Scariest poll I have yet seen regarding Democrats

If you want to lock people up for disagreeing with you, I have to side with him. Australia has their unvaccinated on a form of house arrest that does not even allow them to leave home to work.

So, if I think his post is corny as f***, I must support imprisoning deniers of science such as yourself?

It would not surprise me one bit to see you "side" with that post, 8188. No one's exactly accusing you of being a MENSA member.
So, if I think his post is corny as f***, I must support imprisoning deniers of science such as yourself?

It would not surprise me one bit to see you "side" with that post, 8188. No one's exactly accusing you of being a MENSA member.

I’ve considered joining, but free time is lacking with the master program. Maybe one day.

But before insulting the intelligence of others and assuming they’re accusing you of supporting an absurd position, you may want to look up the plural definition of “you”. Nothing I stated was an assumption of your stance.

But we can talk about your stance if you wish. You're okay mocking people who refuse to be held as political prisoners? Is that why you mocked his stance?
Accusing well intentioned people who disagree with your policies of being Jefferson Davis is not what I call unifying steps “in the right direction”.
This is the pathetic bar that has been set..."radicalized, horrible people who hate our country,"
Biden is completely a unifier compared to that absurdity.

But we can do steps for now.
This is the pathetic bar that has been set..."radicalized, horrible people who hate our country,"
Biden is completely a unifier compared to that absurdity.

But we can do steps for now.
Should have called them enemies....
That’s crazy, but look how these things try to skew the appearance.

Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a policy would be opposed by a strong majority (71%) of all voters, with 78% of Republicans and 64% of unaffiliated voters saying they would Strongly Oppose putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities.”

45% democrats would favor
78% republicans strongly oppose
64% unaffiliated strongly oppose

Which leads to question what about the 55% of democrats that oppose, do they oppose strongly?

Do the 22% of Republicans favor?

Yet the headline says

Dems want unvaxxed put in CAMPS.

Which can be construed so many ways, especially to fuel the fear and divide.

If only you would go through your own articles like this before you posted , you wouldn’t post half the propaganda that you do . Lol
The party that overwhelmingly believes that the government should just stay the heck out of your business in most cases definitely has the moral high ground. Freedom used to be held in high esteem even on the left.
The debate itself is regarding a poll about locking up people who disagree with the left about Covid and/or vaccines. Yet you attempted to normalize that as just freedom from disease.

You claim it’s not your stance, and I believe you. But you 100% attempted to minimize the disgusting nature of wanting to lock up others due to Covid

If you meant something else, feel free to explain.
My post was a direct response to your first post above. You are making the claim that freedom isn't held in high esteem by the left. I think that is an absurd accusation.
What you and others should say is that the left and right sometime differ on what actually constitutes the biggest advancement of freedom. Or how to balance personal versus societal freedoms.
How much noise can you make on your personal property before your freedom to make noise is outweighed by your neighbors right to freedom from your noise?
Left field? You want to fight anyone who would dare wish to change the current Constitution.
You’re damn Right! I’m willing to fight to remain s free as WE have always been. For the sake of this thread and what it was intended to be, show up at my house with a shot in your hand and you better be sure you’re as willing to take my freedom as I am willing to keep it
You’re damn Right! I’m willing to fight to remain s free as WE have always been. For the sake of this thread and what it was intended to be, show up at my house with a shot in your hand and you better be sure you’re as willing to take my freedom as I am willing to keep it
So you think this is the absolute perfect version of the Constitution? Not the one you referenced earlier that was created by the founders?
My post was a direct response to your first post above. You are making the claim that freedom isn't held in high esteem by the left. I think that is an absurd accusation.
What you and others should say is that the left and right sometime differ on what actually constitutes the biggest advancement of freedom. Or how to balance personal versus societal freedoms.
How much noise can you make on your personal property before your freedom to make noise is outweighed by your neighbors right to freedom from your noise?

At no point did I say any of that. But what you did was defend the idea of freedom from the unvaccinated. A stance you’re still running from

Found this interesting. Can you imagine if this went before Committee and the full Senate today?

The former vice president, 76, was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee that unanimously approved a bill in 1977. The measure was sent to the full Senate, where it was approved without dissent and later signed into law by President Jimmy Carter.

A year earlier, Biden had been among senators who voted to restore citizenship to Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general.
I’ve considered joining, but free time is lacking with the master program. Maybe one day.

But before insulting the intelligence of others and assuming they’re accusing you of supporting an absurd position, you may want to look up the plural definition of “you”. Nothing I stated was an assumption of your stance.

But we can talk about your stance if you wish. You're okay mocking people who refuse to be held as political prisoners? Is that why you mocked his stance?

Unless they have an active SIG (special interest group) in your area that meets with some frequency and interests you, I would say pass. That used to be the case where I am but the group stumbled and thus I have not renewed for many years.
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I wonder what the numbers would have looked like if the question had been addressed for "CoVid or AIDS"
Would the numbers have all been 0% or 100%. Can you imagine the outrage if all IV drug users and homosexual men had been forced to quarantine?
I wonder what the numbers would have looked like if the question had been addressed for "CoVid or AIDS"
Would the numbers have all been 0% or 100%. Can you imagine the outrage if all IV drug users and homosexual men had been forced to quarantine?

I had an undergrad anatomy teacher try telling my class once that anal sex was no more likely than vagina intercourse to transmit HIV

I can’t imagine being so woke you deny reality
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My post was a direct response to your first post above. You are making the claim that freedom isn't held in high esteem by the left. I think that is an absurd accusation.
What you and others should say is that the left and right sometime differ on what actually constitutes the biggest advancement of freedom. Or how to balance personal versus societal freedoms.
How much noise can you make on your personal property before your freedom to make noise is outweighed by your neighbors right to freedom from your noise?
Freedom is defined thusly….
So you think this is the absolute perfect version of the Constitution? Not the one you referenced earlier that was created by the founders?
I think nothing is perfect. Not you, not I, not this country. But what it is is the best country in the world to live in. So learn to live with the imperfections because you’ll never obtain your goal of perfection.
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