School Shootings

You may be correct on that. And if they don't, the kids may. If you don't mind me asking, what grade level(s) do you teach, and what's your school environment (e.g., rural, suburban, inner city) and student makeup (e.g., racial, socioeconomic)?

I’ve been around. Poor inner city schools mainly. Probably 40 white 40 black and 20 Hispanic. I’d say that was about the norm.

I’ve mainly taught freshman alg, but I’ve done precalculus, and geometry also. They like me in alg 1 because our school is judged more on those scores.
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In threads such as this, I just stick to facts. I have said that mass/spree shootings are becoming more frequent in the United States and more deadly in nature since 2007 and I've supported that belief with the incidents in question. And the problem of school shootings in particular does seem to be unique to the United States. There have been 239 school shootings in the U.S. since Columbine in 1999. Fact.

If you consider N Ireland over a few decades and incidents like Paris, would you say that Europe's problems with violence center on a couple of the world's major religions? That the pen incites the sword?
I’ve been around. Poor inner city schools mainly. Probably 40 white 40 black and 20 Hispanic. I’d say that was about the norm.

I’ve mainly taught freshman alg, but I’ve done precalculus, and geometry also. They like me in alg 1 because our school is judged more on those scores.

Well, that's definitely in the thick of the trenches. I taught some college, and my wife was mostly 4th grade when she taught in the public schools. She spent most of her career in a school where the majority were on free or reduced lunch. There were so many kids with potential that she just couldn't lift up. It was very demoralizing. She still subs for our kids' school, but private school is a different world.
No single country in Europe has had as many separate mass/spree murders involving the deaths of more than 12 people since April of 2007 as the United States has had. That is a fact.

Don't you be bringing facts up in here. This isn't an unusual thing mostly unique to America..

lol. we have more people than all of Europe combined (leaving out Russia). ever think that plays a part?

also they have had multiple world wars decimate their male population weeding out a lot of the aggressive we as Americans haven't.

they also drive a lot less, live less stressful work lives, and are generally healthier. but that has nothing to do with it at all I am sure.
I’ve been around. Poor inner city schools mainly. Probably 40 white 40 black and 20 Hispanic. I’d say that was about the norm.

I’ve mainly taught freshman alg, but I’ve done precalculus, and geometry also. They like me in alg 1 because our school is judged more on those scores.

I learned last night in the football side that you are a coach. Would you say that that interaction with students has made you better in the classroom - that the more one on one interaction with a few improves understanding everyone?
I learned last night in the football side that you are a coach. Would you say that that interaction with students has made you better in the classroom - that the more one on one interaction with a few improves understanding everyone?

The relationship built outside the classroom are valuable and are 100% helpful. Coaching also helps with teaching and teaching with coaching. Coaching is teaching. You have to be able to take complex concepts and break them down into a simple and easy to disgest process. Yes, it helps. When you know one kid well, you understand why he struggles in the classroom and it can be very beneficial.
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lol. we have more people than all of Europe combined (leaving out Russia). ever think that plays a part?

also they have had multiple world wars decimate their male population weeding out a lot of the aggressive we as Americans haven't.

they also drive a lot less, live less stressful work lives, and are generally healthier. but that has nothing to do with it at all I am sure.

And the homicide rate among whites in Europe is the same as in America. Less guns, same homicide rate per capita.

Gun ownership rates (the us has the highest in the world by a massive margin) are in no way correlated with homicide rates (the us is below the world average).
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And the homicide rate among white males in Europe is the same as in America. Less guns, same homicide rate per capita.

Gun ownership rates (the us has the highest in the world by a massive margin) are in no way correlated with homicide rates (the us is below he world average).

here we go with the typical "NRA" response.

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lol. we have more people than all of Europe combined (leaving out Russia). ever think that plays a part?

also they have had multiple world wars decimate their male population weeding out a lot of the aggressive we as Americans haven't.

they also drive a lot less, live less stressful work lives, and are generally healthier. but that has nothing to do with it at all I am sure.

Since population is such a subject matter of this debate, let's define America's problem more narrowly then. Now, it is a fact that the United States has almost as many school related shootings as all other countries in the world combined. Just discussing school shootings, there have been 27 documented cases of school shootings in Europe since 1913 resulting in the deaths of 124 people (not all children). Since December 14, 2012 when Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, there have been 47 school shootings in the United States resulting in the deaths of 126 people (including the most recent massacre in Parkland, Fla). These 126 people would not even include Virginia Tech or Columbine.
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Since population is such a subject matter of this debate, let's define America's problem more narrowly then. Now, it is a fact that the United States has almost as many school related shootings as all other countries in the world combined. Just discussing school shootings, there have been 27 documented cases of school shootings in Europe since 1913 resulting in the deaths of 124 people (not all children). Since December 14, 2012 when Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, there have been 47 school shootings in the United States resulting in the deaths of 126 student (including the most recent massacre in Parkland, Fla). These 126 people would not even include Virginia Tech or Columbine.
I don't remember school shootings being a big thing when I was growing up, and guns were easier to get then than now. What has changed?
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I don't remember school shootings being a big thing when I was growing up, and guns were easier to get then than now. What has changed?
See my earlier post in thie thread
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Could just use the Japanese system which requires rigorous training and massive background checks
They try to present this false narrative that it will decrease homicide rates in the most absurd ways possible.

My favorite is when they list “gun deaths”. “Look we have more gun deaths than country x per capita”. Sure, but how many of those were justifiable acts of self defense?

Isn't suicide the number one cause of death by firearm?
Because we need to do something. Even if everybody knows it will have no effect, and even if it does it won't be quantifiable... but at least we are doing something.

People are trying to make themselves feel better and give themselves a pat on that back for nothing. Lol
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