RIP Phil Valentine

God folks this ain't hard. If I run a company and negligently leak highly deadly pollutants into a local lake, I'm responsible for polluting that lake. If you know full well it's highly polluted and highly hazardous to your health and that you shouldn't swim in it without adequate protection (imagine there are signs all around the lake giving you this warning AND OFFERING FREE PROTECTIVE GEAR), but you go swimming unprotected anyway, am I to blame when you die after swimming in the lake?
Yes, you are a lawyer and should know that.
You hard lining vaxholes act like everyone that gets covid dies….. some do…. the vast majority don’t.
I’ve had covid and several others here have as well…. Thankfully we all lived. I’m not marginalizing the severity of the pandemic, but you SOBs want to demonize everyone that decides not to be vaccinated.
I had an antibody test and based on the results decided to get vaccinated…. I know others who did and chose not to. If you’re vaccinated then get off your high horse and be glad you are, but FFS let the other adults make their own decisions.
I think it’s more the massive amount of anti vax, conspiracy theory nonsense that’s being propagated. Sure, if you want to do your thing fine, but when your thing becomes sharing bogus information to keep people from making an educated decision we then have a problem.
We are certainly heading in that direction with the inevitably of the vaccines being fully FDA approved. No one will be forced to get the vaccine, but life is about to get very difficult for the anti-vaxxers.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't work here.

No vax? Ok that's fine but you can't enter this establishment.

Didn't get vaccinated and infected a child with COVID? Lawsuit.

The sad reality is the anti-vaxxers are going to have to have a near death experience or watch their loved ones die from COVID in order to come back down from la-la land.
Lmao there’s never going to be a lawsuit against someone for not taking the vaccine
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Lmao there’s never going to be a lawsuit against someone for not taking the vaccine
For just not taking it? Probably not.

For not taking it and transmitting the virus to a child? Absolutely. And there is precedent that backs that up.
And how would you prove where the “child” got it? Hint: you can’t
Wrong again. Contact tracing, the fact that most employers are already requiring employees to register their vaccination status. A lawyer will easily be able to track that information.
Oh I agree. I am just perplexed at people demanding China accountability when it appears we may have played a role in this. Do we want the rest of the world to punish us and China? Probably not.

If it comes to light that we did fund gain of research with China, then yes the US deserves punishment.
Oh I agree. I am just perplexed at people demanding China accountability when it appears we may have played a role in this. Do we want the rest of the world to punish us and China? Probably not.
China should be held accountable for their part in releasing this on the world. If we provided support financial or technology then those individuals and agencies should be held accountable also. If we actively participated then the world should hold us accountable also and has every right to do so. And that would probably be the end of the Republic
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China should be held accountable for their part in releasing this on the world. If we provided support financial or technology then those individuals and agencies should be held accountable also. If we actively participated then the world should hold us accountable also and has every right to do so. And that would probably be the end of the Republic

Could be why it appears the deep state ain't really interested in pursuing it. I think Fauci knows a lot and should be jailed if found guilty of lying.
Could be why it appears the deep state ain't really interested in pursuing it. I think Fauci knows a lot and should be jailed if found guilty of lying.
Fauci is in strap-on deep to whatever shady stuff has happened he’s been at the top of these agencies for decades hes either complicit incompetent or both.

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