Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Luther has his opinion and he should be welcome to share it. I don't agree with him, but I think he's probably a good man.
Thanks VolStrom. I'm a pretty descent man (as are most of us)
I choose to believe they realize that.
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He has done damage to Luther's preferred country of a 100% Democrat Party approved news media. All Rush has done is to let people in the country realize there are people who agree with their viewpoint. He put many people's thoughts into words.
They want to go back to the days when they had a monopoly over the media. The reason they hate Fox, Rush and others is because they speak to and for the other half
I haven't seen anybody openly advocate for her death, but in the social media cesspool there certainly is some "the world will be a better place without her" sentiment out there. Just as there is right now for Rush. There are trolls all over Twitter at the moment gleeful at the fact he has cancer.

Twitter is a cespool
They want to go back to the days when they had a monopoly over the media. The reason they hate Fox, Rush and others is because they speak to and for the other half
How and why would the left have a monopoly? It was actually impossible.
There is no mystery as to why the Rush's and Hannity's of the world didn't rise from the sludge until the elimination of the fairness doctrine. Or maybe it is a mystery to some, I'm trying not to overestimate as much.
Thanks VolStrom. I'm a pretty descent man (as are most of us)
I choose to believe they realize that.
I am sure we could sit down and have a few beers, talk about our kids accomplishments, and enjoy ourselves- as long as we didn’t talk politics. Kudos on raising successful children. However none of that gives you a pass on the constant bs you spew on here.
How and why would the left have a monopoly? It was actually impossible.
There is no mystery as to why the Rush's and Hannity's of the world didn't rise from the sludge until the elimination of the fairness doctrine. Or maybe it is a mystery to some, I'm trying not to overestimate as much.

You fail to take into account the biases and minimization of Repubs for decades by the MSM. This is not a one man game. The 24/7 news cycle and internet is what is driving much of the derision. We used to get 15 minutes of hard news every evening and it was mostly enough.
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You fail to take into account the biases and minimization of Repubs for decades by the MSM. This is not a one man game. The 24/7 news cycle and internet is what is driving much of the derision. We used to get 15 minutes of hard news every evening and it was mostly enough.
30 minutes.
I used to listen to him a lot. My dad would have him playing on the job site. The station in Nashville must've been one of the earlier stations to pick up his program. I stopped listening completely about a decade ago.
He was a smoker. Cigarettes. Then cigars. It doesn't surprise me he has lung cancer. He made a name for himself by creating a genre. He became very wealthy, too.
There will not be a difference in my life when he is dead.

My Mom subjected me to him every day for 5+ years during the Clinton admin. She'd freaking record his show and play it while she was driving me to baseball games. Definitely an impressive guy, but I've heard enough of him to last 10 lifetimes. I can still recall some of the spoof songs he ran at the time, ad nauseam
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I am sure we could sit down and have a few beers, talk about our kids accomplishments, and enjoy ourselves- as long as we didn’t talk politics. Kudos on raising successful children. However none of that gives you a pass on the constant bs you spew on here.
I can’t imagine sitting and talking with any left wing loon like Luther.
How and why would the left have a monopoly? It was actually impossible.
There is no mystery as to why the Rush's and Hannity's of the world didn't rise from the sludge until the elimination of the fairness doctrine. Or maybe it is a mystery to some, I'm trying not to overestimate as much.
Has nothing to do with the fairness doctrine. Stop laying in the floor and kicking your feet. The exponential increase in outlets caused by FM radio, cable television and satellite are what allowed the populace to shake free of the three channel system.
I am sure we could sit down and have a few beers, talk about our kids accomplishments, and enjoy ourselves- as long as we didn’t talk politics. Kudos on raising successful children. However none of that gives you a pass on the constant bs you spew on here.
There is a dearth of opposition bs in the PF. Just trying to open a couple of windows in the echo chamber to give you guys a little noise from the outside world.
There is a dearth of opposition bs in the PF. Just trying to open a couple of windows in the echo chamber to give you guys a little noise from the outside world.

Most everybody checks the other outlets and reads op pieces, so not true.
I can’t imagine sitting and talking with any left wing loon like Luther.
If we unknowingly sat next to each other at a UT football game, you would walk away saying "what a great guy".
I operate under the assumption that I would walk away saying the same thing about most of you guys; not all, but most.
I can think of few people in my lifetime that have done more to damage our country than has Rush.
But I still wish him a peaceful passage.
Maybe he will have an epiphany and do something that erases some of his harm.

You are a troubled individual.
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Has nothing to do with the fairness doctrine. Stop laying in the floor and kicking your feet. The exponential increase in outlets caused by FM radio, cable television and satellite are what allowed the populace to shake free of the three channel system.
It 100% had much to do with the elimination of the fairness doctrine. The things you listed allowed the exponential growth.
My post was about Rush, yours was not. You just can't pass up a chance to bash us Trump voters and that's fine because we despise liberals like you just like you despise us.

They are all over twitter.
Actually you threw down the gauntlet.

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