Consequently, any news reporter who is too critical of the government agencies that he is reporting about risks being cut off from his information sources, the lifeblood of his career, which will then be ruined. (A glaring example of this phenomenon is how former Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich ordered all of his appointees to refuse to talk to anyone associated with the Baltimore Sun, which had been hyper-critical of him and his administration).
Thus, according to Jensen and Meckling, career self-preservation among journalists requires that they essentially become lapdogs and mouthpieces for the state. They will tolerate and occasionally report about inconsequential and marginal criticisms of the state, such as those made by some of the D.C. "libertarian" think tanks, in order to delude the public into believing that there is actually a public policy debate in Washington. But whenever someone with the views of Congressman Ron Paul appears who challenges the very propriety and existence of any statist central planning institution (such as the Fed), the media will ignore and/or demonize him and everyone associated with his views.
Having spent their entire careers spreading such absurd lies, the appearance of an educated, articulate truth teller like Congressman Ron Paul absolutely terrifies the media, for Ron Paul threatens to expose them, once and for all, as the frauds and enemies of the free society that they are. That is why it is imperative that the media do everything in its power to ignore and demonize Ron Paul and his millions of freedom-loving supporters. So far, the biggest stumbling block in the way of the old media is the new media and Web sites like, which one can only hope will someday soon cause the demise of the gang of liars, deceivers, and propagandists known as "the mainstream media."