Scariest poll I have yet seen regarding Democrats

Let’s try this again with just the Rasmussen tweet -

29% want to “take your children”.
About time we introduce some common sense initiatives like this ^^

I’m guessing the children you’re recommending be taken is going to be lost on a few 😂
I find comments like this just as scary as those poll numbers...

Republicans' "number one" priority must be taking control of the House back from the Democrat majority, who are "radicalized, horrible people who hate our country," former President Donald Trump tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.
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lol.....Some people consider freedom from having to be exposed to anti-vax zealots an important freedom.

I guess "freedom from what" is an important consideration.
If you are vaxxed, what difference does it make who you are around? What are you trying to be free FROM in that case exactly? You are just as likely to catch it from a vaxxed person as an unvaccinated. The vaccine will make your case not as severe, but it has no effect whatsoever on anything else
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So you wish to go back to the way America was founded and attack anyone who disagrees? Hope you're loaded up on ammo
I am. But I’m talking today and the way the constitution is written as we speak. It’s not up to you what I do with my body. It’s not up to anyone to tell anyone how they should live. That is the dangerous ground I’m talking about
I find comments like this just as scary as those poll numbers...

Republicans' "number one" priority must be taking control of the House back from the Democrat majority, who are "radicalized, horrible people who hate our country," former President Donald Trump tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.

I find comments like this just as scary as those poll numbers...

Republicans' "number one" priority must be taking control of the House back from the Democrat majority, who are "radicalized, horrible people who hate our country," former President Donald Trump tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.
That sounds like just another day on the Hill to me.

The Republicans disparage the Democrats
The Democrats disparage the Republicans.

Granted - that’s coming from a former POTUS.
The core of it like Biden and the 2nd? Yes. Changing it? Yes. Adding to it? No.

So you just hate anyone who doesn't think like you. If the constitution is changed through constitutional means then the people advocating for change are not terrorists. In fact, it would be you gunning down those folks that would the terrorist.
There are mechanisms in place to change the Constitution (the core too).

It’s a pretty high hurdle to clear.
Let me clarify what I’m talking about.

This is a free country and it was founded that way. Therefore changing the constitution to add freedoms is ok. But changing the constitution to add restrictions is not.
So you just hate anyone who doesn't think like you. If the constitution is changed through constitutional means then the people advocating for change are not terrorists. In fact, it would be you gunning down those folks that would the terrorist.
You’re blowing it out of proportion. See quote 166
Let me clarify what I’m talking about.

This is a free country and it was founded that way. Therefore changing the constitution to add freedoms is ok. But changing the constitution to add restrictions is not.
Define “restrictions”. For example, the 17th Amendment called for the popular election of Senators. So in a sense, it removed restrictions on the populace but added restrictions to the State legislatures. One person’s restrictions is another person’s freedom. It is always a balancing act. But I get your point.
Let me clarify what I’m talking about.

This is a free country and it was founded that way. Therefore changing the constitution to add freedoms is ok. But changing the constitution to add restrictions is not.

If it is changed in a manner that is constitutional, then yes it is.
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I believe the FF’s were prudent to set the hurdle high.
Which is exactly why the Democrat’s threat to pack the Supreme Court is so odious. It is a de facto effort to Amend the Constitution by a different process. The Dems know they can never succeed in Amending the Constitution to say what they want so they have decided to simply add enough liberal justices to simply decree that the Constitution says what the Dems WANT IT to say. Quite brilliant actually (in a detestable sort of way):
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