Scariest poll I have yet seen regarding Democrats

I think nothing is perfect. Not you, not I, not this country. But what it is is the best country in the world to live in. So learn to live with the imperfections because you’ll never obtain your goal of perfection.
Go to a Tony Robbins seminar. My gawd!
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I had an undergrad anatomy teacher try telling my class once that anal sex was no more likely than vagina intercourse to transmit HIV

I can’t imagine being so woke you deny reality
I suspect that teacher never participated in one or the other of those acts......
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I think nothing is perfect. Not you, not I, not this country. But what it is is the best country in the world to live in. So learn to live with the imperfections because you’ll never obtain your goal of perfection.
You ignore all the times the Constitution has been changed and the struggle it took. You also ignore that the men who designed it set up a method for it to change. So when you claim to defend the Constitution you also must defend the ability of citizens to change it as time passes. You can disagree with their changes but to disagree with their right to change it is actually unconstitutional
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Leftist attempts to redefine freedom are always amazing. My favorite is the metabolism slavery argument: “I must work to live, therefore I’m not free”

I define freedom as that moment just after I drop my kids off at daycare for the day. People with multiple kids under 5 yrs old know what I’m taking about!
So you think this is the absolute perfect version of the Constitution? Not the one you referenced earlier that was created by the founders?
Perfection is impossible in anything produced by mankind. But the US Constitution as Amended is probably the best attempt at a blueprint for balanced government that exists anywhere on the planet (as long as it is faithfully followed. It’s clear division of the three facets of government into separate but equal beaches (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) keeps any one facet from overriding the other two. The strong limit of Federal authority to a clear set of enumerated powers (with an explicit clause that everything not so enumerated reverts to the States or the people) is a master stroke of genius and is the “secret sauce” that keeps the government from overreach (this one has been greatly abused with the ignoring of the tenth amendment). And the ability to change the document as needed (albeit with a high threshold of difficulty) allows the Constitution to breath while simultaneously discouraging whimsical or knee jerk reactions.
At no point did I say any of that. But what you did was defend the idea of freedom from the unvaccinated. A stance you’re still running from
You're back to being Orangecrush.
There is a scenario where it is not unreasonable for one to have an expectation of freedom from the unvaccinated.
I just personally do not believe we are at that point.
None of that in any way means that the left does not love freedom.
Ayn Rand. Hypocrite extraordinaire.
Maybe, but still the most astute and articulate critic of statism who has lived in the past Century (maybe with the exception or Orwell). Thoroughly dislikeable individual but that doesn’t lessen the sharpness of her insight into the tendency of governments to hoard and abuse power.
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Maybe, but still the most astute and articulate critic of statism who has lived in the past Century (maybe with the exception or Orwell). Thoroughly dislikeable individual but that doesn’t lessen the sharpness of her insight into the tendency of governments to hoard and abuse power.

If he's talking about social security, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
You're back to being Orangecrush.
There is a scenario where it is not unreasonable for one to have an expectation of freedom from the unvaccinated.
I just personally do not believe we are at that point.
None of that in any way means that the left does not love freedom.
True in at least some areas….the left loves freedom from…..
Personal responsibility
The natural consequences of one’s actions
Any moral constraints on sexuality
Military Service
Expectations of excellence
Objective standards of right and wrong
And yes, I know this list does not apply to all Leftists and that many still remain solid and steadfast examples of civilized individuals, but I do speak of the leftist vanguard that has taken over the steering wheel of the Democrat party and it’s affiliated fellow travelers in academia, entertainment, and media.
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I withdraw my comment that Ayn Rand was a hypocrite. Opportunist, sure, but not a hypocrite.

As everyone should be. If you make millions in book sales, they will steal far more than $11,000 from you in social security.
Go to a Tony Robbins seminar. My gawd!
You’re free not to read my post. Don’t like it, don’t read. It’s really simple when you think about it. Freak even gave you the option of an “ignore” button. Use it
You’re damn Right! I’m willing to fight to remain s free as WE have always been. For the sake of this thread and what it was intended to be, show up at my house with a shot in your hand and you better be sure you’re as willing to take my freedom as I am willing to keep it

So, which badass symbol is in your avi... is it The Punisher or a Spartan helmet?

How high is your truck lifted?

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