do nothing to protect you from COVID. You guys are working overtime to make something that looks like Steve Buscemi into Brad Pitt.

The vaccine is Brad Pitt, inject it all up in yourself.
Nobody sees you toad.

An act of negligence creates a risk. You are informed of the risk. You are offered protection
from that risk. You knowingly decline the protection and proceed as if the known risk is not there. Sorry, that's on you.
And each owns their own situation so shut the hell up and let them manage their own risk.
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Each and every case has ended with a demand. Do as you are told and get the jab. Nobody is listening to her, absolutely nobody. She lost any audience long ago due to her own demanding demeanor on this topic

And the one time the boy was telling the truth it didn’t matter as the wolf gulped down the last bite.
We are certainly heading in that direction with the inevitably of the vaccines being fully FDA approved. No one will be forced to get the vaccine, but life is about to get very difficult for the anti-vaxxers.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't work here.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't enter this establishment.

Didn't get vaccinated and infected a child with COVID? Lawsuit.

The sad reality is the anti-vaxxers are going to have to have a near death experience or watch their loved ones die from COVID in order to come back down from la-la land.
We are certainly heading in that direction with the inevitably of the vaccines being fully FDA approved. No one will be forced to get the vaccine, but life is about to get very difficult for the anti-vaxxers.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't work here.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't enter this establishment.

Didn't get vaccinated and infected a child with COVID? Lawsuit.

The sad reality is the anti-vaxxers are going to have to have a near death experience or watch their loved ones die from COVID in order to come back down from la-la land.
Wanna bet? You really want to bet that states like Florida and Texas are going down that road? I mean I realize you see that as inevitable but that’s the only view the state shill can see.
We are certainly heading in that direction with the inevitably of the vaccines being fully FDA approved. No one will be forced to get the vaccine, but life is about to get very difficult for the anti-vaxxers.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't work here.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't enter this establishment.

Didn't get vaccinated and infected a child with COVID? Lawsuit.

The sad reality is the anti-vaxxers are going to have to have a near death experience or watch their loved ones die from COVID in order to come back down from la-la land.
What happens when one is forced to get the vax and then dies from said vax? If it's just one that is one too many?
Wanna bet? You really want to bet that states like Florida and Texas are going down that road? I mean I realize you see that as inevitable but that’s the only view the state shill can see.
We are definitely heading down that road. Anyone with a brain can see that.

Vaccines have been mandated for a long time. A COVID vaccine mandate will hold up in court. Acting like this is something new and unprecedented is ignorant of the facts. I for one am shocked that red hats are ignorant of facts.
Never bet against freedumb!
You know I’m right stupid cat lady. If the feds stupidly push that issue it will explode in their faces. This country is tired of your dumbazz authoritarian crap.

Go ahead and push it, let’s see where it goes.
We are definitely heading down that road. Anyone with a brain can see that.

Vaccines have been mandated for a long time. A COVID vaccine mandate will hold up in court. Acting like this is something new and unprecedented is ignorant of the facts. I for one am shocked that red hats are ignorant of facts.
No we aren’t. There are absolutely pockets that will be forced to comply like the military but it won’t be nationally mandated. Hell the azz holes you’re shilling for don’t even require it in their own workplaces.
Pot calling the kettle black... Are you loser Trump's mouthpiece?
There is an obvious snarky retort that can be made here implying someone being the idiot president’s diaper… but I’m not gonna go there that would be needlessly mean even though it was teed up so cleanly 😎
No we aren’t. There are absolutely pockets that will be forced to comply like the military but it won’t be nationally mandated. Hell the azz holes you’re shilling for don’t even require it in their own workplaces.
Yet. As I said the vaccines are about to be fully authorized by the FDA. Pfizer is going to be cleared this week. Moderna and J&J will follow by the end of the year. That's clearly a game changer.

Companies and government entities are going to protect themselves from any liability by mandating vaccines because of that. Mandating vaccines is nothing new, so when some anti-vaxxx goofball sues because "freedom" they will lose in a court of law.

I'm actually hoping it goes to court ASAP so we can finally get over this crap.
Yet. As I said the vaccines are about to be fully authorized by the FDA. Pfizer is going to be cleared this week. Moderna and J&J will follow by the end of the year. That's clearly a game changer.

Companies and government entities are going to protect themselves from any liability by mandating vaccines because of that. Mandating vaccines is nothing new, so when some anti-vaxxx goofball sues because "freedom" they will lose in a court of law.

I'm actually hoping it goes to court ASAP so we can finally get over this crap.
Oh I hope it goes to court also. However it’s gonna be quite a while before it’s settled.
Doubtful. Something of this magnitude that literally affects the entire country will be made a priority.
Oh no doubt it will hit the courts but it’s going to not go quickly. To be clear we are talking about the GOVERNMENT forcing this. They cannot legally do that. I’m all in favor of a private business doing it however.
You know I’m right stupid cat lady. If the feds stupidly push that issue it will explode in their faces. This country is tired of your dumbazz authoritarian crap.

Go ahead and push it, let’s see where it goes.
Amazing to think we are descendents of the men who charged the beach at Normandy and now we're a bunch of whiney hissy pants who don't wanna get jabbed because of some hair-brained notion of what freedom means.
Amazing to think we are descendents of the men who charged the beach at Normandy and now we're a bunch of whiney hissy pants who don't wanna get jabbed because of some hair-brained notion of what freedom means.
Perspective is a wonderful thing. Amazing that we are those descendants and in one generation shills like you roll over to have your belly scratched by authoritarianism. 🤡
An act of negligence creates a risk. You are informed of the risk. You are offered protection
from that risk. You knowingly decline the protection and proceed as if the known risk is not there. Sorry, that's on you.
Ok….. how about the 106 people that were vaccinated that died from covid in the NE USA?
The FACT still remains… had CHINA not released or let the virus escape…. THERE WOULD BE NO PANDEMIC….No covid deaths period.
What is the cause of the pandemic? …. The virus… who is responsible for the virus?
You have a dog…. A very aggressive dog that’s gotten out of your fenced yard a time or two…your neighbors know the dog is dangerous, but didn’t move or start carrying a gun when outdoors… even though they know there’s a risk…..your dog jumps the fence and mangles one of them …. Who’s at fault? the answer is your dumb ass…. You’re the one responsible for the dog. You’re the one liable
Amazing to think we are descendents of the men who charged the beach at Normandy and now we're a bunch of whiney hissy pants who don't wanna get jabbed because of some hair-brained notion of what freedom means.
So …. Are you saying it’s better to be sheep?

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