Why is that you think? Is it maybe because 47 percent are on some form of government assistance? You see a pattern here? You think it can last at this rate? People are voting for their own demise and don't realize it....Just being realistic. I think he sucks, and don't like him. But I think he is going to win.
Can't argue there. Romeny in my mind is just a lesser Obama, but a whole lot less scary..... Obama is a radical and dangerous. I'll vote to get him gone and that's my reasoning.....
Kind of ironic don't you think? What is Obama doing there guy? Borrowing us into oblivion and beyond. No budget in 3 years and about as clueless as it comes to economics as it gets..
So that's what we're left with, a society dependent on government? There is a word for that you know... Actually a couple of them.. Is that where it's going in your opinion? You know it's close to the breaking point now?
Dude there is no money. We're broke. You don't seem to get it. I see now you really don't get sheet though. You live in a fantasy land. Like most other libtards........Let me guess. You think that keeping money out of the economy will increase economic growth. lol That is practically the mantra of Republican Party economics.
Let me guess. You think that keeping money out of the economy will increase economic growth. lol That is practically the PR mantra of the Republican Party. But George Bush's terms were one long splurge of borrow and spend. You can deny it all you want, but everybody knows, from beginning to end.
Or do you think that the boom and bust business cycle that existed for centuries will disappear, if we go back to the unfettered good old days when excessive speculation and depression were a routine reality of our economy. Or is it that you support economic depressions and want to cause one of your own?
Actually, it's not. George W. Bush spent money like it was falling from the sky. In his administration, government spending went up at the fastest rate since the middle of World War Two.
Ill never understand this. Bush came into office with a surplus left us with a HUGE deficit... He starts a war on the notion of removing weapons of mass destruction (never found)... spent money like crazy... jobs were going overseas at a rapid rate...his buddies were getting paid like crazy due to thier investments in war time companies...the way 9/11 and Katrina were handled was absolutely pathetic AND yet all is forgotten and forgiven. My how easy we forget!
BTW whats the terror alert today? red to orange and back to red? If Romney does get elected I pray to God he is better than Bush!
I don't disagree with most of this but the myth of the surpluses still perpetuates - the deficits came prior to the big spending binges. The recession of 2000-2001 along with the economic effects of 9/11 guaranteed any person in office would see the "projected surpluses" turn to deficits. W made it worse than it could have been but those surpluses were gone regardless of WH inhabitant.
Obama slams Romney on Letterman for 'writing off a big chunk of the country' - NBC News Entertainment
The real Mitt Romney stands up.