Ron Paul Can't Win

Do you guys seriously thinks there's a snowball's chance in hell that this is happening and there's going to be some miraculous, Ron Paul epiphany at the convention?

Why not? It's better than tucking my tail and "settling" for a guy like Romney or Obama, who will continue the ****ty trend we've had for the last several terms.

RP is still running for POTUS and represents more of my personal theories on political issues. I'm tired or seeing people throw up their hands, vote for a guy like Romney, then wonder why we are still at war and spending money. If we want different results, we might want to to elect someone different. Both parties have gone to **** and that's why a guy like RP is belittled and ignored.

So yeah, I'll stay positive and stick by him until his campaign is suspended or the process is over. Do I believe it will happen, no, it's unlikely. So was UT beating Alabama last year, but I still watched, cheered, and enjoyed the game.
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Do you guys seriously thinks there's a snowball's chance in hell that this is happening and there's going to be some miraculous, Ron Paul epiphany at the convention?

There isn't. All this talk of him getting delegates seems kind of underhanded anyway, so I'm not sure that is even happening. What I do hope is Ron Paul gets a large enough chunk of the vote to force the Republican party to take notice of what he has to say.
Ron Paul’s Clash With Paul Krugman Displays Power of Hayek Against Ideas of Keynes.

Congressman Ron Paul, in a rare head-to-head broadcast confrontation, went up against the Nobel laureate in economics Paul Krugman in an open debate over monetary policy. It was broadcast on the Bloomberg Television, moderated by Trish Regan. Not to put too fine a point on it, Ron Paul won the exchange, so much so that the cameras and moderators just drifted away from Mr. Krugman without so much as a fare-thee-well and left the field to the hero of the campaign for honest money.

One day I hope people will listen and learn from this man.

Ron Paul’s Clash With Paul Krugman Displays Power of Hayek Against Ideas of Keynes - The New York Sun
Why not? It's better than tucking my tail and "settling" for a guy like Romney or Obama, who will continue the ****ty trend we've had for the last several terms.

RP is still running for POTUS and represents more of my personal theories on political issues. I'm tired or seeing people throw up their hands, vote for a guy like Romney, then wonder why we are still at war and spending money. If we want different results, we might want to to elect someone different. Both parties have gone to **** and that's why a guy like RP is belittled and ignored.

So yeah, I'll stay positive and stick by him until his campaign is suspended or the process is over. Do I believe it will happen, no, it's unlikely. So was UT beating Alabama last year, but I still watched, cheered, and enjoyed the game.

Idealism. Nothing more American than that. Socialists on VN can't stand to see someone who actually stands for what they believe in. Their champion here is a gator fan lawyer....telling isn't it?
There isn't. All this talk of him getting delegates seems kind of underhanded anyway, so I'm not sure that is even happening. What I do hope is Ron Paul gets a large enough chunk of the vote to force the Republican party to take notice of what he has to say.

This wake up GOP....please. America needs you more than ever.
Why not? It's better than tucking my tail and "settling" for a guy like Romney or Obama, who will continue the ****ty trend we've had for the last several terms.

RP is still running for POTUS and represents more of my personal theories on political issues. I'm tired or seeing people throw up their hands, vote for a guy like Romney, then wonder why we are still at war and spending money. If we want different results, we might want to to elect someone different. Both parties have gone to **** and that's why a guy like RP is belittled and ignored.

So yeah, I'll stay positive and stick by him until his campaign is suspended or the process is over. Do I believe it will happen, no, it's unlikely. So was UT beating Alabama last year, but I still watched, cheered, and enjoyed the game.

Idealism. Nothing more American than that. Socialists on VN can't stand to see someone who actually stands for what they believe in. Their champion here is a gator fan lawyer....telling isn't it?

First time I have heard LG called a champion.
I get aggravated because I hear the same backhanded and sarcastic remarks about RP everyday: "He can't win, just accept it, I voted for someone who got more than 9% in our own state LULZ Ron Paul is a loon"

I don't apologize for supporting a guy who I admit isn't my version of a perfectcandidate; however I don't need to justify my vote by standing with the status-quo front runner for EITHER party.
I don't apologize for supporting a guy who I admit isn't my version of a perfectcandidate; however I don't need to justify my vote by standing with the status-quo front runner for EITHER party.

