School Shootings

Isn't suicide the number one cause of death by firearm?

Idk but that’s another thing liberals falsely aim. That gun ownership is correlated to suicide rates. THe truth is that asains lead the world in suicide despite extremely low gun ownership
I've been in security/Law Enforcement for over 20 years now and every time there is a mass shooting especially at a school I get ton of messages on FB or via email asking my opinion on what can be done to stop these shootings. The short answer is NOTHING can be done to STOP these but there are a ton of things that we can do to pre identify possible shootings or limit the amount of victims/casualties .

The Gun Debate: Everyone is quick to call for gun control or bans on A-15's when there is a mass shooting. This is the laziest and dumbest argument in this whole tragic debate on shootings. Ban AR's or any guns WON'T stop these shootings. Most of the times these weapons are acquired from their parents,friends or just bought off the street without background checks. Politicians are quick to use these events for their own propaganda and political believes. If a nut case wants to shoot up a place there NOTHING gun bans will do to prevent these acts from happening, stop this debate and start doing something that CAN help reduce or identify possible events.

If AR 15s were banned, the shooting wouldn't have happened yesterday. Just a fyi, if they are banned his family or friends wouldn't have them either. Could he still have gotten one in the black market? Maybe. Depends on how bad he wanted it. Its a risk id be willing to take rather than just letting psychopaths buy them no questions asked because 'murica
If AR 15s were banned, the shooting wouldn't have happened yesterday. Just a fyi, if they are banned his family or friends wouldn't have them either. Could he still have gotten one in the black market? Maybe. Depends on how bad he wanted it. Its a risk id be willing to take rather than just letting psychopaths buy them no questions asked because 'murica

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Because we need to do something. Even if everybody knows it will have no effect, and even if it does it won't be quantifiable... but at least we are doing something.

Here are some synonyms for people who always think there is nothing that can be done about anything and simply accept things for the way they are:


Nice work, you're a real asset to society.
If AR 15s were banned, the shooting wouldn't have happened yesterday. Just a fyi, if they are banned his family or friends wouldn't have them either. Could he still have gotten one in the black market? Maybe. Depends on how bad he wanted it. Its a risk id be willing to take rather than just letting psychopaths buy them no questions asked because 'murica

He hated all other guns? Why would he have only used an AR?
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Until what age?
I don't know the answer to that, but it may have been age 16. The reason I say that is that I don't remember anyone dropping out before end of 10th grade, and that was just 3 or 4 people dropping out of a graduating class of 220+.

Okay, arm all staff. Makes sense. What if a student takes the gun from him/her? Cops get their guns taken by criminals sometimes im sure it would happen to a teacher. Especially if said teacher is 5'2 95 lbs.

Just dont see how that can be a solution
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Okay, arm all staff. Makes sense. What if a student takes the gun from him/her? Cops get their guns taken by criminals sometimes im sure it would happen to a teacher. Especially if said teacher is 5'2 95 lbs.

Just dont see how that can be a solution

OR worse,what if (GOD FORBID) the teacher snaps and start an mass shooting themselves?

That scenario alone is the reason why i think that's an bad ideal IMO!
Okay, arm all staff. Makes sense. What if a student takes the gun from him/her? Cops get their guns taken by criminals sometimes im sure it would happen to a teacher. Especially if said teacher is 5'2 95 lbs.

Just dont see how that can be a solution

its not meant to be - just something I saw posted on another site
Okay, arm all staff. Makes sense. What if a student takes the gun from him/her? Cops get their guns taken by criminals sometimes im sure it would happen to a teacher. Especially if said teacher is 5'2 95 lbs.

Just dont see how that can be a solution

I don’t believe all staff.

But one thing we know for a fact, the sign on the left definitely doesn’t deter anything.
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If AR 15s were banned, the shooting wouldn't have happened yesterday. Just a fyi, if they are banned his family or friends wouldn't have them either. Could he still have gotten one in the black market? Maybe. Depends on how bad he wanted it. Its a risk id be willing to take rather than just letting psychopaths buy them no questions asked because 'murica

Still waiting for you to explain the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

Did the shooter just not like non ars? Why would this have not occurred if ars were banned
Matt 12:34 Until peoples heart are changed and their minds reformed by being in Christ, living in a fallen world under the curse, people are going to do evil. It's that simple.
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Here are some synonyms for people who always think there is nothing that can be done about anything and simply accept things for the way they are:


Nice work, you're a real asset to society.

