RIP Phil Valentine

No. He was never a hero for the right.

He was literally the Republican candidate for President.

I'm sure that you can try and massage that to numb it down, but I can't think of a higher position within the party than to be nominated as the party's candidate for the highest office in the land.
You own the dog…. You have beware of dog signs….and a fence… dog gets out ….mauls neighbor….even though you offered them pepper spray and a dog bite suit….guess what? You’re still liable…. You’re the one responsible for the damn dog whether you like it or not. Lawyer?….. lawyer of stupids maybe
To be fair, his analogy would be equivalent to you jumping the fence.
No he really wasn’t

Except that he was.


You can not like him for choices he made that you personally disagreed with, but you can't revise the history of his popularity within the party.
He was literally the Republican candidate for President.

I'm sure that you can try and massage that to numb it down, but I can't think of a higher position within the party than to be nominated as the party's candidate for the highest office in the land.

True he was and he couldn't garner enough conservative support to beat Obama.
True he was and he couldn't garner enough conservative support to beat Obama.

Funny how the argument is generally that we vote "against the other guy" and not for ours - until it's convenient to the argument to pretend he was the unpopular candidate.

It's amusing to watch you guys trip over the fact that he went from popular presidential nominee to RINO as soon as he crossed Donny.
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You own the dog…. You have beware of dog signs….and a fence… dog gets out ….mauls neighbor….even though you offered them pepper spray and a dog bite suit….guess what? You’re still liable…. You’re the one responsible for the damn dog whether you like it or not. Lawyer?….. lawyer of stupids maybe
Legally, he’s correct. The plaintiff’s negligence in ignoring the warning signage and failing to protect himself before swimming in the lake contributed to his injuries and will offset or preclude any damages, depending on the jurisdiction.
Funny how the argument is generally that we vote "against the other guy" and not for ours - until it's convenient to the argument to pretend he was the unpopular candidate.

It's amusing to watch you guys trip over the fact that he went from popular presidential nominee to RINO as soon as he crossed Donny.

He was an unpopular candidate just like Romney. Neither was able to rally the conservative vote.
He was an unpopular candidate just like Romney. Neither was able to rally the conservative vote.

He wanted to appease the middle which cost him the conservative vote in 08. There was extreme apathy among conservatives toward him. He tried to market himself as a conservative but failed.
He wanted to appease the middle which cost him the conservative vote in 08. There was extreme apathy among conservatives toward him. He tried to market himself as a conservative but failed.

That's because he was never a conservative. He couldn't even get my dad's vote and I don't think he's ever not voted R in a presidential race.
He was literally the Republican candidate for President.

I'm sure that you can try and massage that to numb it down, but I can't think of a higher position within the party than to be nominated as the party's candidate for the highest office in the land.
Just because he was the Republican nominee doesn’t mean he was a hero to the right. They mostly despised him because of his voting record and his treatment of W during his first term. There’s a reason that he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. It was strictly done because the McCain campaign knew that a large portion of the conservative base wasn’t enthusiastic about him in the first place.
Except that he was.


You can not like him for choices he made that you personally disagreed with, but you can't revise the history of his popularity within the party.
Just because someone is the nominee of their party doesn’t mean that they are viewed as a “hero.” Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden is a hero to the left? I think a large potion of the left despises him. Same with Hillary in 2016.
Just because someone is the nominee of their party doesn’t mean that they are viewed as a “hero.” Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden is a hero to the left? I think a large potion of the left despises him. Same with Hillary in 2016.

Hero is a subjective term, you have your definition - I have mine.

The right nominated him to the highest office in the land, it's a revisionist history to try and paint him as someone the right didn't like - which was the inference on why some on the right mocked him after his death.
Hero is a subjective term, you have your definition - I have mine.

The right nominated him to the highest office in the land, it's a revisionist history to try and paint him as someone the right didn't like - which was the inference on why some on the right mocked him after his death.
The “right” is also a subjective term. Do you mean the Republican base or the talk radio/CPAC crowd? The talk radio/CPAC crowd was still a vocal minority of the base in 2008. A very vocal minority, but still a minority.
Hey bud, why don't you watch the video I posted on page 1 of his thread where his brother says that Phil expressed regret for his messaging and wanted people to get vaccinated.

Are you calling his brother and family a liar? It sounds like you're calling them liars.
No sister, I’m not.
What was my first contention with you on Phil Valentine and your statements about his “deathbed” statements? It was that people don’t do allot of things on their deathbed. Apparently he was ventilated sometime late in July. I have no doubt he had access to a phone or iPad to talk with his family at that time before he was ventilated. Before they get ventilated they can barely get words out.
My contention was also that not one family members was by his bedside. His brother Mark made a statement about his wife being by his side 14 hours a day. That’s false. No one is at the bedside of a covid pt especially if they get aerosolizing procedures... which they all do.
I’ve never debated the fact he may have regretted some stances he previously supported, did I? I just continually see you bloviating about half truths you read like it’s gospel. Although I think the gospel, much like sun to vampires, would burn you and your evil twin to ashes. Just a guess on my part.
Probably didn't explain as well as I should have. I don't question that it exists in the wild and probably has for a while. We never saw that one or two year deal of a case here and there before it mutates to full blown transmission. I think it had some help in a lab.
I believe it had help in the lab too. I’m curious as to when the deer samples were taken. When exactly they started showing antibodies to covid.
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An act of negligence creates a risk. You are informed of the risk. You are offered protection
from that risk. You knowingly decline the protection and proceed as if the known risk is not there. Sorry, that's on you.
Nit wits in a lab and gov organizations who keep creating gain of function viruses under the guise of helping humanity go beyond an “act of negligence”. I think you forgot to start at the beginning. It has a name. Bioterrorism.
No sister, I’m not.

Are you sure, sentences later you say this.

His brother Mark made a statement about his wife being by his side 14 hours a day. That’s false.
So you are in fact calling his family liars.

Although I think the gospel, much like sun to vampires, would burn you and your evil twin to ashes. Just a guess on my part.

I don't believe in that nonsense, but your guesses along with everything else you say is grounded in conspiratorial thinking, so I'm sure this wouldn't turn out how you expect it too either.
Are you sure, sentences later you say this.

So you are in fact calling his family liars.

I don't believe in that nonsense, but your guesses along with everything else you say is grounded in conspiratorial thinking, so I'm sure this wouldn't turn out how you expect it too either.
I can tell you from first hand knowledge that the family wasn’t by his bedside 14 hours a day
Legally, he’s correct. The plaintiff’s negligence in ignoring the warning signage and failing to protect himself before swimming in the lake contributed to his injuries and will offset or preclude any damages, depending on the jurisdiction.
Let’s talk about my example…. Because the lake didn’t “get out”…. The dog and the virus did

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