Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

The polarization began with the treatment of Reagan's SC nominee in 1987 . Robert Bork preceded the internet, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh on a national level , and the changes brought about by elimination of the Fairness Doctrine.
That part is highly questionable. I would bet his wife opens jars for him.
That's a telling glimpse into your archaic biases. There are always hints in what things one wrongly views to be mutually exclusive.
The polarization began with the treatment of Reagan's SC nominee in 1987 . Robert Bork preceded the internet, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh on a national level , and the changes brought about by elimination of the Fairness Doctrine.
While I agree the Bork incident started the extreme polarization in DC, it didn’t really effect the average person that didn’t pay that much attention to politics. The next 3 you listed changed how much Americans paid attention to politics imo.
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That's a telling glimpse into your archaic biases. There are always hints in what things one wrongly views to be mutually exclusive.
Now I know for a fact she does. I bet you sit down to pee. You probably convinced yourself its easier that way so the misses doesn't kick your ass for leaving the toilet seat up. Its ok Luther. You're a vanilla carbon copy of every male liberal in this country.
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I made a statement on the topic of Rush, which was accurate there are people all over Twitter celebrating. He brought up RBG and I don’t even recall anyone here wishing her death like he claimed
You either have a short memory or didn't read the posts.
You either have a short memory or didn't read the posts.
Not sure what you are getting at, my post was about Rush then I added there is a lot of celebrating by the left. Then he brought up RBG and even lied about people hoping she would die.
Found this interesting.

The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine—which had required that stations provide free air time for responses to any controversial opinions that were broadcast—by the FCC on August 5, 1987 meant stations could broadcast editorial commentary without having to present opposing views. Daniel Henninger wrote, in a Wall Street Journal editorial, "Ronald Reagan tore down this wall (the Fairness Doctrine) in 1987 ... and Rush Limbaugh was the first man to proclaim himself liberated from the East Germany of liberal media domination."[31]
While I agree the Bork incident started the extreme polarization in DC, it didn’t really effect the average person that didn’t pay that much attention to politics. The next 3 you listed changed how much Americans paid attention to politics imo.
I have been talking about what kicked off the divide between the politicians.
Now I know for a fact she does. I bet you sit down to pee. You probably convinced yourself its easier that way so the misses doesn't kick your ass for leaving the toilet seat up. Its ok Luther. You're a vanilla carbon copy of every male liberal in this country.
It takes a special type of dumb to double down on a known losing hand.
It allowed giving one side without having to provide a rebuttal.
It died a just death in 87. It would still be in place if not for the expansion of media outlets. There was only ever one viewpoint presented on the alphabet channels. I'm sure you won't see it that way but the fairness doctrine is unconstitutional and would have died sooner had expansion happened sooner.
It died a just death in 87. It would still be in place if not for the expansion of media outlets. There was only ever one viewpoint presented on the alphabet channels. I'm sure you won't see it that way but the fairness doctrine is unconstitutional and would have died sooner had expansion happened sooner.
Like with everything else, the liberals want to control it.
It died a just death in 87. It would still be in place if not for the expansion of media outlets. There was only ever one viewpoint presented on the alphabet channels. I'm sure you won't see it that way but the fairness doctrine is unconstitutional and would have died sooner had expansion happened sooner.

You and I have seen the montage of collective thought views and statements on different channels. Whether Sinclair local or the MSM. Kind of frightening to have such a collective message. Or try and go to a college campus and give dissenting views.
I can think of few people in my lifetime that have done more to damage our country than has Rush.
But I still wish him a peaceful passage.
Maybe he will have an epiphany and do something that erases some of his harm.
How did he damage the country?
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At the time of my sister's death, she had lost about 40% of her lung tissue and was on a waiting list for a transplant but never made it. A blood clot formed in her lung and moved to her heart. She didn't smoke... it's just something that happened.

Sorry about your grandfather.
Sincerely sorry to hear that BB. Terrible stuff.

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