Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Luther can't give one example of anything rush has said that racist, hatefull, etc.
I'm like Carl Pickens, in that I haven't listened to Rush in maybe 20 years. I used to in the 1990's when I was selling on the road, and in my truck all day. I never heard him say racist things. He did make enemies of the leftists because he reported on their bullsh!t.
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Yep. That you're a beta male. I prefer to say natural selection refugee, but I suspect you wouldn't understand that. You understand beta though as you clearly have shown.
And you don't even see the humor in your own post, which makes it even funnier to those who do.
I imagine Luther may be one of the "boys" in this picture.


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I'm like Carl Pickens, in that I haven't listened to Rush in maybe 20 years. I used to in the 1990's when I was selling on the road, and in my truck all day. I never heard him say racist things. He did make enemies of the leftists because he reported on their bullsh!t.

Exactly, i haven't listened to him in a while either, some here and there. Rush has always allowed libs to front in line on phone calls. He's always been fair with them.
I'm like Carl Pickens, in that I haven't listened to Rush in maybe 20 years. I used to in the 1990's when I was selling on the road, and in my truck all day. I never heard him say racist things. He did make enemies of the leftists because he reported on their bullsh!t.
He has always trafficked in conspiracy theories. Back when he had his tv show from 92-95, he talked about Vince Foster's death constantly. I would say that the right's preoccupation with nonsense such as Qanon, largely began with him.

Limbaugh doesn't say overtly racist things, but he does appeal to white resentment. He did this while on ESPN in 2003, when he said that Dononvan McNabb was only regarded as a good QB because he was black.

I don't like the guy, but I hate to hear about his lung cancer. It's a terrible death.
Luther can't give one example of anything rush has said that racist, hatefull, etc.
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
"Everything in Africa's called AIDS. The reason is they get aid money for it. AIDS is the biggest pile of, the biggest pot they throw money into."
Responding to a caller who said black people should have a greater voice on issues: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"
"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
"I think it's time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call 'em gangs."
Just found this one sadly ironic:
"That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed. There is no fatality whatsoever. There's no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you...Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does. Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it's true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots ... I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I'm saying."
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
"Everything in Africa's called AIDS. The reason is they get aid money for it. AIDS is the biggest pile of, the biggest pot they throw money into."
Responding to a caller who said black people should have a greater voice on issues: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"
"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
"I think it's time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call 'em gangs."
Just found this one sadly ironic:
"That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed. There is no fatality whatsoever. There's no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you...Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does. Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it's true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots ... I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I'm saying."
Again, your beta is showing.
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
"Everything in Africa's called AIDS. The reason is they get aid money for it. AIDS is the biggest pile of, the biggest pot they throw money into."
Responding to a caller who said black people should have a greater voice on issues: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?"
"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
"I think it's time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call 'em gangs."
Just found this one sadly ironic:
"That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed. There is no fatality whatsoever. There's no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you...Firsthand smoke takes 50 years to kill people, if it does. Not everybody that smokes gets cancer. Now, it's true that everybody who smokes dies, but so does everyone who eats carrots ... I would like a medal for smoking cigars, is what I'm saying."

So this is racist? It's quite accurate. Alot of money is wasted in the name aids. Nothing racist about it, he's attacking the liberal and marxist groups possing as groups to help black people. Swing and a miss luther.
So this is racist? It's quite accurate. Alot of money is wasted in the name aids. Nothing racist about it, he's attacking the liberal and marxist groups possing as groups to help black people. Swing and a miss luther.
You seem to have only addressed one.
You seem to have only addressed one.

Well, we know jackson is a race baiter and a fraud, he's made millions threatening businesses to donate to his coalition. Nba, speaks for themselves. Sorry dude. You missed the mark. Calling people racist is you people's go to, you play the race card more than lib blacks.
Well, we know jackson is a race baiter and a fraud, he's made millions threatening businesses to donate to his coalition. Nba, speaks for themselves. Sorry dude. You missed the mark. Calling people racist is you people's go to, you play the race card more than lib blacks.
You're literally the reason the VN joke of "racist Joe" exists
Unbelievable that you guys do not realize that Rush, just like the talk show/comedians on air today, says what ever will gain him the most listeners/viewers. The level of hate here is misplaced.
Rush Limbaugh on Jerry Garcia: "Just another dead doper. And a dirt bag."

You'll have to excuse me if I forget to mourn that hypocritical ass..
I'm sure he was just high on OxyContin at the time and didn't really mean to offend anyone.

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