I really do like this guy, I hope him or Cain can come up on top but I just don't see it happening. =( I believe he is so scary for some people, but he really speaks the truth and unfortunately some people don't want to hear the truth.
I buy the basic message he's selling - individual liberty. No pandering to identity groups, limited government. I think his foreign policy is not realistic for a connected global economy but am willing to listen.
I thought his foreign policy essentially amounted to we will leave you alone if you leave us alone, we will trade with you if you will trade with us and if you hit us we will crush you. Am I missing something bad there?
This stuff is easy wen nobody has to vote on it. Obama sounded like a moron to anyone with economic sense, but he knew his promises were impractical or impossible.Ron Paul kicked butt on Meet the Press with his plan to cut $1 trillion in spending.
I really do like this guy, I hope him or Cain can come up on top but I just don't see it happening. =( I believe he is so scary for some people, but he really speaks the truth and unfortunately some people don't want to hear the truth.
Since one cannot sell without a buyer or buy without a seller, then how can one trade with someone who will not trade with him?
All of Cain's supporters that I know talk about how poised he is. Is it just me or does it seem like you're watching an Episode of Herman Cain: Uncut, every time someone criticizes him? He reminds me a lot of Obama on the campaign trail the few times anyone challenged him on something.
You better vote for Paul over a nutjob like Cain... That man has no business in office.
what criteria are you using to determine this?
If you go strictly by the US Constitution, Herman Cain is qualified. Everything else is window dressing, but his resume is far more impressive (and verifiable) than the current POTUS'.
I'm sorry, but I like my presidents to have government experience. Running a world power is nothing like running a business. You think Herman Cain can lead this country? The man can't even lead himself out of the holes he digs during interviews. He's a racist, flip-flopping fool who does not belong in the highest office in America. And I'm not even addressing the joke that is the 9-9-9 plan.