Ron Paul Can't Win

you should stop being an intellectually lazy hater of freedom :)

I probably crossed the line of condescension there, but seriously . . . What could you possibly expect at a state convention after garnering 7% of the vote and not making any sort of effort to do anything but be a name on the ballot?
I don't know. I'd have to go poll the other 93% and ask if they were just kidding when they voted.

Sounds to me like this guy got a cold hard slap of reality when he didn't have the numbers to overcome Robert's Rules of Order.

Meh, for the most part, I think the state and the party ended up getting what the deserved in the end, I suppose.
Ron Paul is the only damn one that cares about the common man and isnt some banker riding dirt bag so stop disrespecting the only man who gives a lick about us. He's won states in delegates and is doing great and in Tampa yall will see the results of grass roots vs "lets take all tha states!!" He has tons of delegates, bound and unbound, and the media is not projecting them accurately
Ron Paul is the only damn one that cares about the common man and isnt some banker riding dirt bag so stop disrespecting the only man who gives a lick about us. He's won states in delegates and is doing great and in Tampa yall will see the results of grass roots vs "lets take all tha states!!" He has tons of delegates, bound and unbound, and the media is not projecting them accurately

Good luck with that.
I'm implying you might be a Romney supporter yet you haven't stated anything except your doubt for Ron Paul, who may very well enter nomination like Warren G. Harding did.

Whatever, not going to argue with people from a state that bounded to Santorum
At the end of the day Ron Paul has actually won. No, not the election. He won by educating a whole bunch of people who just 4 or 5 years ago had not a clue about the Fed or the rigged game that is Washington politics. He has young people reading books! That in itself is a miracle. He has inspired a movement that will last a very long time. Its ok that Dr. Paul will never be president, the movement is much bigger than him. Now, his son Rand on the other hand. He will have a much better chance, one day. (hopefully 2016)

Just think of the country we will have when all of these young RP supporters get involved in politics and actually hold office. That is the goal.
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I'm implying you might be a Romney supporter yet you haven't stated anything except your doubt for Ron Paul, who may very well enter nomination like Warren G. Harding did.

Whatever, not going to argue with people from a state that bounded to Santorum

1. Not a Romney supporter.

2. Not an Obama supporter.

3. Would love to see Ron Paul win.

4. It is not happening.

Hold on to baseless pretensions, though; they will serve you well in life.
Not at all; enjoying my time reading, drinking, and eating cheese. I just think the Ron Paul delusion is fascinating.

At the end of the day, I agree with DTH, he's gotten people involved in politics who use to be or were going to be apathetic, and most of them have a very different definition of limited government than most R's do today. It's a start and one that I didn't think I'd see in politics, hope the movement can get enough people in office to divert us from running off of the proverbial economic cliff.

It is going to be interesting to see if RP has grabbed enough delegates to cause a ruckus in Tampa.
At the end of the day, I agree with DTH, he's gotten people involved in politics who use to be or were going to be apathetic, and most of them have a very different definition of limited government than most R's do today. It's a start and one that I didn't think I'd see in politics, hope the movement can get enough people in office to divert us from running off of the proverbial economic cliff.

It is going to be interesting to see if RP has grabbed enough delegates to cause a ruckus in Tampa.

I think Ron Paul has been great in getting people thinking and involved; however, the delusion belongs to the individuals that still think he is going to win. It is the same delusion that Hillary fanatics had in 2008.

The fact is that Romney currently has 1086 delegates out of the needed 1144 to secure the nomination; Paul has 119. There are 696 delegates left and, while it is possible, it is a long-shot to believe that Romney will not take at least 10% (69) of those remaining delegates which is more than enough to secure the nomination.
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How is the delegate count even slightly in question at this point?

Because they're not pledged or bound to Romney and superdelegates and delegates alike are voting Paul. Paul won quite a few states this way. He won Minnesota, Nevada majority, Maine, just by utilizing delegates. Even though he's low in primary polling he is pulling off delegates and has masked delegates under Santorum Gingrich and Romney so has much more as figured.
I think Ron Paul has been great in getting people thinking and involved; however, the delusion belongs to the individuals that still think he is going to win. It is the same delusion that Hillary fanatics had in 2008.

The fact is that Romney currently has 1086 delegates out of the needed 1144 to secure the nomination; Paul has 119. There are 696 delegates left and, while it is possible, it is a long-shot to believe that Romney will not take at least 10% (69) of those remaining delegates which is more than enough to secure the nomination.

Pardon my French but what the hell makes you think Romney really has 1086 bound delegates LMAO
Citing a blog by a prepubescent Ron Paul fan boy? Really? Politico should have been all over this...

It's the concept and legislation that it conveys, silly. It is known publicly that a delegate doesn't have to be hard bound and can choose his own vote after a soft pledge to a candidate before a bartered convention.

Not knowing the law? Really? Jay Leno should make a skit out of this.

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