Here’s another:

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If AR 15s were banned, the shooting wouldn't have happened yesterday. Just a fyi, if they are banned his family or friends wouldn't have them either. Could he still have gotten one in the black market? Maybe. Depends on how bad he wanted it. Its a risk id be willing to take rather than just letting psychopaths buy them no questions asked because 'murica

This has to be one of the most uniformed ignorant statements I've read on here today.

This is the dumb crap sheeple run with as fact.
Here’s another:


That's interesting because I never hear any solutions from conservatives on how to keep schools safer from these mass shootings. Whenever a Republican member of Congress is asked about a school shooting (such as Paul Ryan was today). Their responses are invariably "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families." and "Now is not the time to discuss any changes to our laws." or "This tragedy should not be politicized." or even "We must not infringe upon the rights of our law abiding citizens in effort to counter the acts of a few criminals." You may not agree with a liberal's suggestion but at least they do offer some and are willing to acknowledge that there is a problem of mass school shootings in the United States.

There never is a right time to talk about what needs to change to avoid incidents like what happened in Parkland, Florida.
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Perhaps it is but it's time to confront the reality that the problem of mass/spree murders is more common in the United States than it is in any other 'civilized society' in the world and it's getting worse. Four of the top 6 deadliest spree shootings in U.S history have occurred just since April of 2007 (beginning with the Virginia Tech massacre and 3 of them have just been since Mandalay Bay in Vegas on October 1st also including the Newtown, Connecticut shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary, Pulse Nightclub in Orlando and First Baptist Church in Southerland Springs, Texas).

So the vast majority of the deadliest spree shootings have occurred since the most strigent gun laws have been proposed? Hmmm...
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That's interesting because I never hear any solutions from conservatives on how to keep schools safer from these mass shootings. Whenever a Republican member of Congress is asked about a school shooting (such as Paul Ryan was today). Their responses are invariably "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families." and "Now is not the time to discuss any changes to our laws." or "This tragedy should not be politicized." or even "We must not infringe upon the rights of our law abiding citizens in effort to counter the acts of a few criminals." You may not agree with a liberal's suggestion but at least they do offer some and are willing to acknowledge that there is a problem of mass school shootings in the United States.

There never is a right time to talk about what needs to change to avoid incidents like what happened in Parkland, Florida.

Most people just ignore the liberal "solutions" because they are ignorant and the conservatives don't suggest what they really want to because there would be a media circus involved.
Its been said 100s of times and I'll say it again. Armed security guards at schools and ending stupid gun free zones. Money is guarded with firearms. Why not children?
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That's interesting because I never hear any solutions from conservatives on how to keep schools safer from these mass shootings. Whenever a Republican member of Congress is asked about a school shooting (such as Paul Ryan was today). Their responses are invariably "My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families." and "Now is not the time to discuss any changes to our laws." or "This tragedy should not be politicized." or even "We must not infringe upon the rights of our law abiding citizens in effort to counter the acts of a few criminals." You may not agree with a liberal's suggestion but at least they do offer some and are willing to acknowledge that there is a problem of mass school shootings in the United States.

There never is a right time to talk about what needs to change to avoid incidents like what happened in Parkland, Florida.

Take off the “I’m an always concerned citizen” cloak. None of you are even remotely concerned about “gun control” until this happens or it’s election season. In two weeks, if that, you’ll be back on the Muh Russia wagon. You’re right, we aren’t the ones playing on the emotions of grief stricken families at a time of heartbreaking loss, all in an attempt to score political points.

I’ve acknowledged there’s a problem, but that problem does not start and end at the 2nd Amendment. Neither does it start and end at the quantity of guns. And my rights sure as hell don’t stop where your butthurt begins.
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Most people just ignore the liberal "solutions" because they are ignorant and the conservatives don't suggest what they really want to because there would be a media circus involved.
Its been said 100s of times and I'll say it again. Armed security guards at schools and ending stupid gun free zones. Money is guarded with firearms. Why not children?

There was an armed security guard on duty at the high school in Parkland, Florida during the shooting.
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If AR 15s were banned, the shooting wouldn't have happened yesterday. Just a fyi, if they are banned his family or friends wouldn't have them either. Could he still have gotten one in the black market? Maybe. Depends on how bad he wanted it. Its a risk id be willing to take rather than just letting psychopaths buy them no questions asked because 'murica

I love people like you who blames the weapon instead of the one wielding said weapon. I mean you just make so much sense you know? I mean I own an AR 15. I love shooting it. Its fun. Great stress reliever actually. I have thousands of rounds of ammo. Yet, for some strange reason, this weapon of mine has never injured a living being. Wonder why that is?
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