Scariest poll I have yet seen regarding Democrats

Facebook & Twitter are private entities. I am of the opinion that they should have final say on whom they do business with.

I am ok with this -

Most Democrats Now Favor Social Media Censorship

Edit: didn’t mean to steer the discussion of course. Just another Rasmussen poll I found.

Still not in favor of any government censorship. If an entity chooses to run its business in a certain manner then I have no issues there.
Define “restrictions”. For example, the 17th Amendment called for the popular election of Senators. So in a sense, it removed restrictions on the populace but added restrictions to the State legislatures. One person’s restrictions is another person’s freedom. It is always a balancing act. But I get your point.
Restrictions such as one universally accepted. You have to have a license to carry a gun. That’s unconstitutional and shouldn’t be the case. As a felon? I still feel it’s unconstitutional. However, if you’re a violent felon...... I get it. I feel thats a change that has to be made but it needs updating to not include non violent felons.
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If you stated your stance it wouldn’t be a problem. Instead you defend the most extreme left wing stances and when called out hide behind “I don’t feel that way, I just see how they could”

Precisely, he advocates for goofy nonsensical positions then deflects by saying those aren’t really “his” positions
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Facebook & Twitter are private entities. I am of the opinion that they should have final say on whom they do business with.

I am ok with this -

Most Democrats Now Favor Social Media Censorship

Edit: didn’t mean to steer the discussion of course. Just another Rasmussen poll I found.
Two problems. First the Biden Administration is actively encouraging FB and Twitter to supress and censor content with which the Administration disagrees (making the companies de facto agents of the federal government. Second, FB and Twitter are you effectively monopolies in their business space and businesses CAN be regulated constitutionally once they achieve de facto monopoly status (see your state and local utility companies for example.
I find comments like this just as scary as those poll numbers...

Republicans' "number one" priority must be taking control of the House back from the Democrat majority, who are "radicalized, horrible people who hate our country," former President Donald Trump tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.
I find it scarier. This is a guy who served as POTUS, who many hope to see run again, and who is the current face of the party.
"Radicalized, horrible people who hate our country". Everyone should read that comment a couple of times and think about his intent.
And there are still people who claim he is not the most divisive POTUS in history and that divisiveness isn't the foundation of his political strategy.
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And Manchin simply walks across the hall to Mitch McConnell’s office and “plays ball” in the other league. With a 51st vote, the Republicans take control of the Senate and Biden becomes unable to pass ANYTHING or get a single judge or department head confirmed. Do it Dems…DO IT 😂😂😂
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I am. But I’m talking today and the way the constitution is written as we speak. It’s not up to you what I do with my body. It’s not up to anyone to tell anyone how they should live. That is the dangerous ground I’m talking about
The current doc has been changed many times and many of those movements took a long time. Your comments are really nothing new
Two problems. First the Biden Administration is actively encouraging FB and Twitter to supress and censor content with which the Administration disagrees (making the companies de facto agents of the federal government. Second, FB and Twitter are you effectively monopolies in their business space and businesses CAN be regulated constitutionally once they achieve de facto monopoly status (see your state and local utility companies for example.

How are they monopolies? They compete with each other, Insta, Snap, Tik Tok, Tumblr, Pininterest, You Tube, Reddit, Linkdin, Twitch etc
Restrictions such as one universally accepted. You have to have a license to carry a gun. That’s unconstitutional and shouldn’t be the case. As a felon? I still feel it’s unconstitutional. However, if you’re a violent felon...... I get it. I feel thats a change that has to be made but it needs updating to not include non violent felons.

So restrictions are fine when you agree with them. lmao
I find it scarier. This is a guy who served as POTUS, who many hope to see run again, and who is the current face of the party.
"Radicalized, horrible people who hate our country". Everyone should read that comment a couple of times and think about his intent.
And there are still people who claim he is not the most divisive POTUS in history and that divisiveness isn't the foundation of his political strategy.
Yes Trump was very decisive. That is why I am so glad that we elected that GREAT UNITER Joe Biden
Still not in favor of any government censorship. If an entity chooses to run its business in a certain manner then I have no issues there.

But I don’t believe Facebook & Twitter are necessarily censoring at the behest of the Biden administration.

I am 100% on board with your closing statement. Are you? 😀
lol.....Some people consider freedom from having to be exposed to anti-vax zealots an important freedom.

I guess "freedom from what" is an important consideration.

The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Section 2, Proletarians and Communists

Summary Section 2, Proletarians and Communists
Page 1Page 2

We see then that the first step in the working class' revolution is to make the proletariat the ruling class. It will use its political power to seize all capital from the bourgeoisie and to centralize all instruments of production under the auspices of the State. Of course, in the beginning this will not be possible without "despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production." Probable steps in the revolution will include: the abolition of ownership of land; the institution of a heavy progressive or graduated income tax; the abolition of all inheritance rights; the confiscation of emigrants' and rebels' property, making all people liable to labor; State centralization of credit; State centralization of communication and transportation; State appropriation of factories, the gradual combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries, the elimination of the distinctions between town and country, and the establishment of free education for children.

The Communist Manifesto Section 2, Proletarians and Communists Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes
If you stated your stance it wouldn’t be a problem. Instead you defend the most extreme left wing stances and when called out hide behind “I don’t feel that way, I just see how they could”
I've stated my position on COVID and the vaccine a number of times. You guys are the classic example of seeing what you want to see rather than what is actually there.
Called out? mean falsely accused.
Hide behind? mean point out the actual truth.

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