Just cart the elderly and disabled out into the streets around neighborhoods and places of business so the people who don't care if they die can watch it happen. Then after they're dead, leave the corpses to rot. It would be a waste of tax dollars to dispose of the bodies.
A lot of those people contributed to society when they were capable but now that they can't fend for themselves, "it's their problem". In the mean time, criminals are housed and provided for so why stop there? Let's shut down prisons. Give them all the death penalty instead of feeding and housing criminals for bad behavior while you toss the old and crippled out on the streets. Or should they just commit a crime so they can be provided for in prison too? Let's just apply the same concept that some of you want to use for the elderly. When it gets to the point that their stay cost more than they've put in(almost always), throw them back out on the streets or shoot them. They're one and the same for a lot of the elderly and disabled.
That's not even humane. I guess it's not the government's job to be humane...? Some of you want a system that was designed by the people and for the people to stop giving a crap about the people. Well, stop giving a crap about some people as long it benefits you. It's pretty amazing what money and greed does to people. People are actually criticizing the government for not throwing old people out on the streets to die. That's really the kind of government you want? I can't believe this is about to come out of my mouth(figuratively) but it sounds like the government(the liberal half) is more compassionate than the republican voters.
Obviously the system is broken and needs to be fixed because lots of people are being given handouts when they're more than capable of working but the idea that you should just let the people who truly need it be cast aside to die is unethical. Oh well... it's their problem. All I'm hearing is, "better they get screwed over by the system than me". That attitude is as much of the problem as anything. Not everybody is jobless and broke because of their choosing. You can thank a number of things for that. Banks flat out lying to people about their ability to pay off houses and giving out two mortgages to everyone who came crawling. A meaningless war that drained the funds.
People want the government to spend less but nobody else is willing to do the same to help their fellow man. The people doing well for themselves apparently would throw the elderly and disabled out on the streets for an extra grand a year to buy more Apple junk. There are people working crap jobs that they're above just to make their minimum payments on bills but when you already have a family, a house and whatever else, it doesn't cover what you could originally afford. You're blaming those people for the economy sucking and saying it's their problem? Wait until your company cuts back and it's you that's let go because the economy sucks. You think places are just begging for your service because you have a college degree? Guess what... most people do these days. We've created a society where anyone and everyone can go to college. I wonder how many people with degrees are waiting tables and making sandwiches because they were on the ass end of cuts. Oh well, their problem. Could be you but who cares, right?
You've made that money and you're free to do whatever with it. With that being said, how many of you live well above your needs? Just about everybody. I wasn't going to bring up Jesus but I think this is where people bring him into play. A number of you have basically said F the old people and it's not your problem. That is the opposite of following Jesus's teaching. You would rather people die just to have a little bit more money. A lot of you think the system is doomed anyways which means your money will be nothing but pieces of paper. Hopefully you were smart enough to trade that paper for gold/silver, Judas. Willing to kill off fellow man for a small increment. You fit right in with the the oil tycoons. Greedy.
Mottos of the future...
The good of the many outweigh the good of the few so let the plug pulling commence!
Throw people overboard so the ship doesn't sink!
When you run out of ideas, kill people!
At this point, I'd say the rich and powerful have won and nobody here is in that boat. The blue eye/brown eye and prison guard/prisoner experiment has done it's job in turning the middle class against each other. There are plenty of people without jobs who are more qualified than somebody with the same job currently working. The middle class people with jobs have made sure to blame the people without jobs that it's their fault and rub it in that they have a job even though everyone of them could find a jobless person more qualified to replace them. A lot of the jobless people have been beaten down and are glad to take the free hands out because instead of sympathizing with them, the other half of the middle class thinks they're better and would let people die if it meant a new ipad.
Whatever... turn against each other. Nothing is going to change because everybody would rather b**** at each other than work together. Me included, I'm just a dumbass with now clue how to fix any of this. So go ahead and vote in my place. The odds of either side making it better are slim to none anyways. The one thing I have going for me... I'd rather give a little more to keep the elderly and disabled housed. If you're willing to throw them on the street to die, hopefully for your sake that there isn't a hell. I'm probably going anyways but that's besides the point.
It's been fun giving my retarded, worthless opinion so I'll see you guys on the football forum. Where my opinion is also useless and stupid. :good!: