Romney's VP pick

I would say Ryan is a hawk, but isn't "known" for it since all the attention he gets is about domestic issues. Romney is going to maintain the status quo, which makes him a hawk in my mind.
LG will you please answer the question. Can you admit Ryan is a better VP pick than Biden?

No. Biden can't do any damage. We'd muddle through if he had to take over.

Ryan would believe his own press from the far right. Would suck.
No. Biden can't do any damage. We'd muddle through if he had to take over.

Ryan would believe his own press from the far right. Would suck.

So in your perfect world you would rather have Joe Biden as a potential president than Paul Ryan?
It's amazing so many people vote and don't even know what they're voting for. Sheep to the slaughter house, smiling the whole way.

Cuts both ways. The electorate does need to be more informed, but first they have to want to be informed, and that need for centrist, intelligent news reporting has been replaced by a more partisan, opinion news format.
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in addition to your numerous qualities, can we now add fortune teller to your resume?

a lot is going to happen between now and election day, but why declare the thing over before it really gets started?

Lol. Obviously not. Hyperbole.

But the writing is on the wall.

1) In 2010 the Republicans had an amazing serge of momentum behind the tea party movement and regained control of the House of Representatives by a wide margin. State houses experienced the same thing. People were outraged by Obamacare and Obama's popularity was waning fast.

2) Republican primaries roll around. The heavy hitters of the Republican Party (Chris Christie, etc) who could easily mount a campaign to overcome Obama bow out of the race. The GOP is stuck with a bunch of lack luster candidates.

3) The GOP eventually nominates Romney. Mr. flip-flopper himself. The base is not at all happy about this pick. They just figure in their minds that he might be able to get some independent vote to oust Obama. Let's not mention the fact that he is a mutlimillion dollar CEO at a time when distrust for CEO's is unprecedented and is absolutely awkward in his interactions. Smart move.

4) Meanwhile, Obama is enacting the Dream Act. Smart political move to get Hispanic vote; particularly in the swing state of Florida.

5) Tax returns. A non-issue that has blown up. Romney could have released his tax returns and it would have passed within a couple news cycles had nothing devastating been in them like he claims. Team Obama has been able successfully paint him as a sleazy and deceptive CEO out of touch with the American public. At the start of his nomination, Romney enjoyed a slight lead over the Obama. Such should be expected in an economy such as ours and on the heels of the 2010 mid-terms. Since his nomination, he has went from a slight edge to a solid underdog. Although that does not matter nationally. However, he is behind in all the key swing states. He, and the GOP's shot at the White House, just keeps dropping like a rock since the mid-terms.

6) Romneycare. Opps, I mean Obamacare. Wait, is there a difference? Why the hell would the GOP nominate this clown? He can't possibly talk about Obamacare in a negative light without being a hypocrite. Oh, and to the response from Romney's press secretary that Romney was indirectly responsible for a woman who succumbed to cancer, “To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care.” You can bet you @$$ that Obama will replay the sh*t out of that clip in future ads. smh

7) Then comes his VP. Instead of picking someone that can help in November, he is forced to choose a guy to help shore up his base. However, that has consequences. Ryan is the author of a very detailed budget plan, Medicare overhaul, and co-sponsored a House Bill to extend Constitutional Rights to a single-celled fertilized egg. Es no bueno. Why would you want to tie yourself to a specific budget during a campaign? It's damn near political suicide. Hell, the Team Obama have been trying their damnest to tie Romney to Ryan's plan well before Romney announced Ryan as his VP. Do you find it a coincidence that Romney, within a day, has already tried to distance himself from Ryan's plan? The second one is highly unpopular with seniors and will probably cost him the state of Florida; which is game over. The last one has been defeated pretty handily all across the country and is super unpopular among women.

If the election were held today, Obama would win easily. That is fact; acknowledged by both sides at the moment. Obama's campaign has all the momentum at the moment. That is fact. Romney and the GOP are hoping the announcement of Ryan and the GOP Convention are going to turn things around.

Could something major happen between now and November? Certainly. Romney almost certainly needs something of that scale to happen at this point. However, if things continue as they "normally" should in an election cycle, Obama is president for another four years.
I hope you are wrong. If people are so stupid (being polite) to think Obama relates to or understands middle income people we just need to scrap the system.

We have a man in the WH who has never held a private sector job, never had to concern himself with a P&L, payroll or prefoming in order to keep a job.

I agree.

But to the point of Obama relating...

Who would you honestly rather have a beer with, Romney or Obama? Put all politics aside. Just a night out on the town. How one answers this question is subconsciously how a person defines relatability.

Then think about the past couple of elections. Does it hold true?
Pkt... We get it, your boy lost (or never attempted to run, whoever he was). The momentum is clearly in the Romney camp, if you can't see that, then I don't know what to say

I and everyone I know would rather drink with Romney, would rather have Romney as their boss and would much rather have their tax $$s managed by Romney
Polling bot looking good for the Ryan pick.
This surprises me. I thought he would have better numbers.

Fair or poor choice 42%
Excellent or pretty good 39%
No opinion 16%
Polling bot looking good for the Ryan pick.
This surprises me. I thought he would have better numbers.

Fair or poor choice 42%
Excellent or pretty good 39%
No opinion 16%

what were the demographics of the poll?

a link would help
Pkt listens to too much CNN and MSNBC. Of course Obama is leading in their imaginary polls. This thing hasn't even got started yet. The debates are coming.
I agree.

But to the point of Obama relating...

Who would you honestly rather have a beer with, Romney or Obama? Put all politics aside. Just a night out on the town. How one answers this question is subconsciously how a person defines relatability.

Then think about the past couple of elections. Does it hold true?

LOL, wtf
Everyone agrees that we should reduce the deficit.

But the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest have already cost us $1.7 trillion and, if extended, would cost another $600 billion. The wealthiest have done the best in this economy, increasing their net worth, whereas everyone else has lost on their assets. Yet Romney/Ryan would would tax the middle class more, and cut Medicare by $700 billion, to pay for another tax break for the wealthiest?

This GOP slavish adherence to trickle down, which the last 30-40 years has proven is a dead concept, is where the election will be fought.

It is interesting to note that Romney/Ryan have avoided the phrase "trickle down" like the plague. Yet that is exactly the theory behind their proposals. It did not work in the 90's or the 2000's. Got to prime the pump on the other end.
Everyone agrees that we should reduce the deficit.

But the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest have already cost us $1.7 trillion and, if extended, would cost another $600 billion. The wealthiest have done the best in this economy, increasing their net worth, whereas everyone else has lost on their assets. Yet Romney/Ryan would would tax the middle class more, and cut Medicare by $700 billion, to pay for another tax break for the wealthiest?

This GOP slavish adherence to trickle down, which the last 30-40 years has proven is a dead concept, is where the election will be fought.

It is interesting to note that Romney/Ryan have avoided the phrase "trickle down" like the plague. Yet that is exactly the theory behind their proposals. It did not work in the 90's or the 2000's. Got to prime the pump on the other end.

Will the deficit still be cut in half by the end of Barry's first term, like he promised?

Obamacare cuts 700 Bil from Medicare.
I agree.

But to the point of Obama relating...

Who would you honestly rather have a beer with, Romney or Obama? Put all politics aside. Just a night out on the town. How one answers this question is subconsciously how a person defines relatability.

Then think about the past couple of elections. Does it hold true?

Romney, he would be more likely to pick up the tab. Obama, I'd have to keep one hand on my wallet all night. :)

Really, there in nothing in common between myself and BO. Not that there is much between myself and MR but I do think he would be much more interesting conversation.
It is interesting to note that Romney/Ryan have avoided the phrase "trickle down" like the plague. Yet that is exactly the theory behind their proposals. It did not work in the 90's or the 2000's. Got to prime the pump on the other end.

It is a more viable option than the ‘trickle up’ economics that tend to induce laziness and complacency (the ideologue of Obama). I am not an economics expert my any means, but common sense has got to kick in at some point. I don’t see many new jobs coming out of Mechanicsville (low income housing neighborhood in Knoxville), no disrespect to the residents of that area. At what point do you recommend reducing the government dependency that 50+% of the population now rely on?
Everyone agrees that we should reduce the deficit.

But the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest have already cost us $1.7 trillion and, if extended, would cost another $600 billion. The wealthiest have done the best in this economy, increasing their net worth, whereas everyone else has lost on their assets. Yet Romney/Ryan would would tax the middle class more, and cut Medicare by $700 billion, to pay for another tax break for the wealthiest?

This GOP slavish adherence to trickle down, which the last 30-40 years has proven is a dead concept, is where the election will be fought.

It is interesting to note that Romney/Ryan have avoided the phrase "trickle down" like the plague. Yet that is exactly the theory behind their proposals. It did not work in the 90's or the 2000's. Got to prime the pump on the other end.

You sure about that?

According to IRS data released earlier this year: The total adjusted gross income of the top one percent fell more than 20% in 2009 to $1.33 trillion, down 35% from their peak in 2007.

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