Ron Paul Can't Win

Is it really that objectionable to reject a 25% spending cut that even Ron Paul knows has no prayer of happening and instead endorse a spending cut that ties spending to a percentage of GDP? I kind of like the idea.
A significant amount of Paul's cuts will come in military spending overseas. I highly doubt shuttering a few bases in Europe or Asia is going to send the economy in a tailspin.
A significant amount of Paul's cuts will come in military spending overseas. I highly doubt shuttering a few bases in Europe or Asia is going to send the economy in a tailspin.

Remove one of NINE hundred military bases overseas?!?! Oh the huge manatee!
Indiana, West Virginia, North Carolina primaries today. Here's to good numbers, or more delegates further in the process!
kind of funny how some RP supporters think the posting footage of Rachel Maddow's show helps their candidate
kind of funny how some RP supporters think the posting footage of Rachel Maddow's show helps their candidate

It's in the news and is being talked about. No need to help our candidate, he's not going to win the nomination anyway (isn't that what this thread is about?).
It's in the news and is being talked about. No need to help our candidate, he's not going to win the nomination anyway (isn't that what this thread is about?).

Maddow's show is no more "news" than Hannity's show. Like LG, she doesn't really give a damn about the GOP, only that the party tears itself apart over the nomination process.
Is it really that objectionable to reject a 25% spending cut that even Ron Paul knows has no prayer of happening and instead endorse a spending cut that ties spending to a percentage of GDP? I kind of like the idea.

This is why R bosses don't want a big RP stink at the convention.

It's about having a unified message. The more of this that happens, the bigger the Obama victory will be.

Obama's laughing all the way to the WH with this stuff.
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Or the Republican's could embrace the libertarian sect of their party instead of sending them third party where it will kill them.
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Or the Republican's could embrace the libertarian sect of their party instead of sending them third party where it will kill them.

Bah, we Libertarian minded folks are just confused liberals. At least that's what Hannity told me.

Not sure why the GOP is so afraid.
This is why R bosses don't want a big RP stink at the convention.

It's about having a unified message. The more of this that happens, the bigger the Obama victory will be.

Obama's laughing all the way to the WH with this stuff.

Hence the reason these delegate nightmare stories keep showing up on Maddow.

]I'm still not sure just how big a stink RP can really cause especially now that nobody is left to split Mitt Romney's delegates.
Or the Republican's could embrace the libertarian sect of their party instead of sending them third party where it will kill them.

I agree in theory but the Times article is a good indication that while Romney has touted a plan that will cut spending pretty dramatically relative to what it is now, it is nowhere near enough to placate those that believe much more extreme plan of RP is the way to go. It will never be enough for some people.

Not sure what the solution is but it's no surprise the establishment doesn't want to give ammo to the opponent by suggesting the R platform is to cut spending by 25% next year.
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God forbid somebody actually wants to make meaningful cuts. This country is truly screwed if making a 25% to our ridiculously high budget is considered an extreme idea.
I don't believe we need government spending to prop up the economy. All of Bush's and Obama's spending has given us an economy that is ****.

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