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The only theories being floated around are the ones where you continue to make excuses for our agenda. Its okay to admit that we are only over there to oust Assad and not slow down ISIS.
You know that it is possible that we could be seeking both of those objectives, right, regardless of the soundness of either objective?
You just seem upset because Russia hasn't done as much to defeat ISIS as you probably originally thought. You bought into the Kremlin propaganda machine yet again and got burned by it, yet again.
Turkish F-16 shoots down Russian fighter jet near Syria border | Fox News
Welcome to the war, Turkey. Russia and China will be glad to blow you up with Isis.
I wish our president would grow a pair, and share some bullets with Turkey on Thanksgiving. He'll probably go golfing instead, maybe he'll only spend 2 million this time instead of 3 million while NBA players donate turkey to the poor. Obama better keep his turkey legs out of it and not even bother defending Turkey if Russia decides to mop the floor with Turkey. I know Obama would love nothing more than to protect the Muslims but he can f*** off already. This isn't his war, he's made that clear. The coward should continue cowering, it's what he's good for. Go side with thugs over cops and all that bulls***. Russia and China, you have Turkey's address. Send them your love.
Now there are claims a Russian helicopter was destroyed by a TOW missile....getting real..
let me ask a question for all. If all of our work was only able to achieve Korbane being relatively secure, and held by the Kurd militia. Why has Russia only been able to open a supply lane to a town that has been under siege with a real military behind them? especially if Russia is being so much more effective? where are the magical results? the air campaign for Korbane was roughly as long as Russia has been in Syria. the dates are debatable on both sides which is why I said roughly.
The only thing funny is watching how many times the Kremlin propaganda machine burns you and leaves you for dead, yet you keep going right back to it, like a glutton for punishment.
You must be masochistic.
The US air campaign, by any rational military observer, as been far more effective than Russia's. Russia just seems to be leveling entire city blocks to destroy one target, as you alluded to above, then reports to the media that it struck umpteen targets in Syria (when in reality it may have only hit one).
That Foxtrot Alpha article on the Russian air campaign I provided a few pages back was the best assessment of Russia's air war in Syria I've read thus far. The author's claim is basically that, while Russia has been able to fight Assad's opponents much cheaper than the US (and he provides reasons for that, which the US can't help), this "fighting another person's war on the cheap" has also made their campaign incredibly ineffective. The Russian Ministry of Defense will report that they've hit 150 targets, say, when in reality they've simply dropped 150 bombs that hit god knows what. Chances are most of Russia's bombs haven't even destroyed a single terrorist target. It's mostly just a display, the author claims, for Russian domestic audiences and the world, a psychological gambit to make Russia look like it's doing something significant when it really isn't.
prof why the switch to the Senate and People of the Republic of Rome?
Now there are claims a Russian helicopter was destroyed by a TOW missile....getting real..
i agree that they are doing this to an extent but I don't think its that extreme. I don't think you think that ratio is exact but it needs to be said.
Obama just gave a speech to say we will not be controlled by fear but then the coward basically offers up nothing to help. He just wanted to to call his own people fear-mongers and reiterate that he's going to bring over Muslim trash even if it divides us. His speech offered up no facts and no solutions. Congrats Obama, you did what you do best, nothing.
Can we get Putin in an as president with thunderf00t in as vice president? I hope Russia continues plowing through and doing as they please. F our spineless coward of a "leader". Go play another 18 holes, this isn't your fight. We know, we know you're a coward. Russia is far from the problem. In fact, I'd go as far as saying they're the solution.
France's leader responds by saying we'll fight ISIS anywhere. Pretty sure he means letting them come here first and then fighting them. I don't care if believing Islam is a joke of a religion makes me a bigot. Pretty soon eating meat will make you a bigot against whatever animal it is you're eating. Nobody would care if I laughed at brain-dead scientologists. Nobody would care if I said Jonah and the whale is an asinine story. Islam is a stupid religion with a false prophet. End of story.
Keep up the good work, Putin. Don't let NATO and our house keeper tell you how to fight your war. Do as you please, like all the Muslim rapists. In Sweden, 100% of rapes committed by strangers are by Muslims. Yeah, that will happen when 72% are single males and there aren't women there that want to be with their smelly, yellowed teethed ass. Half of the U.S. supports you, Obama can't and won't do anything to stop you. Keep the bombs dropping.
Had to look up thunderf00t, but since he's an atheist, Putin would probably put a bullet in his head. You know, since Putin is such a devoted member of the Russian Orthodox Church.
And yet atheists live there. Would you like me to show you their youtube channels as well? Putin didn't line them up and shoot them. Unlike Saudi's who sentenced a non-muslim poet believer to death.
Obama just gave a speech to say we will not be controlled by fear but then the coward basically offers up nothing to help. He just wanted to to call his own people fear-mongers and reiterate that he's going to bring over Muslim trash even if it divides us. His speech offered up no facts and no solutions. Congrats Obama, you did what you do best, nothing.
Can we get Putin in an as president with thunderf00t in as vice president? I hope Russia continues plowing through and doing as they please. F our spineless coward of a "leader". Go play another 18 holes, this isn't your fight. We know, we know you're a coward. Russia is far from the problem. In fact, I'd go as far as saying they're the solution.
France's leader responds by saying we'll fight ISIS anywhere. Pretty sure he means letting them come here first and then fighting them. I don't care if believing Islam is a joke of a religion makes me a bigot. Pretty soon eating meat will make you a bigot against whatever animal it is you're eating. Nobody would care if I laughed at brain-dead scientologists. Nobody would care if I said Jonah and the whale is an asinine story. Islam is a stupid religion with a false prophet. End of story.
Keep up the good work, Putin. Don't let NATO and our house keeper tell you how to fight your war. Do as you please, like all the Muslim rapists. In Sweden, 100% of rapes committed by strangers are by Muslims. Yeah, that will happen when 72% are single males and there aren't women there that want to be with their smelly, yellowed teethed ass. Half of the U.S. supports you, Obama can't and won't do anything to stop you. Keep the bombs dropping.
Had to look up thunderf00t, but since he's an atheist, Putin would probably put a bullet in his head. You know, since Putin is such a devoted member of the Russian Orthodox Church.