Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

I didn't know cancer could get cancer.

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many many libs have been cheering this

Oh, Boo-hoo. Are you Rush's cousin? There were people in this country who were ecstatic when JFK was assassinated. If there had been the internet back then, RWNJs would have had a field day in late November of 1963.
Maybe not on this board, but I guarantee there are some conservatives out there cheering for RBG's death so Trump can appoint another Justice. You have to know this to be true. People on both sides get way too caught up in this ****.
I haven't seen anyone say anything other than she should retire.
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I know. Only highlighting the fallibility of the infallible founders.

That does no such thing. They knew their decisions would not survive the test of time and this was never more evident than slavery. They knew that was a problem but they never would have formed a Union if they'd banned slavery from the get go, so they put in ways to change/amend things. That's not fallible. That's genius.
The fact he/she/whatever and Huff can't(or won't) see this is astounding. How do you compare slavery with employment? So ****ing stupid.

Because the point isn't that slavery = voluntary employment, the point is that low unemployment doesn't mean POTUS isn't racist. Try to wrap your mind around the point instead of trying dismiss the comparison because it's inexact. Is his underlying point valid? Yes, it is. So deal with his point, not the language used, and stop deflecting.
I'll go on the record saying democrats have traditionally been nastier than conservatives, and now conservatives have become especially nasty, and it's not helping America or conservatives, at all. I mean, besides Gorsuch, what has Trump and all this distracting divisiveness done to secure a better future? What if by the end of 2020 we end up with no wall, no reversal of Obamacare, incredible debt growth, relatively unchanged foreign policy, we're still in a trade war, the trade imbalance grew, and then we get Mayor Pete in the white house? Who the hell is going to say the last 4 years worked out for Republican supporters?
I'll go on the record saying democrats have traditionally been nastier than conservatives, and now conservatives have become especially nasty, and it's not helping America or conservatives, at all. I mean, besides Gorsuch, what has Trump and all this distracting divisiveness done to secure a better future? What if by the end of 2020 we end up with no wall, no reversal of Obamacare, incredible debt growth, relatively unchanged foreign policy, we're still in a trade war, the trade imbalance grew, and then we get Mayor Pete in the white house? Who the hell is going to say the last 4 years worked out for Republican supporters?
Mayor Pete isn't going to be in the White House, at least not next year.
They have CNN straddling the line between neutral and skews left. I don't think that is an inaccurate placement. CNN definitely leans a bit to the left and but mainly they oppose Trump, which makes a lot of Republicans think they are left wing. In their most left leaning day, CNN is not as extreme as Fox News is in their right wing rhetoric. I watch both equally (but not a lot) and that is my observation.
CNN is still very good at breaking news coverage of real-time events.

But they are not neutral, not anymore, not even close really.

They are essential Liberal opinion/commentary at this point, in the same vein as Fox & MSNBC. Which is their right.
He is the Titan of conservative political talk radio. Hope he gets better soon

There are a lot of libs celebrating right now, sick bastards
Leave it to a LIV to politicize something of this nature. Lots? You got some date supporting this wild claim of yours?

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