RIP Phil Valentine

Martina Navratilova showed no mercy for him dying due to his conservative views. What a POS.

I’m not gay but I was supportive the efforts during the AIDS outbreak as most heterosexual people were. I guess she forgot about that.
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Martina Navratilova showed no mercy for him dying due to his conservative views. What a POS.

I’m not gay but I supported those efforts during the AIDS outbreak as most heterosexual people were. I guess she forgot about that.
No, she showed no mercy because he used his influence to propagate conspiracy theories to his audience and played a role in people getting sick or dying. It's sad that he died, but also a good thing he's off the air.
No, she showed no mercy because he used his influence to propagate conspiracy theories to his audience and played a role in people getting sick or dying. It's sad that he died, but also a good thing he's off the air.

The difference between conspiracy theories and the truth is about 6 months. I was told for 2 years of the great “Russian collusion” when it was a f-cking lie from Day 1 and they knew it.

I was told Covid came from bats. That was a cold blooded lie from day 1 & they knew it.

Arizona Election audits will prove the next lie you’ve swallowed. Get ready.
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I'm sure it was tough for him to find the words to compliment a guy who generally held the same worldview.

Especially when you've been knowing him 30 years or more, and he knows a lot of details about your family.
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The difference between conspiracy theories and the truth is about 6 months. I was told for 2 years of the great “Russian collusion” when it was a f-cking lie from Day 1 and they knew it.

I was told Covid came from bats. That was a cold blooded lie from day 1 & they knew it.

Arizona Election audits will prove the next lie you’ve swallowed. Get ready.
I've been hearing about the storm you're talking about for some time now. Guess what?

The difference between conspiracy theories and the truth is about 6 months. I was told for 2 years of the great “Russian collusion” when it was a f-cking lie from Day 1 and they knew it.

I was told Covid came from bats. That was a cold blooded lie from day 1 & they knew it.

Arizona Election audits will prove the next lie you’ve swallowed. Get ready.

I for one can't wait for the Arizona election audit results to get sh*t on by the Republican's of Arizona.

Also, how many more six months before Qanon's storm comes true? #shoutout to @ajvol01

Trump-friendly Cyber Ninjas delay report on Arizona election because CEO, 2 others are ‘quite sick’ with Covid

LOL, of course they are...
Gotta get these two well so they can paint the narrative without the nasal cannula.
The difference between conspiracy theories and the truth is about 6 months. I was told for 2 years of the great “Russian collusion” when it was a f-cking lie from Day 1 and they knew it.

I was told Covid came from bats. That was a cold blooded lie from day 1 & they knew it.

Arizona Election audits will prove the next lie you’ve swallowed. Get ready.

I work with several companies that have an independent audit on a regular basis and I'm pretty sure none of them would ever hire an auditor whose owner has taken a position on the issue prior to even being hired. Forgive me if I don't trust Audit Ninjas.
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Lewis, Taylor and McCain weren't felons but thanks for demonstrating that there's always one who will look to justify mocking a dead person. You win the prize for zeroing in on Floyd in an I'll advised attempt at deflection.
You have mocked dead people before so I am not justifying it as much as pointing out your hypocrisy as well as your false equivalence of saying Floyd is the same situation as a radio host
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God folks this ain't hard. If I run a company and negligently leak highly deadly pollutants into a local lake, I'm responsible for polluting that lake. If you know full well it's highly polluted and highly hazardous to your health and that you shouldn't swim in it without adequate protection (imagine there are signs all around the lake giving you this warning AND OFFERING FREE PROTECTIVE GEAR), but you go swimming unprotected anyway, am I to blame when you die after swimming in the lake?
You own the dog…. You have beware of dog signs….and a fence… dog gets out ….mauls neighbor….even though you offered them pepper spray and a dog bite suit….guess what? You’re still liable…. You’re the one responsible for the damn dog whether you like it or not. Lawyer?….. lawyer of stupids maybe
You have mocked dead people before so I am not justifying it as much as pointing out your hypocrisy as well as your false equivalence of saying Floyd is the same situation as a radio host

As the value of human life they are the same. As for as character they were polar opposites. One helped many. The other took from many.
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You have mocked dead people before so I am not justifying it as much as pointing out your hypocrisy as well as your false equivalence of saying Floyd is the same situation as a radio host

My history is an open book, put up or shut up.

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