Russia and the NRA

Stop the deflection Luth. You asked if we have stores. We said yes. What are you implying? I want to know where this chocolate trail is going.

My post above to Hogg would be clear enough. Do you have stores and why? Strictly because of possible weather related catastrophes? Strictly because you think there will be some internal or external conflict? 50% both? 20% one 80% the other? I guess what I'm getting at is just how paranoid are you guys about some outside invasion or internal civil unrest/war?
The likelihood of the US being invaded within my lifetime is extremely unlikely. It's more likely that there is an event that leads to a breakdown in society.

I agree. How likely is that breakdown in your opinion?
My post above to Hogg would be clear enough. Do you have stores and why? Strictly because of possible weather related catastrophes? Strictly because you think there will be some internal or external conflict? 50% both? 20% one 80% the other? I guess what I'm getting at is just how paranoid are you guys about some outside invasion or internal civil unrest/war?
I’m not worried one bit. I have no reason to be with present legislation. If some dumbass country tries to invade us I’ll assist the federal troops. If some dumbass adminstration actually takes action that results in civil resistance I’ll assist the federal troops whom have allied with the citizens. (Edit: the qualifier here is that I have deemed that the adminstration is acting outside the constitution and unlawfully and thus resistance is lawful. That won’t happen in my lifetime). THAT is the whole trump card on your sides stupid “you don’t have the firepower”’argument. We are a CITIZEN army. There would be mass defection from the federal forces.
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I never said I didn't. I've been stranded for days due to ice storms on two occasions. I'm well prepared for that eventuality. Your assumptions are telling. (and to go as far as bump)

Your silence was deafening.

I just figured you were like most other liberals. "FEMA BE COMING TO SAVE ME!"
Your silence was deafening.

I just figured you were like most other liberals. "FEMA BE COMING TO SAVE ME!"

He’s alresdy side stepping it and moved to another box of chocolates. As usual.

They just don’t comprehend the ideology that I am responsible for the protection of my property and safety of my family. Me. Hey I won’t turn down a helping hand from local LEOs but I’m going to be able and prepared to handle it till they get their. My property and family protection is my burden.
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I’m not worried one bit. I have no reason to be with present legislation. If some dumbass country tries to invade us I’ll assist the federal troops. If some dumbass adminstration actually takes action that results in civil resistance I’ll assist the federal troops whom have allied with the citizens. THAT is the whole trump card on your sides stupid “you don’t have the firepower”’argument. We are a CITIZEN army. There would be mass defection from the federal forces.

How likely do you view each of the two scenarios?
Your silence was deafening.

I just figured you were like most other liberals. "FEMA BE COMING TO SAVE ME!"

There is a couple that lives down the road from me that are serious peppers, last I looked at his stockpiles I'd guess they have at least a years worth of food/supplies for 4-6 people. EXCEPT no guns or ammo, they are flower children from the 60s and don't believe in them.

Just trying to see how much you thought this through. You are not the protector of America nor is the NRA, just yourself. You want to play around with bigger weapons, join the military.

This guy said something similar.


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There is a couple that lives down the road from me that are serious peppers, last I looked at his stockpiles I'd guess they have at least a years worth of food/supplies for 4-6 people. EXCEPT no guns or ammo, they are flower children from the 60s and don't believe in them.


Soooo...they're stockpiling of behalf of bad people that do have guns?
Nobody has proposed that. Run as far right as you can with the assertion that someone is trying to disarm you.

every time you guys open your mouths you make it clear you don't want EVERYONE to have guns. and so far you have not even been able to come up with a concrete answer of who it should be. you keep chipping away at it. any deemed crazy, anyone not 21, anyone that says threatening stuff on the internet, anyone deemed a possible threat, and who knows what else. you guys keep saying its not a slippery slope issue then you go in a throw more people out there who shouldn't have guns. pretty soon you have got enough people on the list where the majority COULDN'T be armed.

i am sure there is probably a bunch of other people you want thrown on the list too.

VN Store
