Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

So instead of admitting comparing slavery to actual employment was stupid on your part, you decide to dig in deeper? If you are a lawyer, you must lose a lot. Your argument holds no merit.

Let's take this slowly. Do you agree the argument is the following?

(1) If the unemployment rate of an ethnic group X is low under leader Y, then leader Y is not racist towards group X.
(2) The unemployment rate is low for group X under leader Y.
(3) Therefore, leader Y is not racist against group X.

Next step, do you agree that under slavery black people in the south were not unemployed? Seems like most of them had jobs, but ones for which they got no money and were treated terribly. That's pretty much the definition of slavery (forced, uncompensated servitude).

So, going back to (1), the black unemployment rate in the south was very low during slavery. There was some leader Y at that time (let's call him Jefferson Davis) who was in office during this historically low black unemployment period. By the argument above, which I assume you subscribe to, you would have to conclude that Jefferson Davis wasn't racist. But of course that's false, which means (1) is not true premise. But if (1) is not true, you can't invoke it as a sufficient basis to show Trump is not racist.
Comparing slavery to employment does not make sense. I follow what he's saying, but it's a dumb argument. If a conservative made such a statement, he'd immediately be met with charges of racism.

And did I mention it's a stupid argument? Seriously, how in the hell do you compare slavery to employment?

Stop having a different conversation with people who aren't here and have the conversation you're having with EL

It's not a stupid argument. He was showing the absurdity of the assertion that low unemployment = not racist.
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Let's take this slowly. Do you agree the argument is the following?

(1) If the unemployment rate of an ethnic group X is low under leader Y, then leader Y is not racist towards group X.
(2) The unemployment rate is low for group X under leader Y.
(3) Therefore, leader Y is not racist against group X.

Next step, do you agree that under slavery black people in the south were not unemployed? Seems like most of them had jobs, but ones for which they got no money and were treated terribly. That's pretty much the definition of slavery (forced, uncompensated servitude).

So, going back to (1), the black unemployment rate in the south was very low during slavery. There was some leader Y at that time (let's call him Jefferson Davis) who was in office during this historically low black unemployment period. By the argument above, which I assume you subscribe to, you would have to conclude that Jefferson Davis wasn't racist. But of course that's false, which means (1) is not true premise. But if (1) is not true, you can't invoke it as a sufficient basis to show Trump is not racist.

This is Luther level dumb.
Let's take this slowly. Do you agree the argument is the following?

(1) If the unemployment rate of an ethnic group X is low under leader Y, then leader Y is not racist towards group X.
(2) The unemployment rate is low for group X under leader Y.
(3) Therefore, leader Y is not racist against group X.

Next step, do you agree that under slavery black people in the south were not unemployed? Seems like most of them had jobs, but ones for which they got no money and were treated terribly. That's pretty much the definition of slavery (forced, uncompensated servitude).

So, going back to (1), the black unemployment rate in the south was very low during slavery. There was some leader Y at that time (let's call him Jefferson Davis) who was in office during this historically low black unemployment period. By the argument above, which I assume you subscribe to, you would have to conclude that Jefferson Davis wasn't racist. But of course that's false, which means (1) is not true premise. But if (1) is not true, you can't invoke it as a sufficient basis to show Trump is not racist.

Do you understand that under slavery they weren't employed, they were owned. They were property and not even considered human? Your argument is idiotic and instead of simply saying, "yeah, my bad" you keep digging a deeper hole. There is no comparison to be made between slavery and employment. It's a desperate attempt on your part to counter an argument you don't really have a counter for.
Who GAF about late night talk shows and The f'ing View?

Below is a chart of the bias of the major news organizations by Adfonte Media.

That’s one of the better ones I’ve see. I’d probably move The Federalist into the red box and CNN down and left as well. Fox and CNN ought to be about mirror images of each other at this point.
Stop having a different conversation with people who aren't here and have the conversation you're having with EL

It's not a stupid argument. He was showing the absurdity of the assertion that low unemployment = not racist.
Slavery was not employment. Slaves were considered property, not people. Congratulations on being on the wrong side of one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen on VN.
This is Luther level dumb.
The fact he/she/whatever and Huff can't(or won't) see this is astounding. How do you compare slavery with employment? So ****ing stupid.
So you're sticking by the premise that low unemployment is sufficient to show that Trump's not racist?

Do you understand that under slavery they weren't employed, they were owned. They were property and not even considered human? Your argument is idiotic and instead of simply saying, "yeah, my bad" you keep digging a deeper hole. There is no comparison to be made between slavery and employment. It's a desperate attempt on your part to counter an argument you don't really have a counter for.
I haven't seen anybody openly advocate for her death, but in the social media cesspool there certainly is some "the world will be a better place without her" sentiment out there. Just as there is right now for Rush. There are trolls all over Twitter at the moment gleeful at the fact he has cancer.

Idiots. They don't understand they too will die at their appointed time and in appointed fashion.
So you're sticking by the premise that low unemployment is sufficient to show that Trump's not racist?
Never made that argument. I don't know Trump personally. Has he made dicey comments? Sure. Does that make him racist? Not necessarily. If so, I'd say you're racist for comparing slavery with employment, but sometimes, people just say stupid things. It's what happens when you forget to put thought into your words.
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So. In a thread about Rush announcing he has lung cancer:

EL and friends have somehow hijacked the thread into unemployment, race, and racism. And whatever else in EL's rhetoric sounds stupid.

LMAO. People from all walks of life throughout the world knew Magic and admired his skills. Other than US conservatives, no one gives two craps about Rush Limbaugh.
Magic Johnson played a game where people run up and down a wood floor and try to put a rubber ball in a metal ring with a bunch of rope hanging under it. WGAFF if he has AIDS, if he ever did?
Magic Johnson played a game where people run up and down a wood floor and try to put a rubber ball in a metal ring with a bunch of rope hanging under it. WGAFF if he has AIDS, if he ever did?

A game that has not changed much since it was taught to natives in Airplane.
Do you understand that under slavery they weren't employed, they were owned. They were property and not even considered human? Your argument is idiotic and instead of simply saying, "yeah, my bad" you keep digging a deeper hole. There is no comparison to be made between slavery and employment. It's a desperate attempt on your part to counter an argument you don't really have a counter for.

If the premise is that black unemployment is historically low therefore Trump cannot be a racist... those are two unrelated statements.
Magic Johnson played a game where people run up and down a wood floor and try to put a rubber ball in a metal ring with a bunch of rope hanging under it. WGAFF if he has AIDS, if he ever did?

Sorry, but a heckuva lot more people cared about Magic's HIV than those who care about Rush's cancer.
If the premise is that black unemployment is historically low therefore Trump cannot be a racist... those are two unrelated statements.
I never made the Trump can't be racist argument, but comparing slavery and employment is asinine.
I was simply showing that the assumption underlying the "black unemployment rate is low so Trump can't be racist" argument is a false assumption. If you think the slavery counterexample is too hyperbolic, just think of run of the mill employment discrimination claims. If the mere fact that you hired a minority were sufficient to show you can't be racist, there would be no cause of action for employment discrimination available to employees. But that's not the case. We have a host of such laws. Accordingly, the mere fact of that X has been employed by Y is not sufficient to show Y is not racist. And Trump doesn't even have that since he's not making the nation's hiring/firing decisions (other than his own, which are, by and large, overwhelmingly white).

Never made that argument. I don't know Trump personally. Has he made dicey comments? Sure. Does that make him racist? Not necessarily. If so, I'd say you're racist for comparing slavery with employment, but sometimes, people just say stupid things. It's what happens when you forget to put thought into your words.

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