If you stand for the status quo, you won't be such an outsider and so lonely. Be like everybody else.
I get aggravated because I hear the same backhanded and sarcastic remarks about RP everyday: "He can't win, just accept it, I voted for someone who got more than 9% in our own state LULZ Ron Paul is a loon"

I don't apologize for supporting a guy who I admit isn't my version of a perfectcandidate; however I don't need to justify my vote by standing with the status-quo front runner for EITHER party.

If you're directing this at me, I'm not questioning your choice in who to support. I was genuinely asking if you still were operating under the assumption he could win.
If you're directing this at me, I'm not questioning your choice in who to support. I was genuinely asking if you still were operating under the assumption he could win.

I'll answer for him. Yes, continue to act as though he can win.

How is assuming he can still win a negative? Are Paul supporters just supposed to quit? Are they supposed to admit defeat and throw their support behind the next best candidate?

I'm not sure where you are going with the question regarding the assumption of him still being able to win.
I'll answer for him. Yes, continue to act as though he can win.

How is assuming he can still win a negative? Are Paul supporters just supposed to quit? Are they supposed to admit defeat and throw their support behind the next best candidate?

I'm not sure where you are going with the question regarding the assumption of him still being able to win.

I swear I'm not trying to be adversarial. Just trying to understand if Paul supporters are still hanging onto the notion of "win" or if they've switched over to "influence" mode since I know there's not much chance of RP giving up.
I swear I'm not trying to be adversarial. Just trying to understand if Paul supporters are still hanging onto the notion of "win" or if they've switched over to "influence" mode since I know there's not much chance of RP giving up.

Why do you hate freedom?
I swear I'm not trying to be adversarial. Just trying to understand if Paul supporters are still hanging onto the notion of "win" or if they've switched over to "influence" mode since I know there's not much chance of RP giving up.

Still holding out some hope, GA. Frankly, I doubt if he will have much if any influence on the GOP platform at the convention.
Having all but locked up the Republican nomination for president, Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, assembled a slate of delegates to support him at the Republican nominating convention in Tampa.

But when Massachusetts Republicans went to their caucuses on Saturday, many didn’t vote for Mitt Romney’s picks.

Instead, they went for Ron Paul. :)

State GOP?s caucus picks leave Romney slate slighted -
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If you're directing this at me, I'm not questioning your choice in who to support. I was genuinely asking if you still were operating under the assumption he could win.

It was just two emotional responses triggered by yours and gramps post but i didn't take them to be negative towards me. Just making sure I might myself clear.

I just refuse to give up. Some delegate reported for Romney aren't going to vote that way in a brokered convention. It's just the small hope to hang my different, battered hat on.
I'm with you Mr. Henley. I'm not giving up just yet either, there is just a very slim chance but at least it's a chance.....Like Braveheart once said, "FRRRRREEEDDDDDOOOOOMMMMM!!!!"
I'm with you Mr. Henley. I'm not giving up just yet either, there is just a very slim chance but at least it's a chance.....Like Braveheart once said, "FRRRRREEEDDDDDOOOOOMMMMM!!!!"

you remember how that ended for Mr. Wallace, don't you?
It was just two emotional responses triggered by yours and gramps post but i didn't take them to be negative towards me. Just making sure I might myself clear.

I just refuse to give up. Some delegate reported for Romney aren't going to vote that way in a brokered convention. It's just the small hope to hang my different, battered hat on.

My post was nothing negative toward you in any way.
I was trying to make the point that Dr Paul has no chance of being the GOP nominee in 2012.
The GOP establishment is 100% against Dr Paul being a major player, IMO.

If he ran as an independent, I believe he would be a much stronger candidate than he has been in the GOP primaries.
If he ran as an independent, I believe he would be a much stronger candidate than he has been in the GOP primaries.

You really think so? If he wasn't in the GOP Primary, he likely wouldn't be spending much money and you'd have barely heard from him at this point. I just don't see how an independent candidate gains any traction unless he pulls a Ross Perot and buys traction.

As much disdain as some have for the R next to his name, I think the process may have actually enhanced his standing due to the contrast it showed in some of his views.
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You really think so? If he wasn't in the GOP Primary, he likely wouldn't be spending much money and you'd have barely heard from him at this point. I just don't see how an independent candidate gains any traction unless he pulls a Ross Perot and buys traction.

Yes, I don't think he could win but i do think he could pull 12-15% which is much better than he has done in the primaries.
I disagree about barely knowing him at this point. He has been building a base for several years and his supporters are strong supporters who will work had to get him votes.

i think the GOP establishment looks at him as the Dennis Kucinich of the Republican party.

i think he would bring voters in that normally do not vote and pull from both parties considering theire 2 candidates.
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