RIP Phil Valentine

Don Everly passed yesterday too.
yeah I saw that …. Crazy say huh ? Everly brothers were a huge influence on the Beatles .

Paul McCartney confirmed Simon's assertion that the Everly Brothers had influenced him and the Beatles. "Phil Everly was one of my great heroes," McCartney wrote in a Facebook post following Phil's death (via Rolling Stone). "With his brother Don, they were one of the major influences on the Beatles. When John and I first started to write songs, I was Phil and he was Don."
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Criminal felons are exactly the same as a radio talk show host who disagreed about a vaccine

Lewis, Taylor and McCain weren't felons but thanks for demonstrating that there's always one who will look to justify mocking a dead person. You win the prize for zeroing in on Floyd in an I'll advised attempt at deflection.
Lewis, Taylor and McCain weren't felons but thanks for demonstrating that there's always one who will look to justify mocking a dead person. You win the prize for zeroing in on Floyd in an I'll advised attempt at deflection.
Don't forget about the absolute evisceration of Muhammad Ali when he passed
I believe you stated why should you care about the folks in Afghanistan. Just wondering why you care about these people you did not know? Don't cry....

Don't conflate my not caring about the fate of people who've laid down arms after 20 years of preparation with a guy who died from am illness during a global pandemic after choosing not to take a vaccine.

We're talking about mocking the dead.

Seriously, you missed - do yourself a favor and waive off.
Don't conflate my not caring about the fate of people who've laid down arms after 20 years of preparation with a guy who died from am illness during a global pandemic.

Seriously, you missed - do yourself a favor and waive off.
What ever you think Septic. I will not waive off. I kinda like watching you run in circles.
What ever you think Septic. I will not waive off. I kinda like watching you run in circles.

You like watching me mock your inability to form a cogent argument? I wouldn't have figured you for being into masochism, but here we are.
You like watching me mock your inability to form a cogent argument? I wouldn't have figured you for being into masochism, but here we are.
Ouch. That hurt so much.....LOL. There are some talented debaters on this sight. Some on each side of the spectrum. You however are not.....but it's ok ...everyone's a winner. Right.
Lewis, Taylor and McCain weren't felons but thanks for demonstrating that there's always one who will look to justify mocking a dead person. You win the prize for zeroing in on Floyd in an I'll advised attempt at deflection.
Are we really surprised Ricky decided to come up with the most moronic statement in a thread? Again?

I know I'm not.
Ouch. That hurt so much.....LOL. There are some talented debaters on this sight. Some on each side of the spectrum. You however are not.....but it's ok ...everyone's a winner. Right.

You don't think I can debate well?


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