Senators set to vote on bill to codify Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage protections

Is this you doubling down and supporting oppression of people you don't like and disagree with?

I dont like the negative societal consequences that comes from their lifestyle. Has nothing to do with "oppression of people you dont like and disagree with".
You just said we should oppress and silence people you "disagree" with. Quite literally said we should be like Qatar.
It's becoming more clear to me that he's not right in the head. He can't follow his own arguments across multiple threads. At some point you just have to say "I met a moron today."
Said the opposite of that.
We need this here. Keep it in the closet, but you arent going to flaunt it in public.

No, you did not. You just literally said we should oppress and silence people that you don't like and disagree with. Like, here's your quote. You praised a murderous Qatari government and said we should emulate them.
Lol you have been quite transparent. You have a warped and disgusting view of what freedom is.

Odd how many generations of our ancestors had the same view of freedom. Yet you, a product of our current idiocracy, knows what freedom is better than them. Ok.
Odd how many generations of our ancestors had the same view of freedom. Yet you, a product of our current idiocracy, knows what freedom is better than them. Ok.
The same people who were cool with slavery and prevented women from voting? Is that your stance? Jesus. Our founders were great but not perfect
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No, you did not. You just literally said we should oppress and silence people that you don't like and disagree with. Like, here's your quote. You praised a murderous Qatari government and said we should emulate them.

I literally didnt say that, but is your distorted interpretation. I have given my reasons for my support of their policy and it has nothing to do with not liking them.
I literally didnt say that, but is your distorted interpretation. I have given my reasons for my support of their policy and it has nothing to do with not liking them.
Nope, nothing distorted about it. You literally said we should be like Qatar when it comes to LGBTQ rights. You want to even censor people's clothing. You want to make some American citizens less than your status. You said that, all over this thread. You want to gleefully put your boot on their throat, and if that isn't enough, you will gladly support the government doing so in your stead. You make a mockery of the freedom and liberty you claim to support.
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Nope, nothing distorted about it. You literally said we should be like Qatar when it comes to LGBTQ rights. You want to even censor people's clothing. You want to make some American citizens less than your status. You said that, all over this thread. You want to gleefully put your boot on their throat, and if that isn't enough, you will gladly support the government doing so in your stead. You make a mockery of the freedom and liberty you claim to support.

I never said I was gleeful. I also never said I dont like them as people. Why do you and others feel the need to constantly add things to my argument that I never said? Instead of debating me on what I said. I said I dont support incentivizing or promoting a lifestyle that is destructive to society. It's quite simple and straightforward.
I never said I was gleeful. I also never said I dont like them as people. Why do you and others feel the need to constantly add things to my argument that I never said? Instead of debating me on what I said. I said I dont support incentivizing or promoting a lifestyle that is destructive to society. It's quite simple and straightforward.
Nobody is adding **** to your argument; you praised a repressive government, and you can try to walk that back but it ain't happening. You are a hypocrite, quite simple and straightforward.
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Nobody is adding **** to your argument; you praised a repressive government, and you can try to walk that back but it ain't happening. You are a hypocrite, quite simple and straightforward.

I am not walking it back, just not allowing you to walk it wherever you want to take it. Sorry.
I am not walking it back, just not allowing you to walk it wherever you want to take it. Sorry.
We need this here. Keep it in the closet, but you arent going to flaunt it in public.

I quoted you earlier. I'll do it again.

Curious how you plan to force people back in the closet, and to keep them from "flaunting" it in public. Banning clothing is one step, apparently.
Remember schools banning MAGA shirts..oh yea I do.
Dont remember the freedom lovers standing up then.

And before someone screams out But That is Political...the Rainbow is as well. It moved beyond social when they injected it into the political realm in all our lives..So sorry, you cannot have your cake and eat it to.
Remember schools banning MAGA shirts..oh yea I do.
Dont remember the freedom lovers standing up then.

And before someone screams out But That is Political...the Rainbow is as well. It moved beyond social when they injected it into the political realm in all our lives..So sorry, you cannot have your cake and eat it to.
Of course it is political; when people want to use the government to treat a group they hate as a second-class citizen, it is going to be political.
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Odd how many generations of our ancestors had the same view of freedom. Yet you, a product of our current idiocracy, knows what freedom is better than them. Ok.
Freedom was slavery too. I assume our ancestors knew better.
The societal woes of freeing those pesky black folks has been staggering and that’s why I support slavery. It’s not about freedom because I’m all for freedom.
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Freedom was slavery too. I assume our ancestors knew better.
The societal woes of freeing those pesky black folks has been staggering and that’s why I support slavery. It’s not about freedom because I’m all for freedom.

I guess one “societal woe” would be a kid losing a scholarship by singing a song with certain lyrics written by certain people. Race based acceptable lyrics. 😂🤣

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