Scariest poll I have yet seen regarding Democrats

So since @AshG pulled up all the data let’s go ahead and expand to that scenario, the whole survey group. Here is that data. On the topic of mandates it was split right down the middle of some level of oppose/support at 48%. But this should scare the hell out of anybody today. Roughly 1 in 4 citizens support direct punitive measures by the federal government against the citizens for lack of compliance with their over reach. We already have a first response from SCOTUS that the Feds could not even impose mandates across the whole population (granted it was just an injunction at this point as the case has to be heard in the lower courts but that injunction forms the basis of any expectation to prevail on appeal). And basically 1 in 4 think the Feds have the authority to assault the civil liberties of the citizens for non compliance of their authoritarian over reach. That is scary as hell

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

21% - strongly favor
13% - somewhat favor
14% - somewhat oppose
44% - strongly oppose
8% - not sure

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus by having federal or state governments require that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

18% - strongly favor
16% - somewhat favor
14% - somewhat oppose
47% - strongly oppose
5% - not sure
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So since @AshG pulled up all the data let’s go ahead and expand to that scenario, the whole survey group. Here is that data. On the topic of mandates it was split right down the middle of some level of oppose/support at 48%. But this should scare the hell out of anybody today. Roughly 1 in 4 citizens support direct punitive measures by the federal government against the citizens for lack of compliance with their over reach. We already have a first response from SCOTUS that the Feds could not even impose mandates across the whole population (granted it was just an injunction at this point as the case has to be heard in the lower courts but that injunction forms the basis of any expectation to prevail on appeal). And basically 1 in 4 think the Feds have the authority to assault the civil liberties of the citizens for non compliance of their authoritarian over reach. That is scary as hell

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

21% - strongly favor
13% - somewhat favor
14% - somewhat oppose
44% - strongly oppose
8% - not sure

Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus by having federal or state governments require that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

18% - strongly favor
16% - somewhat favor
14% - somewhat oppose
47% - strongly oppose
5% - not sure

If you drill down into the crosstab data even further, you find that the age related breakdown points towards the youngest population as the most amenable to harsh mandates. One can hope that time and life experience will soften them up a bit.
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If you drill down into the crosstab data even further, you find that the age related breakdown points towards the youngest population as the most amenable to harsh mandates. One can hope that time and life experience will soften them up a bit.
That’s absolutely terrifying. We are breeding a population of submissive betas. Sad…
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If you drill down into the crosstab data even further, you find that the age related breakdown points towards the youngest population as the most amenable to harsh mandates. One can hope that time and life experience will soften them up a bit.
I would view that finding differently and say that it is a clear indicator that our educational bodies are doing an abysmal job at teaching the Constitution (especially the Bill of Rights) to the students under their care. I knew at middle school level that these sort of things were blatantly unconstitutional
To be clear, it does have preventive value, just not what we thought it'd be. It's supposedly 52% effective against Omicron within 6 months of your last vaccine and the increased risk from the vax is very small. So no, it doesn't "double your risk". If the vax + covid work in aggregate, then the vaccine would only need to be 2% effective to offset risk.

How much does each booster increase that risk? Regardless the risk is very low whether you’re invected or you choose to take a vaccine you probably don’t need.
There are people in this country (who also vote unfortunately) who would gladly do so. But it would be “for your own good” of course
I once took an oath to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic and I hold that moral to this day. That 48% are NOT Americans. They are domestic terrorist and I’ll gladly die for that oath I took so many years ago.
Nearly half (48 percent) favor fines or IMPRISONMENT for even questioning covid vaccine effectiveness in social media. That’s right, basically half of Democrats would send you to jail if you post a message here on Volnation saying that the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection. They really ARE the party of evil…..
These are the same people that want people labeled as domestic terrorists for speaking out at school board meetings. This won’t get better. There is no middle-ground with these people.
Just in the first 9 posts in this thread there were 2 idiotic statements made. (bolded)
The poll said fine OR imprisonment. (Those two are vastly different and I'm confident that the vast majority of that 48% were in agreement with fines but not imprisonment) Pretty crappy poll question.

There is no one who wants people labeled as domestic terrorists for speaking out at school board meetings. (that's an absurd and blatant lie intended only to increase the divide)
And the data in the scientific poll that started the thread ISN’t “amaze balls”? A majority of one of America’s two dominant political parties ( the one that controls Academia, the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the entertainment industry, social media, big tech, and all but one media network) says that the Bill of Rights is meaningless; and you argue that the responses on THIS THREAD are the problem? 😬

You are just blissfully unaware that the other side is a mirror image. You don't have any moral high ground.
I once took an oath to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic and I hold that moral to this day. That 48% are NOT Americans. They are domestic terrorist and I’ll gladly die for that oath I took so many years ago.

So, you'll gladly kill americans that disagree with you. How very patriotic of you.
Almost 1 in 4 Republicans want you jailed for not getting vaccinated.
Do you feel there is a difference between Republican and Conservative? Democrat and Liberal? At one time a R was always considered conservative but a D wasn't always liberal. Not that way anymore.
You are just blissfully unaware that the other side is a mirror image. You don't have any moral high ground.
The party that overwhelmingly believes that the government should just stay the heck out of your business in most cases definitely has the moral high ground. Freedom used to be held in high esteem even on the left.
The party that overwhelmingly believes that the government should just stay the heck out of your business in most cases definitely has the moral high ground. Freedom used to be held in high esteem even on the left.
Overwhelmingly? That's absurd
I once took an oath to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic and I hold that moral to this day. That 48% are NOT Americans. They are domestic terrorist and I’ll gladly die for that oath I took so many years ago.
Aren't the risks for myocarditis even higher if you contract covid?

Not according to the UK study published this past Christmas. It showed men under 40 were about 4-5 times more likely to get myocarditis from the vaccines. Part of the reason that's so high is because you're 3 shots (the study included boosters) as opposed to getting COVID once. Granted you could get it more than once, but it's likely less severe the second time; unlike the vaccine that seems to be worse with each dose.
The party that overwhelmingly believes that the government should just stay the heck out of your business in most cases definitely has the moral high ground. Freedom used to be held in high esteem even on the left.
lol.....Some people consider freedom from having to be exposed to anti-vax zealots an important freedom.

I guess "freedom from what" is an important consideration.
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The fact that this question is even being polled is what I find most disturbing. If it is being polled, that means someone is thinking about doing it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the voting base by the left still making up lowest vaccinated?

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