RIP Phil Valentine

Amazing to think we are descendents of the men who charged the beach at Normandy and now we're a bunch of whiney hissy pants who don't wanna get jabbed because of some hair-brained notion of what freedom means.
"I can't get vaccinated, it hurts my arm."

"I can't get vaccinated, I have an acute breathing condition."

"I can't get vaccinated, needles give me anxiety."

"I can't breathe wearing a mask."

"How am I supposed to enjoy my Applebee's chicken tenders wearing a mask?"

"I should be able to disregard the health and wellbeing of everyone I come into contact with."

"I can't get vaccinated, it hurts my arm."

"I can't get vaccinated, I have an acute breathing condition."

"I can't get vaccinated, needles give me anxiety."

"I can't breathe wearing a mask."

"How am I supposed to enjoy my Applebee's chicken tenders wearing a mask?"

"I should be able to disregard the health and wellbeing of everyone I come into contact with."

View attachment 388679
“I’ll manage my own health decisions without your stupid ass input”
We are certainly heading in that direction with the inevitably of the vaccines being fully FDA approved. No one will be forced to get the vaccine, but life is about to get very difficult for the anti-vaxxers.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't work here.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't enter this establishment.

Didn't get vaccinated and infected a child with COVID? Lawsuit.

The sad reality is the anti-vaxxers are going to have to have a near death experience or watch their loved ones die from COVID in order to come back down from la-la land.
What if you get the Vax and infect a child? Can we sue the drug maker? Or can they still sue us?
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Ok….. how about the 106 people that were vaccinated that died from covid in the NE USA?
The FACT still remains… had CHINA not released or let the virus escape…. THERE WOULD BE NO PANDEMIC….No covid deaths period.
What is the cause of the pandemic? …. The virus… who is responsible for the virus?
You have a dog…. A very aggressive dog that’s gotten out of your fenced yard a time or two…your neighbors know the dog is dangerous, but didn’t move or start carrying a gun when outdoors… even though they know there’s a risk…..your dog jumps the fence and mangles one of them …. Who’s at fault? the answer is your dumb ass…. You’re the one responsible for the dog. You’re the one liable

Would be more like my dog has rabies and I accidentally let it go out. It bites a dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog that bites another dog. Due to all the rabid dogs now running around, you're advised not to approach any dogs and you're also given a rabies shot just in case you get bitten. You nevertheless walk up to a dog, get bitten, and refuse to give yourself the rabies shot.
What if you get the Vax and infect a child? Can we sue the drug maker? Or can they still sue us?
For the red. No. You can thank the Trump admin for that.

For the blue. They can try. I doubt they would succeed. I imagine it would be hard to prove a vaccinated person was acting negligently under most circumstances. I can imagine a situation where a vaccinated person might refuse to wear a mask somewhere where they are required and infected someone on because of it (this is unlikely though, vaccinated people are less likely to transmit COVID). That could certainly qualify.
For the red. No. You can thank the Trump admin for that.

For the blue. They can try. I doubt they would succeed. I imagine it would be hard to prove a vaccinated person was acting negligently under most circumstances. I can imagine a situation where a vaccinated person might refuse to wear a mask somewhere where they are required and infected someone on because of it (this is unlikely though, vaccinated people are less likely to transmit COVID). That could certainly qualify.
God, it's basically a summary of every argument made in the vaccine thread by the holdouts.

God, it's basically a summary of every argument made in the vaccine thread by the holdouts.

I think that puts the lie to his brother's claim that "Phil was never anti-vaccine."

Not that it matters, in the end. Valentine's death isn't because of karma or divine justice. He died because he chose not to do the one thing that would have contributed the most to keeping himself alive. I can only hope his listeners see it for what it is.
God folks this ain't hard. If I run a company and negligently leak highly deadly pollutants into a local lake, I'm responsible for polluting that lake. If you know full well it's highly polluted and highly hazardous to your health and that you shouldn't swim in it without adequate protection (imagine there are signs all around the lake giving you this warning AND OFFERING FREE PROTECTIVE GEAR), but you go swimming unprotected anyway, am I to blame when you die after swimming in the lake?

If you never polluted the lake, the chances of someone dying from pollutants is almost none.

Same applies to the virus. If China didn’t develop it and let it escape, there would be no problems.
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Actually the pig in this case is the anti-vax alternatives that do nothing to protect you from COVID. You guys are working overtime to make something that looks like Steve Buscemi into Brad Pitt.

The vaccine is Brad Pitt, inject it all up in yourself.

So the doctors who stated that these alternatives work are wrong?
For the red. No. You can thank the Trump admin for that.

For the blue. They can try. I doubt they would succeed. I imagine it would be hard to prove a vaccinated person was acting negligently under most circumstances. I can imagine a situation where a vaccinated person might refuse to wear a mask somewhere where they are required and infected someone on because of it (this is unlikely though, vaccinated people are less likely to transmit COVID). That could certainly qualify.

Um the CDC has stated that vaccinated people can spread COVID as easily as unvaccinated.
If you never polluted the lake, the chances of someone dying from pollutants is almost none.

Same applies to the virus. If China didn’t develop it and let it escape, there would be no problems.
If my parents hadn't boinked all those years ago creating me, I wouldn't be here mopping the floor with you. Are they the cause of your humiliation?
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You hard lining vaxholes act like everyone that gets covid dies….. some do…. the vast majority don’t.
I’ve had covid and several others here have as well…. Thankfully we all lived. I’m not marginalizing the severity of the pandemic, but you SOBs want to demonize everyone that decides not to be vaccinated.
I had an antibody test and based on the results decided to get vaccinated…. I know others who did and chose not to. If you’re vaccinated then get off your high horse and be glad you are, but FFS let the other adults make their own decisions.

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