I wasn’t talking about just as Prez. I’m saying that to have done all the things he has done in his life he must be impossibly lucky if he isn’t smart. I wasn’t selling Trump’s time as Prez but I can tell you that he at least seemed to try and keep his campaign promises, unlike most politicians who seem to forget them one elected, and the best thing that has come out of his time is how he has exposed the lunacy of the Dems and the sellouts known as the MSM.
You are probably being selective in your memory of what campaign promises Trump actually made in 2016. Here are a few that I'm sure Trump would like to never be reminded of:
1) "
Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as Obamacare." - Donald Trump. The Trump Administration has been successful in gutting Obamacare, but it's apparent that they never had a plan to actually replace it with anything.
2) Trump promised to create targeted child care tax credits, but his tax bill didn't increase deductions for dependent care solutions.
3) Trump vowed to renegotiate the Iran deal. This will simply never happen with Trump as President.
4) Trump promised to allow individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from their taxes. This hasn't happened.
5) Trump vowed to eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. The federal debt has only skyrocketed under Trump, and every indication is that it will continue to do so.
6) Trump also vowed to balance the federal budget "
fairly quickly". The federal deficit isn't shrinking; it's growing and at an unprecedented rate. Despite his campaign promises, Trump has proven to be a very liberal free-spending president... much more than Obama or Clinton ever were.
7) Trump promised to eliminate the estate tax. He raised the threshold for the estate tax rather than eliminating it.
8) Trump pledged to not try to make any cuts to Social Security, however, in 2018, the Trump Administration did revive a previous proposal to cut Social Security disability programs.
9) Trump promised to only use U.S. steel for infrastructure projects. However, in one of the only actual infrastructure projects being undertaken during his time in office, the Keystone project is using foreign steel.
10) Trump pledged to cut the number of tax brackets but there are still seven.
11) Trump pledged to de-fund Planned Parenthood. It hasn't been de-funded.
12) Trump pledged to eliminate Common Core. He hasn't.
13) And I saved the best for last... Build a wall,
AND HAVE MEXICO PAY FOR IT. There are new additions along the border, but there is no plan in place for Mexico to ever pay for them. There never was. To the contrary, Trump has had to pull funds from the Pentagon which had been ear-marked for other projects including a new school at Fort Campbell. Trump never said a word about pulling funds from the Pentagon for other projects during the campaign.
I think you will find that Trump's high number of broken campaign promises are very much in-line with those of former presidents. I'm not saying he is any worse, but he is certainly not any better.