Scariest poll I have yet seen regarding Democrats

I find comments like this just as scary as those poll numbers...

Republicans' "number one" priority must be taking control of the House back from the Democrat majority, who are "radicalized, horrible people who hate our country," former President Donald Trump tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.

Should have called them enemies.....
I've stated my position on COVID and the vaccine a number of times. You guys are the classic example of seeing what you want to see rather than what is actually there.
Called out? mean falsely accused.
Hide behind? mean point out the actual truth.

For the sake of clarification, would you mind restating? I don’t think you should consider it the job of the audience to cyber stalk you, but rather to judge you based on the comments they see at the time.
And Manchin simply walks across the hall to Mitch McConnell’s office and “plays ball” in the other league. With a 51st vote, the Republicans take control of the Senate and Biden becomes unable to pass ANYTHING or get a single judge or department head confirmed. Do it Dems…DO IT 😂😂😂

Pretty amazing to see how quickly the Bernie Bros transformed.

2016 Bernie Bros= You guys wanna smoke some pot and give socialism another try?

2022 Bernie Bros= Alright. Here’s the plan. We kidnap the Senator, threatened him, threaten his family, and shut down his entire state!
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lol.....Some people consider freedom from having to be exposed to anti-vax zealots an important freedom.

I guess "freedom from what" is an important consideration.

In a thread regarding incarceration of people for misinformation or based on vaccine status, Luther first defends the stance and then later hides behind

“well I didn’t say I support it, just that some people do”
For the sake of clarification, would you mind restating? I don’t think you should consider it the job of the audience to cyber stalk you, but rather to judge you based on the comments they see at the time.
I think it is clearly within society's right to mandate vaccines under certain scenarios.
I do not believe COVID rises to the severity necessary to be one of those scenarios.
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He “isn’t” a leftist, Democrat, or anything in between or so I am told. He just overwhelmingly supports said positions consistently
I’ve been reading his posts for quite a while. When you get the drop on him he doesn’t respond. I wouldn’t be combative with him if he didn’t come from left field. So I don’t believe that
I get a little inconsistent because of the discrimination laws which by and large I support.
I get that.

Appreciate you saying as much, though. We all have our little inconsistencies.

I admittedly lose a little consistency when discussing 9/11.
In a thread regarding incarceration of people for misinformation or based on vaccine status, Luther first defends the stance and then later hides behind

“well I didn’t say I support it, just that some people do”
That part of the debate and my response was about freedom and how people can view "freedom" in different ways.
Nuts on here constantly talking about freedom lovers and freedom haters are so off the mark it's ridiculous.
So restrictions are fine when you agree with them. lmao
Comprehension problems? I clearly said “unconstitutional” but necessary. Like having restrictions on age to buy a gun. Unconstitutional? Yes. Necessary? Yes. Does it mean I agree with it? Hell no. I believe a 5 year old kid should be able to buy a gun in his name under parental supervision. And according to the 2nd amendment, I’m not wrong.
I’ve been reading his posts for quite a while. When you get the drop on him he doesn’t respond. I wouldn’t be combative with him if he didn’t come from left field. So I don’t believe that
Left field? You want to fight anyone who would dare wish to change the current Constitution.
Comprehension problems? I clearly said “unconstitutional” but necessary. Like having restrictions on age to buy a gun. Unconstitutional? Yes. Necessary? Yes. Does it mean I agree with it? Hell no. I believe a 5 year old kid should be able to buy a gun in his name under parental supervision. And according to the 2nd amendment, I’m not wrong.

Sure you are. You are restricting a five year old's right to buy a gun.
That part of the debate and my response was about freedom and how people can view "freedom" in different ways.
Nuts on here constantly talking about freedom lovers and freedom haters are so off the mark it's ridiculous.

The debate itself is regarding a poll about locking up people who disagree with the left about Covid and/or vaccines. Yet you attempted to normalize that as just freedom from disease.

You claim it’s not your stance, and I believe you. But you 100% attempted to minimize the disgusting nature of wanting to lock up others due to Covid

If you meant something else, feel free to explain.
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He's much to old.
But tripping in the right direction is still preferable to lock stepping in the wrong direction.
Accusing well intentioned people who disagree with your policies of being Jefferson Davis is not what I call unifying steps “in the right direction”.

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